Canada Responds to The Great Depression
Social Response: Charity and Relief People coming together to treat their community members like familyPeople coming together to treat their community members like family Ex: soup kitchens, donations, community actionEx: soup kitchens, donations, community action
Social Response: Protest Made demands on the government, forcing change in policyMade demands on the government, forcing change in policy Ex: On to Ottawa, Regina RiotsEx: On to Ottawa, Regina Riots
Social Response: Distractions & Entertainment Became a unifying force within the countryBecame a unifying force within the country Ex: CBC radio shows, Dionne QuintupletsEx: CBC radio shows, Dionne Quintuplets
Political Response Generally didn’t workGenerally didn’t work
Political Response: W. L. M. King Essentially ignored the problemEssentially ignored the problem Felt that the Great Depression was an economic correction that would work itself out.Felt that the Great Depression was an economic correction that would work itself out. Laissez faire economic policyLaissez faire economic policy Outright refused to help provinces and municipalitiesOutright refused to help provinces and municipalities Infamously said he wouldn’t give a “five cent piece” to a Conservative provincial governmentInfamously said he wouldn’t give a “five cent piece” to a Conservative provincial government
Political Response: R. B. Bennett (pt. 1) Out of touch with the gravity of the situation (millionaire who lived on the top floor of a Montreal hotel)Out of touch with the gravity of the situation (millionaire who lived on the top floor of a Montreal hotel) Once said that “one of the greatest assets a man can have on entering life’s struggle is povertyOnce said that “one of the greatest assets a man can have on entering life’s struggle is poverty Imposed tariffs, created work campsImposed tariffs, created work camps His name became synonymous with the depressionHis name became synonymous with the depression
Bennett Buggy Bennett’s Backyard Bennett Blanket
Political Response: Regina Riot Bennett ordered the On-to Ottawa trains to stop in Regina, invited the leaders to Ottawa, hoping to calm thingsBennett ordered the On-to Ottawa trains to stop in Regina, invited the leaders to Ottawa, hoping to calm things Talks were unsuccessful, Bennett attacked leaders as communist radicals.Talks were unsuccessful, Bennett attacked leaders as communist radicals. Bennett ordered the arrest of the men, and a riot broke out: one RCMP dead, several citizens injuredBennett ordered the arrest of the men, and a riot broke out: one RCMP dead, several citizens injured
Political Response: R. B. Bennett (pt. 2) Followed US president Roosevelt’s “New Deal” programFollowed US president Roosevelt’s “New Deal” program Bennett introduced millions of dollars in relief payments including: Unemployment insuranceBennett introduced millions of dollars in relief payments including: Unemployment insurance Raising minimum wage Raising minimum wage Improved working conditions Improved working conditions Creation of agricultural support programs Creation of agricultural support programs Policies seen as “too little too late”Policies seen as “too little too late”
Political Response: New Political Parties Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) 1930’s witnessed the organization of workers into strong unions, especially in areas like the Prairies, and the West1930’s witnessed the organization of workers into strong unions, especially in areas like the Prairies, and the West Farmers were the hardest hit, and they wanted political representation – someone to listen to them. They wrote the Regina Manifesto, and fought for socialist ideasFarmers were the hardest hit, and they wanted political representation – someone to listen to them. They wrote the Regina Manifesto, and fought for socialist ideas Rise of CCF – today’s NDP – fought for worker’s rights, social programs, reliefRise of CCF – today’s NDP – fought for worker’s rights, social programs, relief
Political Response: New Political Parties Social Credit PartySocial Credit Party was a grassroots conservative party that believed strongly that he government should reimburse citizens with small payments when possible.was a grassroots conservative party that believed strongly that he government should reimburse citizens with small payments when possible. Founder was William Aberhart, or “Bible Bill”Founder was William Aberhart, or “Bible Bill” Promised that every citizen would receive $25 if they voted for him, he did not fulfill his promise, however he was Premier of Alberta for over a decadePromised that every citizen would receive $25 if they voted for him, he did not fulfill his promise, however he was Premier of Alberta for over a decade
Political Response: New Political Parties Union nationaleUnion nationale Maurice Duplessis formed a party that supported Quebec nationalism – roots of separatismMaurice Duplessis formed a party that supported Quebec nationalism – roots of separatism Relied heavily on support of Catholic church, and traditional “French values”Relied heavily on support of Catholic church, and traditional “French values” Premier for over 20 yearsPremier for over 20 years