Space & Satellite Regulatory Colloquium Future Policy, Legal, and Practical issues in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) With Dr. Scott Madry Executive Director What is the role of GNSS in the New Space Revolution?
Satellites? From the Latin satellus: a servant or attendant, one who serves a powerful master or Lord First named for the moons of the planets (named for ancient gods) that seemed to run quickly around their masters An appropriate name for these orbiting servants of humanity
Global Navigation Satellite Systems PNT PNT- Positioning, Navigation and Timing Navstar GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Compass, IRNSS, etc. These and follow-on systems provide precision navigation and timing for global land, air, sea, space use A vital new role for space applications The world-wide value chain for precise positioning GPS goods and services went from US$3 Billion in 2008 to US$ 100 Billion by 2019 7 bil GNSS units by 2022
A Complex Policy Domain The was once only the US GPS Now multiple overlapping DUAL USE systems Complex issues of national security, commerce, jobs, pride, prestige and more How does New Space fit in?
GNSS Spectrum
GPS Jamming Cheap jammers on the internet for US$50 Illegal in most countries Used to defeat fleet tracking, e-pay on toll roads, and anti-theft systems Only work for a few meters
More Powerful Jammers the South Korea Communications Commission informed lawmakers that between August 23 and 25, 2010 signals emanating from near the North Korean city of Kaesong interfered with South Korean GPS military and civilian receivers on land and at sea. Officials say the jammers were repeatedly switched on for 10-minute periods over a number of hours during the three days. Extremely low power, and are only about 50 x 10-18 W by the time they reach the surface of the Earth.
Required Service Use? Russia and China have announced intention to require use of national signals and equipment, EU may follow A serious issue with WTO implications
Legal and Policy Issues Tracking parolees (+125k), dementia patients, employees, spouses… U.S. v. Jones, 10-1259 a 2012 unanimous Supreme Court ruling that police must get a search warrant before using GPS to track suspects A very narrow ruling Authenticity and accuracy? Who owns the data?
Legal and Ethical Issues Personal privacy- Investigatory data Who owns data? Who can see it? Who can sell it? Who is liable if it is wrong? Do police require warrants for GNSS tracking? LBS Location Based Services- opt in or opt out? GPS Jammer Locator
Vision Statement of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) The International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) strives to encourage and facilitate compatibility, interoperability and transparency between all the satellite navigation systems, to promote and protect the use of their open service applications and thereby benefit the global community. Our vision is to ensure the best satellite based positioning, navigation and timing for peaceful uses for everybody, anywhere, any time.
ICAO The 1998 Charter on the Rights and Obligations of States Relating to GNSS Services states (in part): “2. Every State and aircraft of all States shall have access, on a non-discriminatory basis under uniform conditions, to the use of GNSS services, including regional augmentation systems for aeronautical use within the area of coverage of such systems… 4. Every State providing GNSS services, including signals, or under whose jurisdiction such services are provided, shall ensure the continuity, availability, integrity, accuracy and reliability of such services, including effective arrangements to minimize the operational impact of system malfunctions or failure, and to achieve expeditions service recovery.”
Thank you! GNSS is Dual Use Complex national security, commercial, prestige issues No true commercial systems in view NewSpace applications, not GNSS signal providers, will be the future