New Physics Effects in Higgs Pair Production Chuan-Ren Chen (NTNU) 10/8/2014, 2 nd International Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology after Higgs.


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Presentation transcript:

New Physics Effects in Higgs Pair Production Chuan-Ren Chen (NTNU) 10/8/2014, 2 nd International Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology after Higgs and NTHU

CRC (NTNU)2 preprint 31 Jul 2012 preprint 31 Aug 2012 July , both CMS and ATLAS announced discovery of new particle > 5 σ standard deviations Mass: GeV (CMS) (ATLAS) Main channel: γγ, ZZ (4 leptons)


4 for M H = 125 GeV ggh =15.32 pb VBF =1.211 pbWH = pb ZH = pb ttH = pb ggh VBF WH ZH ttH

CRC (NTNU)5 dominates total width ZZ, WW and γγ are important for discovery


γγ : > 1.5 SM ZZ, WW ~ SM

CRC (NTNU)8 h  γγ : ATLAS still ≳ SM

CRC (NTNU)9 only SM particles are considered test couplings of Higgs boson to other SM particles can not determine Higgs boson self coupling!! Higgs pair production is needed.

CRC (NTNU)10 * w/ 3000 fb 100 TeV pp collider, hhh coupling can be measured with 8 % accuracy Yao, Baglio, Djouadi, Grober, Muhlleitner, Quevillon, Spira, * quite promising that one can discover Djouadi, Kilian, Muhlleitner, Zerwas, hep-ph/ Asakawa, Harada, Kanemura, Okada, Tsumura, Dawson, Dittmaier, Spira, hep-ph/ Dawson, Furlan, Lewis, Glover, van der BIJ, NPB 309(1998)282Plehn, Spira, Zerwas, NPB 479(1996)46 self coupling

CRC (NTNU)11 CRC, Low, can fit SM cross section even g hhh vanishes or flips sign g hhh = SM value

CRC (NTNU)12 total cross section contour cross section itself is insensitive to Higgs trilinear coupling!!

CRC (NTNU) 13 triangle  low M hh and low p t box diagram  higher M hh and higher p t tthh diagram  even higher M hh and even higher p t SM

CRC (NTNU)14 constrain on Ctri is weak w/ more assumptions, we can have more implications

CRC (NTNU)15 M hh (GeV) black: SM red: C nl =0, C tri =0.2, C box =0.8 green: C nl =0, C tri =1.2, C box =1.8 blue: C nl =-0.22, C tri =1, C box =0.5 yellow: C nl =0.36, C tri =1, C box =0.5 different combinations give same cross section, but different M hh and P t distributions

CRC (NTNU)16 constrain some parameter space

CRC (NTNU)17 different combinations of C tri, C box and C NL produce similar distributions  need more information to break the degeneracy

CRC (NTNU)18 * A new scalar with mass ~ 125 GeV is discovered and its properties are consistent with SM Higgs boson. * Higgs self-coupling is crucial!!  not measured yet. * Higgs pair production is important for the trilinear coupling, however, total cross section is not that sensitive to it. * Kinematic distributions can break some degeneracy but more information is needed for a significant improvement!!