Pico de Fogo, Cape Verde Islands Colby College Geology Department Daniel MacDonald and Matt Epstein
Geography and Tectonics Located off the west coast of Africa Within the boundaries of the African Plate Formed above mantle plume Population: 37,200 Area: 476 km 2 Fogo is roughly circular, with a width of about 25 km
Form and Dimensions Active stratovolcano Active stratovolcano Summit Elevation: 2829m (9279 ft.) Summit Elevation: 2829m (9279 ft.) Vent/cone enclosed within the larger caldera (Cha Caldera) which is roughly 9 km Vent/cone enclosed within the larger caldera (Cha Caldera) which is roughly 9 km Caldera opens out on the east side- possibly from past eruptions Caldera opens out on the east side- possibly from past eruptions
Eruptive History Pico de Fogo, it’s estimated, began it’s eruptive history as far back as Since then, Pico de Fogo has erupted in:
Current Eruption Began erupting on November 23, 2014 Began erupting on November 23, 2014 Lava from multiple vents merged to form one flow which destroyed two villages (Portela and Bangeira) in Cha Caldera Lava from multiple vents merged to form one flow which destroyed two villages (Portela and Bangeira) in Cha Caldera report.com/2014/12/08/ fogo-volcano-activity- report-lava-flow-speed- increases-downhill/ report.com/2014/12/08/ fogo-volcano-activity- report-lava-flow-speed- increases-downhill/ report.com/2014/12/08/ fogo-volcano-activity- report-lava-flow-speed- increases-downhill/ report.com/2014/12/08/ fogo-volcano-activity- report-lava-flow-speed- increases-downhill/
Geology Foidite – Rock possibly containing minerals of plagioclase, biotite, pyroxene, and/or olivine among others. Foidite – Rock possibly containing minerals of plagioclase, biotite, pyroxene, and/or olivine among others. Trachybasalt / Tephrite Basanite – Another rock near the top of Bowen’s reaction series that sits between the composition of trachyte and basalt. Trachybasalt / Tephrite Basanite – Another rock near the top of Bowen’s reaction series that sits between the composition of trachyte and basalt. Phonolite – Igneous rock with composition between felsic and mafic. Phonolite – Igneous rock with composition between felsic and mafic.
Eruptive Styles Strombolian-> lava fountains and flows that have low viscosity. Strombolian-> lava fountains and flows that have low viscosity. Pahoehoe and aa flows are also common during eruptions (like the ones from the video). Pahoehoe and aa flows are also common during eruptions (like the ones from the video). Frequent eruptions prevent pressure from building causing less explosive eruptions. Frequent eruptions prevent pressure from building causing less explosive eruptions.
Tourism Hiking and Horseback riding Hiking and Horseback riding Tourists can explore São Filipe (the biggest city), and take a taxi to the volcano caldera Tourists can explore São Filipe (the biggest city), and take a taxi to the volcano caldera They can also visit Tinteira, a town built with dark lava rocks They can also visit Tinteira, a town built with dark lava rocks Lastly, the black sand beaches on Fogo are an equally desirable tourist destination Lastly, the black sand beaches on Fogo are an equally desirable tourist destination
Monitoring Installment of the VIGIL network after the 1995 eruption Installment of the VIGIL network after the 1995 eruption Seismographic stations, broadband and short-period Seismographic stations, broadband and short-period Tiltmeters Tiltmeters CO 2 sensors CO 2 sensors Geothermal research currently happening on Pico de Fogo Geothermal research currently happening on Pico de Fogo
Bibliography Afp. "Volcanic Eruption in Cape Verde Destroys Two Villages." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 16 Dec Web. 25 Jan Afp. "Volcanic Eruption in Cape Verde Destroys Two Villages." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 16 Dec Web. 25 Jan "Cape Verde Islands." Cape Verde: Island of Fogo. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan "Cape Verde Islands." Cape Verde: Island of Fogo. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan "Fogo Volcano." Fogo Volcano. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan "Fogo Volcano." Fogo Volcano. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan "Fogo Volcano Activity Report – New Satellite Lava Flow Map." EarthquakeReportcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan "Fogo Volcano Activity Report – New Satellite Lava Flow Map." EarthquakeReportcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan Fonseca, Joao F.B.D. "Multiparameter Monitoring of Fogo Island, Cape Verde, for Volcanic Risk Mitigation." Multiparameter Monitoring of Fogo Island, Cape Verde, for Volcanic Risk Mitigation (n.d.): n. pag. Science Direct. Web. 24 Jan Fonseca, Joao F.B.D. "Multiparameter Monitoring of Fogo Island, Cape Verde, for Volcanic Risk Mitigation." Multiparameter Monitoring of Fogo Island, Cape Verde, for Volcanic Risk Mitigation (n.d.): n. pag. Science Direct. Web. 24 Jan "Global Volcanism Program | Fogo." Global Volcanism Program | Fogo. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan "Global Volcanism Program | Fogo." Global Volcanism Program | Fogo. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan "Pico Do Fogo Volcanic Eruption | EarthScope." Pico Do Fogo Volcanic Eruption. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan "Pico Do Fogo Volcanic Eruption | EarthScope." Pico Do Fogo Volcanic Eruption. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan