1. Reparations Reduce Military Loss of territory Guilt Clause Points, President Wilson 3. Printing money, inflation, 4 trillion Marks 4. Stock Market Crash Overproduction of factories/farms Dust Bowl
5. Unemployment Bread Lines, malnutrition, “Okies” to CA Banks closed 6. Franklin Roosevelt, New Deal, National Parks, Social Security, Bank deposits 7. Josef Stalin in the Soviet Union Benito Mussolini in Italy Adolf Hitler in Germany
Poor Family, scarred Driven to success Eliminated opposition Used Propaganda Total control Big Ego Expelled for stabbing Eliminated opposition Used Propaganda Total control Troubled relationship[ with father Younger brother died Became artist Eliminated opposition Used Propaganda Total control Anti- Semite A State controlled economy where people work for the good of the country- Command Economy Use nationalism and propaganda to rally people and eliminate opposing views A form of fascism that also includes racist beliefs, particularly about Jews.
8. Adolf Hitler, German greatness and pride 9. Jews, Communists, Weimar Republic 10. terrorized, beaten, concentration camps 11. pogrom, Kristallnacht, synagogues burned Jewish stores looted thousands arrested and sent to concentration camps
12. Ghettos, lack of food & water, space, poor sanitation 13. Men, women, and children were taken to death camps where they were killed with poisonous gas and then their bodies were cremated. Six Million
14. Germany invaded Poland in 1939 15. Germany Italy Japan Great Britain France United States USSR
16. Germany invaded USSR in June 1941 and ultimately lost Japan attacked Pearl Harbor These events brought the USSR and US into the war on the side of the Allies 17. Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, America would be unwilling and unable to enter the war. 18. President Roosevelt, infamy, World War II
19. liberate France from German occupation. 20. Big Squeeze - The Soviet Union was fighting Germany on the East and the U.S. was fighting Germany from the West. 21. He took his own life, rather than be captured.
22. Island Hopping 23. Kamikaze, fly their planes into American ships on suicide missions 24. Manhattan Project 25. The United States dropped the Atomic Bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
26. Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and be confined to Internment Camps during the war. Many lost their homes and businesses.