UC Berkeley Admission Updates CSU - UC Counselor Conference 2014 Amy W. Jarich Assistant Vice Chancellor & Director of Admission University of
Freshman Admission Rate 2014
Admitted Freshman Profile 2014 Mean GPAs: –3.89 (unweighted) –4.39 (weighted/uncapped) Mid-50% range SAT –1940 to 2072 Mid-50% range ACT –29 to 34 Admitted: 12,800 –56 counties in CA –54 US states/territories –80 countries Wait List: 3,375 –Student Opt-in: 2,143 (63.5%) –Admits: 437 (20%) –Waitlist SIR: 249 (57%)
Leadership Claude M. Steele, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Commitments to Campus Development Lower Sproul Redevelopment – open fall 2015 Memorial Stadium Development Bowles Hall – renovations Admission Global Edge for first semester freshmen admissions.berkeley.edu/veterans Berkeley
Our Colleges College of Chemistry Materials Chemistry concentration for the B.S. Degree College of Engineering New Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation - launches fall 2015 New Minor: Design Innovation - expected to launch spring 2015
2014 CSU-UC Counselor Conference Walter Robinson Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs and Director of Admissions and Enrollment Planning
Kamaal Thomas ‘15
Campus Initiatives World Food Center Health Happens Here Mental Health Initiatives AB540 and Undocumented Student Center New Majors Outreach Programs African American Initiatives Hispanic Initiatives Native American Initiatives 2020 Initiative Sustainable Environmental Design Global Disease Biology Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research Marine and Coastal Science
Applicants: 60,525 Admits: 24,539 Admit Rate: 40.6% GPA: ACT Score: SAT Total: % 2014 Freshman Admission Profile
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Academic Excellence | Research | Leadership | Individual Attention #1 UC for the percentage of students who felt comfortable or very comfortable in classes.
Academic Excellence Undergraduate Research Interdisciplinary Learning Innovative Learning Propane Bottle Recovery System Clear Learning Objectives Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Mechatronics, Embedded Systems and Automation (MESA) Laboratory Social Science Research on Food Insecurity Access and Obesity 85% of students reported raising their standards for acceptable effort due to the high standards of the faculty. In UC Merced’s anthropology teaching laboratory, students can hold history in their hands. UC Merced is one of the only UC campuses with FAA approval for drone research.
Leadership Individual Attention and Support Intercultural Competence Innovate to Grow Science Business Engineering Faculty-Student Ratio 20:1 Mid-Semester Grades and Support Excellent Center for Career and Professional Advancement UC Merced will be more selective in fall 2015; students must apply Students and staff researching at Yosemite National Park SSHA Professor Laura Hamilton working closely with her students
Freshmen Fall 2014 Upcoming Fall 2015 ELC Important in Selection Must Meet Deadlines Housing Guaranteed 1 year New Major: Public Health Name Change: Management and Business Economics Important: Transcripts due July 1 Chancellor Dorothy Leland & Rufus the Bobcat alongside the Class of 2017 during the 2013 annual Bridge Crossing event
Pathways to Innovation Program Spatial Analysis and Research Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U*STAR) Program Classroom & Office Building 2 (Coming 2016) Online Course Catalog catalog.ucmerced.edu Interactive Viewbook c.ucm.edu/iviewbook Virtual Tour c.ucm.edu/vt Access our counselor website: c.ucm.edu/counselors Shakespeare class in the quad NEW Campus AdditionsHelpful Tools For You Visit us! Schedule a tour: tours.ucmerced.edu