Thylacines Tasmanian wolf
Habitat The Tasmanian wolf was commonly found in Australia on islands like Tasmania. It became extinct in Australia because it could not compete with the other carnivorous animals also trying to get food. People began destroying the Tasmanian wolves homes and replacing them with farms for their own animals.
Other Facts The Tasmanian wolf was a carnivore and attacked smaller animals. Once its food source reduced it started eating the farmers sheep. The farmers didn’t like wild animals attacking their sheep so they started a campaign to kill the carnivores that came around. People began poisoning, shooting, trapping, hunting, etc. the Tasmanian wolf and the population of them went down. An unidentified disease spread through the remaining Tasmanian wolves and people say the wild ones became extinct. In the year 1936, the last living Tasmanian wolf died in captivity. Later after that, people reported seeing some in the wild. They searched from the 1930’s to 1960’s but never found any. In 1961, it was believed that a baby male Tasmanian wolf had been killed by accident on the west coast in Tasmania.
Tasmanian Wolf in captivity video: com/watch?v=6vqC CI1ZF7o
Bibliography Background: First slide pic: Description Facts: Tasmania map: Tasmania scenery: Sheep: estock Wolf in captivity: Slide #5 picture: tiger2.jpg