BE-ABP-Group Meeting ABP Group 1 Administrative News Main goals for this meeting: Excuse for getting together in mid-term + LHC and project update + administrative news Project News for LIU and HL-LHC Schedule, LS1 Progress and Planning for RunII Overview of activities from the section leaders BBQ and drinks Group Structure BE-ABP group meeting; Report from the June BE Retreat
Version 4 c/o Marzia Bernardini Access system tests: 8/9 Nov. DSO tests: 15/16 Nov. Transfer line tests: 22/23 Nov.
2015 strategy Low intensity commissioning of full cycle – 2 months First stable beams – low number of bunches LHCf and Van der Meer Scrubbing for 50 ns (partially with 25 ns) Intensity ramp-up with 50 ns – Commissioning continued: system (instrumentation, RF, TFB etc.), injection, machine protection, instrumentation… – Characterize vacuum, heat load, electron cloud, losses, instabilities, UFOs, impedance Scrubbing for 25 ns 25 ns operation – relaxed beta* Commission lower beta* 25 ns operation (Ramp-up: all year in 2010, 4 months in 2011, 2 weeks in 2012)
Run 2Run 3 Run 4 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4LS 5Run 5 LS2 starting in 2018 (July)=> 18 months + 3 months BC LS3LHC: starting in 2023 =>30 months + 3 months BC Injectors: in 2024=>13 months + 3 months BC LHC Schedule beyond LS1 Beam commissioning Technical stop Shutdown Physics Run 2Run 3 Run 4 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4LS 5Run 5 (Extended) Year End Technical Stop: (E)YETS EYETS YETS 300 fb -1 3’000 fb fb -1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Updated schedule from beginning 2014
2015 Q1/Q2
2015 Q3/Q4
2015 version 4.0 PhaseDays Initial Commissioning56 Scrubbing23 Early LHCf/VdM5 Proton physics 50 ns ns – phase 144 Change in beta* 5 Proton physics phase 2 (including ramp-up) 51 TOTEM/VdM (Note: TOTEM request ~ 2 weeks) Intermediate energy run – to be scheduled 7 MD (down 3 days)19 Technical stops (down 1 TS)10 Technical stop recovery (down 2 days)4 Ion setup/Ion run Total280 (40 weeks)
NcBeta * ppbEmitNLumiDays (approx) Int lumiPileup 50 ns e e3321~1 fb e e fb e e fb Potential performance Conservative beta* to start Conservative bunch population Reasonable emittance into collisions Assume same machine availability as 2012
Injectors preliminary
ABP Group 11 Project News for HL-LHC and LIU LIU: Malika Meddahi is new LIU Project Leader (Roland Garoby leaves CERN) & Giovanni takes on the role as new deputy RLIUP Workshop in October 2013 Dedicated Ions ‘mini Workshop’ in 2014 LIU TDR planned for 2014 HL-LHC: USLARP CC Review in February 2014 Down selection 2 cavity types selected for test in the SPS PDR in preparation with publication goal of October 2014 3 rd General HL-LHC and USLARP meeting in November 2014 BE-ABP group meeting;
Oliver Brüning, CERN cm -2 s ns bunch high pile up cm -2 s ns bunch pile up cm -2 s ns bunch pile up 60 Technical limits (experiments, too) like : 50 25 ns Run I Run II Run III LHC Performance Projection BE-ABP group meeting;
Oliver Brüning, CERN 13 The critical zones around IP1 and IP5 More than 1.2 km of LHC Plus technical infrastructure (e.g. Cryo and Powering) More than 1.2 km of LHC Plus technical infrastructure (e.g. Cryo and Powering) ATLAS 1.New triplet Nb 3 Sn required due to: -Radiation damage -Need for more aperture 2. Need to modify a large part of the matching section: e.g. Crab Cavities & D1, D2, Q4 & corrector 3. Need to change the DS in the continuous cryostat for making room for additional collimators: 11T Nb 3 Sn dipole CMS BE-ABP group meeting;
Oliver Brüning, CERN USLARP SC-RF Review in February 2014: RF Dipole: Waveguide or waveguide-coax couplers Double ¼-wave: Coaxial couplers with hook-type antenna 4-rod: Coaxial couplers with different antenna types 3 Advanced Design Studies with Different Coupler concepts 14 Concentrate on two designs in order to be ready for test installation in SPS in 2016/2017 TS Concentrate on two designs in order to be ready for test installation in SPS in 2016/2017 TS Present baseline: 4 cavity/cryomod TEST in SPS under preparation for 2017 Present baseline: 4 cavity/cryomod TEST in SPS under preparation for 2017 BE-ABP group meeting;
Oliver Brüning, CERN 15 The HL-LHC Nb-Ti magnet zoo… D1 (KEK) Nested Orbit corrector (CIEMAT) HO correctors: superferric (INFN) D2 (INFN) Q4 (CEA) D2 corr BE-ABP group meeting;
Oliver Brüning, CERN 16 In-kind contribution and Collaboration for HW design and prototypes Q1-Q3 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind USA D1 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind JP MCBX : Design and Prototype ES HO Correctors: Design and Prototypes IT Q4 : Design and Prototype FR Q1-Q3 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind USA D1 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind JP MCBX : Design and Prototype ES HO Correctors: Design and Prototypes IT Q4 : Design and Prototype FR CC : R&D, Design and in-kind USA CC : R&D and Design UK ATLAS CMS BE-ABP group meeting;
17 CERN Staff numbers: reached target of 2250 staff members in 2012 allows replacement of retired staff ✔ allocation of Flexibility posts in 2012 for 5 years ✔ Indefinite Contract Policy: CERN requested to have not more than 1750 IC posts we have currently 1782 IC posts at CERN impact on LD2IC conversion! 2012 Flexibility posts (LD contracts) impact on LD2IC conversion! BE-ABP group meeting; Report from the June BE Retreat
capture rates: 1750 IC limit interpreted as FTE 1830 head counts BE-ABP group meeting; Report from the June BE Retreat 2016 capture rates: 45% for the A&T sector 30% for Research (PH and IT) 40% for Admin (DG, DGS, FP, GS, HR, PF) 28 slots for the BE department over the next 3 years Contract policy: clearly has an impact on the capture rate! investigating policy similar to old FT contracts
ABP Group 19 Administrative News I CERN: LS2 delayed by 6-9 month and length extended to 18 month LS3 delayed by 12 month and length extended to 30 month Erk Jensen appointed as SCRF coordinator at CERN Volker Mertens joined the HI-ISOLDE project management in December 2014 Several expressions of interest for becoming CERN member state: Israel, India, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia… Council approved the new MTP in June 2014 Implicit approval of LIU and HL-LHC project funding (10% cut)! BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 20 Administrative News II BE-ABP Office Space: 1)Cafeteria: Started renovation last Friday afternoon will be closed for the coming weeks 2)Fire in building 6: Severe damage to some offices and the auditorium Nobody got hurt! But repair work might affect us for several weeks Please follow the safety instructions and markings! BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 21 Administrative News II Meryn Fire: BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 22 Administrative News II Meryn Fire: BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 23 Administrative News II Meryn Fire: BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 24 Administrative News II Meryn Fire: BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 25 Administrative News III BE: Roland Garoby leaves CERN as of 1 st October for ESS Oliver Brüning appointed as new DDH as of 1 st October 2014 ABP GL, DDH and HL-LHC DPL is too much Possibility of securing post replacement for BE and ABP Would have been time anyway after more than 10 years at end of 2015 Decision to step down as ABP group leader as of 1 st October 2014 (after approximately one decade) Gianluigi Arduini has been appointed as new ABP group leader BE-ABP group meeting;
Group Leader: O. Brüning 11 Deputy GL: G. Arduini 17 Administrative support: A. Lombardi Group Secretary: D. Rivoiron S. Maury HSL Hadrons Sources & Linacs HSC Hadron Synchrotrons Collective effects HSS Hadron Synchrotrons Single particle dynamics LAT Lepton Accelerators & Test Facilities R. Scrivens MS E. MétralM. Giovannozzi LMC, 7 R. Corsini P. Andersson G. Bellodi MS S. Bertolo TSO D. Kuchler MS J.B. Lallement MS J. Lettry A. Lombardi 1 C. Mastrostefano T, MSI M. O’Neil T, MS F. Wenander MS 11 staff H. Bartosik (February 2015) E. Benedetto MS O. Berrig M. Bodendorfer MS C. Carli 15 K. Li T. Pieloni G. Rumolo 20 B. Salvant MS F. Schmidt G. Sterbini MS E. Wildner 12 staff R. Bruce H. Burkhardt 9, 10, 18 R. De Maria 16 L. Deniau 3 S. Fartoukh S. Gilardoni MS, 5 J. Jowett 12 S. Redaelli LMC, 8,, 19 G. Roy 4 A.Rossi P. Skowronski R. Tomas F. Zimmermann staff H. Bartosik (February 2015) W. Herr B. Holzer LMC J.B. Jeanneret T A. Latina I. Papaphilippou MS G. Rumolo D. Schulte P. Skowronski R. Tomas 10 staff BE-ABP group meeting; ABP Group 26
Functions LMC: LHC Machine CoordinatorMS: Machine Supervisor MSI: Machine SuperintendentT : TSO (1): LINAC4 Dep. Project Leader(2): PS-SPS Complex Machine Development Coordinator (3): MADX Custodian(4): BE Departmental Space manager (5): MTE Beam Commissioning Coordinator, PS- LIU project coordinator(6): ELENA Project Leader (7): MTE Project Leader (8): Collimation Project Leader (9): LHC Background WG Coordinator(10): Computer Administration (11) HL-LHC Deputy Project Leader(12): LHC Ion Coordinator (13): EuCard Coordinator, MD:LSWG Coordinator(14): CLIC-CTF3 Collaboration Spoke-person (15): ELENA Project Leader (16) : SixTrack Custodian (17): HL-LHC WP2 Coordinator(18) : HL-LHC WP8 Coordinator (19): HL-LHC WP5 Coordinator (20): LIU Deputy Project Leader * Part Time ABP Group 27 BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 28 BBQ Many thanks to our volunteers who agreed to prepare and setup the BBQ: Getting the goods: Thanks to all section leaders and Delphine Preparation and setting up. Big thanks to: Delphine Rivoiron, all section leaders, Daniele Mirarchi, Elena Quaranta, Ciprian Tomoiaga, Tatiana Libera Rijoff, Giovanni Iadarola, Ville Aleksi Toianen, Joshua Tobias Stafford-Haworth, Anna Magdalena Kowalska, Roberto Rossi, Gianluca Valentino BE-ABP group meeting;
ABP Group 29 BBQ BBQ area in Prevessin: Bldg 972 BE-ABP group meeting;