Madison Mariani ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS. MECHANISMS Reflection Scattering Refraction Diffraction.


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Presentation transcript:


MECHANISMS Reflection Scattering Refraction Diffraction

Newton’s Theory of Light Geometric nature of laws of reflection/refraction could only be explained if light was made of particles (corpuscles) Prism Experiment Color wheel

HUYGENS-FRESNEL PRINCIPLE The Wave Theory Christiaan Huygens Light is emitted in all directions as “luminiferous ether” Not affected by gravity  slow down in denser mediums Augustin-Jean Fresnel Expanded Light was entirely transverse ( no wave components in direction of prepagation Huygens-Fresnel Principle Method of analyzing the wave propagation patters of light Secondary spherical waves in all directions

PIERRE DE FERMAT Fermat’s principle (principle of least time) The path taken between two points by a ray of light is the path that can be traversed in the least time

WILLEBRORD SNELL Law of Refraction or Snell’s Law The ratio of sin(theta1)/sin(theta2) is the index of refraction Should go from a perfect vacuum







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