Uranus By Zekiel Taliaferro
Planet symbol/ origin of name The name of the seventh planet originally was the Georgian planet after king gorge the third then was latter renamed to fit the god theme to Uranus the sky god
Discovery Uranus was discovered by William Hershel on march 13, 1781
Distances Uranus is 7th from the sun Uranus Is 2869.6 km away from the sun Uranus is 2723.7 km away from earth
Measurements Mass: 8.68 times 10 to the 25th power Volume: 68334695584km squared Density: 1.27 denser then water so it would sink Gravity 91%of earths
Orbit and rotation It takes about 84.07 earth years to orbit the sun Takes 17hrs earth time to rotate on its axis
atmosphere Made up of hydrogen and helium and methane
Temperature The temp is -350F
Composition/Appearance Uranus is a gas giant Uranus look blue because of the methane in the atmosphere
weather Fast wind (1000km/hour) Hurricanes Tornados
rings There are 13 rings In 1977 they found the rings
moons There are 27 moons Titania and Orberon are the largest Uranus moons
water Ice water
If a human traveled to your planet They would choke or freeze
Bibliography "Solar System Exploration: Home Page." Solar System Exploration: Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec. 2013. All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning Software." All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec. 2013. "Solar System." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Jan. 2014.