DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Download this presentation from Webinar Pensions – What SBMs need to know Micon Metcalfe
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Pensions available to school staff Teachers’ Pension Scheme All teaching staff – including unqualified teachers Un-funded Local Government Pension Scheme All staff who are not teachers Funded scheme Remember all staff are entitled to join a pension scheme
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Teachers’ Pensions Scheme Defined Benefit scheme Final Salary to 31/3/2015 Career Average (CARE) from 1/4/2015 Tiered contributions introduced from April 2012 Normal pension age 60, 65 or state pension age Type of Member from April 2015 Protected Tapered New Member
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Local Government Pension Scheme Defined Benefit scheme Final Salary to 31/3/2014 Career Average (CARE) from 1/4/2014 Tiered contributions introduced from April 2010 Normal pension age 65 or state pension age Some protections for older members
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Both schemes Contributions are now based on actual pay not salary scale LGPS from 1/4/14 TP from 1/4/15 Overtime and changes to pay can mean tier changes month to month Teachers' Pensions HR and Payroll Guides LGPS HR and Payroll Guides Need for a pension policy to outline employer approach
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Employer reporting Monthly Returns via Local Authority for maintained schools via Teachers’ Pensions for Academies via Local Authority or direct to Administering Authority for LGPS Annual Service Returns Teachers’ Pensions Audited Annual return (academies) Joiners, leavers and changes
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Payroll providers Payroll providers should prepare returns and provide pension checking information They should be able to administer the payroll requirements of both schemes They should amend reports and returns as required by the scheme School needs to check information and reconcile!
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Auto-enrolment Auto-Enrolment is a recent employer obligation re pensions TP and LGPS meet the requirements for auto-enrolment Academies need to register with the Pensions Regulator All qualifying staff must be enrolled in relevant pension Employer should not volunteer information on opt-out New starters cannot opt out prior to start date Non Members are auto-enrolled every 3 years and must opt out again Ensure that all qualifying employees are opted in unless you have opt out documentation. This includes part-time and sessional staff.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Financial changes Revaluation of LGPS every three years. Employer contributions can go up or down Academies need actuarial valuation and carry liability in accounts Increase to Teachers’ Pensions employer contributions in September 2015 Plan for impact on budget Tax relief for employee contributions ends in April 2016.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Complexity Pension administration is complex and there has been a lot of change The School Business Manager can not advise employees about pensions If in doubt check with relevant scheme!
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