A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
Products offered by Akademika BEL – COT:Discrete Component Trainer BEL – TAT:Transistor Application Trainer BEL – OPT:Op-Amp Trainer BEL – NBT:Network And Bridges Trainer BEL – ADA:Analog To Digital and Digital To Analog Converter Trainer BEL – LIT:Linear IC Trainer BEL – DIT:Digital IC Trainer BEL – ADT:Analog And Digital Trainer BEL – PET:Power Electronics Trainer B2SPICE : EDA Tool and Software A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-COT : Discrete Component Trainer BEL-COT : DISCRETE COMPONENT TRAINER covers basic semiconductor devices such as diodes, BJT, FET, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, PUT, DIAC, TRIAC, SCR, IGBT, LDR, VDR, various Diodes, Opto-coupler, Relay and fundamental components like R,C and L. On-board resources such as resistor, capacitor, diode and Potentiometer banks of different values are available. On-board Relay and Opto-coupler. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-COT : Discrete Component Trainer
BEL-TAT : Transistor Application Trainer Covers the basic applications of transistors such as BJT, FET, MOSFET, UJT etc. On-board resources such as Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Diode and Potentiometer banks of different values are provided. On-board regulated variable and isolated power supplies. Application study of different types of Transistors includes NPN, BC-107, 2N2222 and BD-138 PNP Transistor and power Transistor like SL-100Also other types of Transistors such as FET (BFW10), MOSFET (IRF Z44N) and UJT (2N-2646) are available on board. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-TAT : Transistor Application Trainer A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-OPT : Op-Amp Trainer Covers Op-Amp (741) & its various applications. Allows study of timer using 555 I Study of F/ V, V/ F using LM331. On-board Resistor, Capacitor, Diode and Potentiometer bank of different values. Bread board area allows construction of circuits using external components along with on board resources. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-OPT : Op-Amp Trainer
BEL-NBT : Network And Bridges Trainer Demonstrates the basic theorems Superposition theorem Thevenin's theorem Norton's theorem Maximum power transfer theorem Reciprocity theorem and many more. - Demonstrates the two port network parameters - Demonstrates the different AC bridges - Analysis of network - On-board Power supply, Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor bank. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-NBT : Network And Bridges Trainer
BEL-ADA : Analog to Digital & Digital To Analog Converter Trainer Analog to digital converter 8-bit discrete ADC 12-bit monolithic ADC IC On-board signal generator with adjustable amplitude levels On-board LED bank to observe digital outputs Digital to Analog converter 8-bit resistors DAC8-bit ladder type D to A converter8-bit D to A converter using monolithic IC Simple construction using Op-Amp and resistors On-board switches are provided for digital pattern generation 8-bit digital inputs ranges from 00 to FF Variable frequency counter to study the settling time A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-ADA Analog To Digital And Digital to Analog Converter Trainer
BEL-LIT : Linear IC Trainer Linear IC Trainer covers wide range of analog applications using monolithic ICs such as Op-Amp (LM710), PLL (NE565), Function generator NE566), Opto-coupler (MCT2E) and regulators (LM723, 7805, 7905, LM317, and LM337).On-board resources such as resistor, capacitor, diode and potentiometer banks of different values are provided. Bread board area allows construction of circuits using external components along with on board resources. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-LIT : Linear IC Trainer
BEL-DIT : Digital IC Trainer It covers basic logic gates, universal gates, flip-flops, counters, registers, multiplexer and de-multiplexer, seven segment display driver, parity generator / checker and code converters. Easy interconnections between circuits On board resources such as logic switches for providing inputs\ to digital ICs and LED indicators to check the outputs from the digital ICs. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-DIT : Digital ICTrainer
BEL-ADT : Analog And Digital Trainer It provides high level, high quality digital-analog trainer and Combines all essential functions of analog and digital experiment with removable breadboard. It includes DC power supply, function generator, two pulse switches, 8 ohm 0.25W speaker etc. Two digits of 7 segment LED display. Two pulse switch to generate inverting and non inverting pulses supported with de-bounce elimination. Data switches, Speaker, Four channel adaptor The two banana sockets and BNC jacks suitable for the trainer to be connected with peripherals. Sixteen bit LED display Red LEDs separate input terminals. The LED will be lighted up when input is at “High level” and it will be turned OFF when it is at “No Input” or at “Low level”. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-ADT : Analog And Digital Trainer
BEL-PET : Power Electronic Trainer It covers different power electronics devices i.e. Thyristors On-board passive and active components External AC / DC Power supply Characteristics study of different types of power electronics Devices i.e. thyristors ( SCR, TRIAC, DIAC ), UJT, MOSFET, etc. Application study of different types of power electronics Devices i.e. thyristors (SCR, TRIAC, DIAC ) and MOSFET Different gate-pulsing circuits (turn-on methods)Different commutation circuits (turn-off methods)Different IC's for gate triggering circuits Provision of free wheeling diodes A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
BEL-PET : Power Electronics Trainer
B2SPICE : Analog, digital & mixed – signal simulation software B2.Spice A/D is a very affordable, intuitive and powerful circuit simulation environment that allows you to build analog, digital and mixed-signal circuits quickly and easily on the screen and test them in real time by placing an unlimited number of probes around your circuit. You can define "Live Circuit" parameters and vary them as your simulation proceeds. You can observe and monitor the response of your circuit in real time using various virtual instruments like live oscilloscopes. In addition to live simulations, you can also run a large number of batch test types in both time and frequency domains. Using B2.Spice A/D, you can easily turn your circuit into a reusable part or build and customize an unlimited number of parameterized sub-circuit devices and grow your parts library. A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
More than 25,000 analog, digital and mixed-signal parts including realistic behavioral models for resistors, inductors and capacitors A large selection of active device models (diode, BJTs, FETs, MOSFETs, MESFETS, operational amplifiers, etc.) with no less than six distinct MOSFET models including BSIM3 and BSIM4 A large number of “black box” virtual blocks performing signal processing and conditioning functions such as summer, multiplier, divider, limiter, differentiation, integrator, etc. One-click generation of Net list file from any schematic A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product
B2SPICE : Analog, Digital & Mixed – Signal Simulation Software
AKADEMIKA LAB SOLUTIONS EL-107, MIDC,T.T.C. Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Tel. : /82/83 Fax : Website : A Company Selling Technology and not just a Product