1 Corporation Point of Sale, Internet-Delivered Payment and e-Commerce Solutions (HINT: please use the left mouse button instead of the “ENTER” key to go through the presentation)
2 1.Fast Customer Cycling 2.Customer Base Retention & Expansion 3.Cost Justifiable 4.Simple to Learn and Operate 5.Integrity of Transactions 6.Host capture/Batch editing 7.Transaction Data on Demand Requirements for QSR e-Payment Systems
3 The Power of a Secure, Internet-Driven Solution One least expensive, full-time Internet connection for multiple payment terminals Payment authorizations in 1-3 sec vs sec (dial- up) More customers can be served during peak hours, more revenue, fewer “walk-offs” Host capture, no transactions lost in terminals Complete transaction & receipt information is available instantaneously and securely on the Web Streamlined monitoring and reconciliation Highly efficient chargeback resolution
4 " Speed of service is what interested us in the PayMate product. What we have is much more than speed of service enhancements. Host capture of data at the time of sale and signature capture to a hosted site are two benefits that free the managers from having to deal with chargebacks and terminals that fail and have unprocessed transactions. This moves the credit card industry from the antiquated batch processing of data to a more real-time capture of data. It is also one more step towards broadband being the only connection needed for a restaurant.“ Brian Callahan, CIO, Taco Cabana What Taco Cabana says …
5 PayMate System - siNET POINT OF SALE (POS) Payment Terminals POS System Integrated Payment System Maximum Payment Efficiency Protected LAN Environment Credit/Debit/Gift/Smart Cards Customer Activated Virtual PIN Pad e-Signature Capture (opt.) e-Receipt Capture (opt.) Advertising Internet 24/7 Security, Support & Back-Up Real-Time Status Monitoring Automatic Alarm Messages Transaction Data Storage and Back-Up Electronic Receipt Storage PayMate Transaction Server OUTLET / HOME OFFICE Internet PayMate Internet Appliance Full-Time Internet Interface High-Speed Payment Authorizations Internet Firewall VPN (Virtual Private Network) Stand-in / Dial-up Backup to ISP Remote Status Monitoring Remote Upgrade Facility Secure Web Interface Real-time Data Access On-demand Receipt Retrieval Efficient Reconciliation Credit Card Processors
6 Electronic Signature & Receipt Capture Lowest Rates Fast, Efficient Chargeback Resolution Printer Paper Savings No Paper Receipt Storage Store Manager Can Concentrate on Running the Business
9 PayMate’s Robustness Features RUF (Remote Upgrade Facility): –Allows PayMate to add features, maintain new releases via the Internet Server Status: –Maintains operational status of deployed units and rapidly alerts support personnel of service interruptions Stand-in Processing: –In the event of loss of connections between client and server or between server and authorizer, PayMate Will establish back-up, dial-ISP connections, where possible Will provide secure storage of pending transactions with automatic submission when communications are re-established
10 PayMate.net Rises Above the Competition FeatureDial-UpLeased line/Frame Relay (Dedicated) Satellite (Dedicated) Wireless (via mobile phone networks) PayMate Advantage? SpeedPoor (15-60 sec)Good (~3sec) Good (~ 3 + sec) but variable. Best (1-3 sec) ReliabilityGoodExcellentVariable (weather related) GoodExcellent. On-Site Auth. & Back-up Dial connection prevent service interruptions Service Coverage Very Good (wherever phone connections avail.) Good (requires significant investment) Very Good (Requires significant installation investment) Spotty Very Good (w/ DSL, Cable, and VSAT) Multifunctionality Limited Web access, E- mail, and Advertising with very specific payment terminals Good. Expensive custom systems used by large, multi-lane establishments Good. Applications provided via private satellite connection Varies with terminal and service. Web access, , Advertising, Real-time reporting only with few, expensive payment terminals Best. PayMate Appliance provides Internet firewall for LAN, Router, Back-up facilities, Web access, , Real- time reporting, Advertising Connection Flexibility Connectivity to most payment terminals and enterprise systems Custom h/w and s/w interfaces required Special h/w and s/w interfaces required Connections restricted to wireless-specific payment terminals and few, new store management systems Flexible connectivity to old and new payment terminals and store management systems Installation complexity SimpleVery Complex & Expensive Complex & ExpensiveSimple
11 PayMate.net Rises Above the Competition (cont’d) FeatureDial-UpLeased line/Frame Relay (Dedicated) Satellite (Dedicated) Wireless (via mobile phone networks) PayMate Advantage? Base Communication Cost/month Low, $50-$300 Multiple lines may be required High, $150-$1000Medium, $ Similar to dial-upLowest, $40-$100. One line used simultaneously by many payment terminals Cost of Transaction Delivery to Processor cents > PayMate 0 cents2 - 3 cents cents > PayMate2 - 3 cents Simultaneous Use of existing phone line for multiple POS terminals, fax/voice, and computer No. Different uses must be sequenced, one at a time No. Dedicated connection required No. Wireless connection required Yes, with DSL existing line is used simultaneously by all payment terminals, phone/fax, and in-store computer Smart Card Program implementation Requires replacement of existing with new, smart-card terminals Requires only inexpensive, smart card reader that connects to Appliance. Other UpgradesLimited to payment terminal downloads Facilitates broad range of application and equipment upgrades with no/minimal re- certification requirements.
12 PayMate Installations Campus Cafe …And MORE Coming soon!
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