Delivering Together on the SDG’S: Harnessing the SOPS
15 Core Elements 1.Joint National/ UN Steering Committee; 2.Annual reporting on joint UN; 3.Signed UNDAF at the outcome level; 4.Joint Annual Work Plans; 5.Results Groups (chaired by Heads of Agencies) focused on strategic policy and programme; 6.A medium-term Common Budgetary Framework; 7.Annual Common Budgetary Frameworks; 8.A Joint Resource Mobilization strategy; 9. Full implementation of the M&A system; 10. Empowered UNCT to make joint decisions; 11. Business Operations Strategy 12. Empowered Operations Management Team (chaired by a Head of Agency); 13. Operations costs and budgets integrated in the overall medium-term Common Budgetary Framework; 14.A joint communication strategy; 15. Country Communications Group.
Delivering as One Feedback from Governments (Data from DESA survey 2014) - 70% of governments interested in some or all aspects
Aligning with the countries development needs and priorities
Better results
Focus on the poorest and most vulnerable
Human rights and equity issues
Fewer Outcome Areas Programme designs better informed by data Sometimes even a data outcome Centering the Normative agenda – more intentionally focused on rights, justice, access and inequality Integrated Policy products and services Multi-stakeholder and public engagements in design and implementation Modernizing business operations upfront as part of design and delivery human rights and environmental sustainability into procurement processes SDG support to UNCT’s.. New UNDG Programme Guidance (31 December, 2015) UNDAFs: strategy, policy and programme
HQ Plan of Action StatusOne ProgrammeCBF/ONE BudgetOne LeaderOperating as OneCommunicating as OneTotal Completed Ongoing Delayed Total
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