We welcome our Primary 7 Parents P7 Parents’ Information Evening 25 September 2014
Our Agenda this evening: Introduction to Kemnay Academy Dr C Hunter P7 - S1 Transition and Link Week Mr P Gaiter Supporting our pupils learning Any Questions?
Kemnay Academy Purpose built and opened in 1982 Catchment area: Kemnay, Kintore, Kinellar 6 year, non-denominational, comprehensive Expected roll in August 2015: approx. 760 Upgraded accommodation - ongoing Staffing: around 60 teachers (inc. ASfL team) Additional Support for Learners provision
4 Our Vision Kemnay Academy is a welcoming, well resourced, healthy and safe school, where individuals learn and develop through being valued and included, are motivated and inspired by learning, have a stake in the Academy's progression and whose achievements are an example to others.
5 Learning Personal Responsibility Respect for Self and Others Achievement Responsible Social Attitudes “Doing your best” Kemnay Academy’s Values
6 Design Principles for the Curriculum ethos and life of the school curriculum areas and subjects interdisciplinary learning opportunities for personal achievement Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance
S1-3 Broad General Education S1MaEn Mod Lang Sci Soc Stud TechArtElect RME PE PSE ICT S2MaEn Mod Lang Sci Soc Stud HEMusElect RME PE PSE ICT S3MaEn Mod Lang Sci Soc Stud Tech Exp Arts Opt RME PE PSE
Senior Phase (S4-6) Option 1 Eng 3 Option 2 Ma 3 Option 3 3 Option 4 3 Option 5 3 Option 6 3 Core PE, RME, PSE 2
9 A Health Promoting School Commended Status A Rights Respecting School Target - Level One Award Connecting Classrooms Partnership with Rwanda
10 Attainment 2014 N379%5+ level 3 N478%5+ level 4 N535%5+ level 5 17 candidates with 5+ N5 passes at A Higher4 candidates with 5 straight As (S5) 18 candidates with 5 passes A-C (S5) Most common award grade (S5) = B Adv HigherMost common award grade = A Scottish Baccalaureate in Science YASS courses
11 Concert Band Jazz Band Ceilidh Band Woodwind Group Choir(s) and Glee Group Samba Band Rock Challenge Extra Curricular Activities Musical Activities
12 Extra Curricular Activities Pupil Council / Rights Respecting Schools Eco Schools Charities Committee School Year Book Subject Homework clubs Rugby Netball Senior Prom Badminton Basketball
13 Extra Curricular Activities Lunchtime and Interval Activity Club House Competitions Art Homework Club Writers’ Club S2 Ski Trip Battlefields Trip London Business Trip European Music Performance Tours Expeditions 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 Duke of Edinburgh Award
14 School Uniform - In place for 15 years - Reviewed in Fosters a sense of identity - Promotes a working atmosphere which supports pupil learning
15 School Uniform White shirt and tie or white polo Black or grey skirt or trousers - not jeans Black comfortable shoes - not trainers Tesco on-line & DFS Inverurie
Phil Gaiter Depute Rector The P7-S1 Transition experience
Three Areas P7 Transfer and Link Programme House and Class Information Timetables
P7 - S1 Transfer & Link Programme Tours of the Academy - September Initial P7 Parents’ Evening – 25 September P7 Technology Day – 6 November Handbook Issued – January ‘15
Transport Forms Issued – March Wider Horizons Evening – 18 th March Enterprise Event – 21 st May Guidance Staff Visit Primary Schools & Welcome Booklet Issued – May Attainment Information – Feb - June Next Phase
New Classes Arranged – June P7 Link Week – 22 nd to 26 th June Second P7 Parents’ Evening – 25 th June Academy Newsletters – All year Joint Cluster Working – All year June
Kemnay Cluster - Working Together Regular Head Teacher meetings Cluster moderation activities Literacy, Numeracy & Attainment overview Planning – CfE Experiences & Outcomes Rotary Links
S1 Start New Term – Tues 18 th August, 2015 S1 Curriculum Booklet S1 Parents’ Meeting – October S1 Tracking Report – January Final Phase
Link Week ‘14 “We’re here!”
Buddies S2 & S6 lead the way!
New Classes
Lunchtime - the canteen Feed me!
Lunchtime Activities
Happy People!
Pupil Survey I have made new friends from other schools this week I have enjoyed Primary 7 Link week I am looking forward to coming back after the summer holidays 75% 100%
Pupil Survey Likes Dislikes Variety of subjects Elective choices Buddies / new friends Moving around Changing teachers Independence Canteen queues Cramped space Getting up early for bus It’s big! Busy
Guidance Houses Bennachie House Ms Donaldson - Guidance teacher Tuach House Mrs Hepburn - Guidance teacher Mrs Hepburn - Guidance teacher Don House Don House Ms Murray-Smith - Guidance teacher Caskieben House Mrs Allan - Guidance Teacher Mrs Allan - Guidance Teacher
Class Groupings Practical Classes = 9 Register Classes 1M 1N 1K 1E 1M 1N 1A 1Y 1C 1D & 1F Non Practical Classes = combine & mix Register Classes - typically around 25 pupils
Class Arrangements Made by Guidance and Additional Support for Learning Teachers (based upon information from Primary Schools) Same House as older sister or brother The same mixture in each classes (even mixture of boys and girls / previous schools / and of attainment) Checked with Primary colleagues
School Timetable
A Pupil’s Timetable
Senior Students – Peer Mentoring Mrs Patricia Goodbrand Depute Rector Pupil Support Mr Alan Millar PT ASfL Supporting our pupils
Any Questions ?