LOTE Common Core Modules Lillian Carey Director of LOTE and Instructional Technology for Hauppauge Public Schools Lillian Carey Director of LOTE and Instructional.


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Presentation transcript:

LOTE Common Core Modules Lillian Carey Director of LOTE and Instructional Technology for Hauppauge Public Schools Lillian Carey Director of LOTE and Instructional Technology for Hauppauge Public Schools

Polleverywhere: text to 37607

September, 2011: The EngageNY team has offered the following guidance regarding LOTE: Languages Other Than English teachers should be aware of the Common Core State Standards and the shifts they represent, and think about how their own instructional practice may change as a result. LOTE teachers should deliver a Common Core aligned unit based on the charge from the Commissioner; however, that unit should be in LOTE (not in ELA or Math) and be aligned to the six shifts and/or Common Core Learning Standards -— but taking into account the level of instruction for the class. Shift 2 in the Six Shifts in ELA/Literacy includes "Building Knowledge in the Disciplines.”

Common Core Standards Adopted by the NYS Board of Regents in January 2011 Result of a joint effort by National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council fo Chief State School Officers Designed to be internationally benchmarked and aligned to work and post secondary expectations (college & career readiness skills)

CCSS adopted by:

CCSS for College and Career Readiness

Instructional shifts for ELA: What are the shifts for LOTE? Text W 50 Text X X X ?

What are the shifts in LOTE? Balance literary/non-fiction texts: using authentic texts (created for the native speakers that provide rich source of current language and culture Close reading - digging into text, inferring, reading between the lines,analyzing vocabulary & structure, etc. Design presentational tasks (speaking or writing) that require students to evaluate, integrate, evaluate evidence gleaned from multiple sources (audio, video, and print media). Design written and oral tasks that require students to advance an argument (persuasion) or explain or shed light on a topic (explanatory)

Why transition to CC? NYSED Mandate LOTE AP and IB Exams are already aligned to CC If we don’t define how Common Core Standards are integrated with LOTE instruction, someone else will!

AP Language and Culture Format


What if we used our texts (audio, video, & print) to serve as prompts or sources for our speaking and writing tasks?

Step 1: Develop World Language Themes K-12

Proposed WL Themes


Let’s get started.... First think about what the important skills and big ideas students will walk away with Determine what students should be able to do with the language at the end of the unit. Plan the tasks for those resources. Select the resources that will be used.

What will you need? Lots and lots of texts! Videos Audios Blogs Surveys Articles Interviews Essays Poems Short stories

Unit theme: Social Relationships NYS Syllabus topic:Meal taKing Essential question for Meal taking: Why is the relationship between what we eat and good health? Enduring understanding: Students will understand that when and what we eat can affect the quality of our lives. Students will understand that geography and culture influence our diet and meal taking preferences. Context for unit and summative assessment: A new company has been hired to manage the school cafeteria and is asking the students for their suggestions on how to better meet their dietary needs.

Finding resources.. My search process: *Google sentences in the target language relating to your topic or perhaps what you think a student might write or say about this topic. comidas favoritas; comidas saludables, el desayuno es la comida más importante, por qué el desayuno * I selected “blogs” as the type of media I wanted to search Youtube and Audio-lingua for my audio/visual sources My search process: *Google sentences in the target language relating to your topic or perhaps what you think a student might write or say about this topic. comidas favoritas; comidas saludables, el desayuno es la comida más importante, por qué el desayuno * I selected “blogs” as the type of media I wanted to search Youtube and Audio-lingua for my audio/visual sources

Resources * Collect many more than you need * Select the ones to be used in class and then set aside those you will use in the CC IPA. * Determine the vocabulary and grammar they will need to negotiate these sources – pick your resources so they are using similar vocabulary and structure * Make a list of the academic vocabulary they will need – this will depend on resources and the tasks: “according to the article”, “in my opinion”, “the majority”, “the percentage” * Collect many more than you need * Select the ones to be used in class and then set aside those you will use in the CC IPA. * Determine the vocabulary and grammar they will need to negotiate these sources – pick your resources so they are using similar vocabulary and structure * Make a list of the academic vocabulary they will need – this will depend on resources and the tasks: “according to the article”, “in my opinion”, “the majority”, “the percentage”

STANDARDS R7: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media including visually and quantitatively as well as in words. W8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. SL1: Prepare for and participate in a range of conversations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. SL2: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media including visually and quantitatively as well as in words. L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard grammar and usage when writing or speaking Cultures: Practices and Products: Examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. Connections: Acquire information from other content areas using authentic sources. Comparisons: Evaluate similarities and differences in the perspectives of the target culture as found in multimedia and digital/print resources.

Learning activities Prior to CC activities: Introduce/review vocabulary & structure needed for topic and unit activities Interpretive Audio: Students will listen to several brief audio clips of people describing what they have for breakfast. Students will have a handout with pictures of various foods and be asked to write the name of the speaker next to the food items she mentions. Clip 1: KatrinaKatrina Clip 2: IreneIrene Clip 3: Katrina ColombiaKatrina Colombia Interpersonal: Students will interview each other regarding their eating habits. Class activity: Complete a Venn diagram with the breakfast foods mentioned from Spain, Colombia, and the U.S. Presentational task: Students will write a journal entry or blog about what they typically have for breakfast

Interpretive Viewing: Students view Youtube clip from Spain presenting the importance of a healthy breakfast: they circle or list the foods recommended for a healthy breakfast in the clip,make notes about differences between foods depicted in video and those of a typical “American” breakfastYoutube Presentational writing task: An exchange student from Spain will be staying with you for a few days. In order to make him feel at home and based on the video, write a note to your mother telling her the foods she might want to buy or prepare for him to eat for breakfast. Interpretive Reading: Students read an article about a healthy breakfast and have to list the foods recommended for a healthy breakfast and classify them (fats,dairy, etc)article Students read a second article about the benefits of a healthy breakfast. Students underline words or phrases that refer to benefits of a healthy breakfast for students.article Presentational Oral task: Students describe what they typically have for breakfast and describe why they think it is a healthy breakfast based on the reading.

Summative Assessment * INTERPRETIVE AUDIO/VIDEO : Students view a clip or listen to an audio presenting the need for a good breakfast. Task requires them to identify the elements of a good breakfast and reasons for needing a good breakfast.clip * INTERPRETIVE READING : Students read an ad describing the benefits of a good breakfast for students. Students demonstrate understanding by matching images to benefits.ad * PRESENTATIONAL WRITING: Using supporting details from your texts, write an to your school principal to supporting the need for schools to offer breakfast to students at school. OR Create a video public service announcement for your school on the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.

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