Children’s Services Sector Preschool Teacher Recruitment & Selection Policy Information Session 2014 – 2015
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are meeting upon today. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to country. We also pay respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people visiting from other areas of South Australia or Australia present here.
THE JARGON PTR - Permanent Teacher Register ETR - Employable Teacher Register PAT - Permanent Against Temporary TPT - Temporarily Placed Teacher LSP - Local Selection Panel Country Zones - Zones 1 - 5 ONGOING VACANCY - Vacancy with no end date TEMPORARY VACANCY - Vacancy from 4 weeks to 2 years
FEATURES – PERMANENT PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Permanent preschool teachers currently in 10 year tenure positions appointed to ongoing positions in current preschool Generally no preschool teacher will remain in a temporary (PAT) position for more than 12 months Preschool teachers on extended leave will hold right of return to their preschool
FEATURES – PERMANENT PRESCHOOL TEACHERS (continued) Existing permanent preschool teachers, providing not in their first year of permanency, are eligible to apply for other ongoing teaching positions Preschool teachers in tenured leadership positions are eligible to apply for ongoing teaching positions
FEATURES – PERMANENT PRESCHOOL TEACHERS (continued) A voluntary transfer process for metro preschool teachers who wish to relocate to a different metro preschool, who meet eligibility criteria A voluntary transfer process for country preschool teachers who wish to relocate to a different country preschool, who meet eligibility criteria A guaranteed right of return to a metropolitan preschool for country preschool teachers, who meet eligibility criteria
FEATURES – EMPLOYABLE TEACHERS Opportunities for new graduates, early career teachers and long-term contract teachers to gain permanent employment with DECD Process for conversion to permanency for eligible temporary preschool teachers in the country and metropolitan area Temporary (contract) positions of up to 2 years
FEATURES – VACANCY PROCESS All permanent preschool teachers who require placement are placed into ongoing positions wherever possible through a centrally managed process Positions advertised will be open to all teachers, both permanent and employable (contract), who will be considered equally in the selection process
OUTLINE OF THE PROCESS STEP 1: ‘Must place’ placement exercise - Permanent preschool teachers in temporary positions and teachers who require placement are placed into ongoing positions wherever possible STEP 2: Country Guarantees placed STEP 3: Conversion to Permanency - Zone 3, 4 and 5 Country Preschools and Zone 3, 4 and 5 Children’s Centres STEP 4: Advertising - Ongoing vacancies advertised STEP 5: Applicants with a ‘T’ (Transfer) transaction type considered for unfilled advertised vacancies STEP 6: Conversion to Permanency STEP 7: Temporary vacancies
OUTLINE OF THE 2015 PROCESS Note: - modified 2014/15 process due to late timeline - in the 2015/2016 process there may be an opportunity for multiple rounds of advertisements
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS Advertising allows preschools the greatest opportunity to select their own staff whilst protecting the industrial rights and existing guarantees of permanent employees The Local Selection Panel comprises the Preschool Director as Chairperson and an AEU representative, nominated by the AEU
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (continued) All advertised permanent teaching positions will have ongoing tenure Vacancies are advertised on DECDjobs Applications submitted ‘on-line’ via DECDjobs
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (continued) Advertising date: Friday 29th August (Term 3 – Week 6) Who can apply? - Both permanent and employable (contract) teachers are considered equally for positions Eligibility - Teachers who meet minimum DECD requirements by the start of the appointment - Teachers in at least their second year of permanency
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (continued) Applications on-line by DECDjobs via
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (selection process) Applicants will be nominated using the following process 1. Short listing based on applicants on-line application 2. Referee contact (for all shortlisted applicants) 3. Interview (optional)
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (communication to applicants) Acknowledgement by DECDjobs of your application Shortlisted – Yes / No Interview – Yes / No (First nominated applicant notified) All applicants informed of the first nominated applicant and the internal review process (Offer) Notification of outcome
ADVERTISED TEACHING POSITIONS (accepting an offer) Employable teachers Yes – only once (e-mail) No – not accepted (e-mail) Wait – considering other active applications Permanent teachers Yes – can upgrade (e-mail)
SKILL CODES The following skill codes may be used in position descriptions for vacancies First Steps FT Aboriginal Schools IS Integrated Services IV Distance Education OC Speech and Language SE
EMPLOYABLE TEACHERS (reminder for your 2015 ETR application) Ensure details on your application are correct, eg. Email address Subjects Regions/Sub regions Fraction of Time Contact details Referee details Written statement
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER (PTR) Teachers who are eligible to be included in the PTR are those: Teachers who must be placed: permanent teachers in country locations who qualify for the guaranteed right of return to the metropolitan area (‘G’ transaction type) permanent teachers who do not hold right of return to a preschool, including those returning from leave or leadership positions of greater than 12 months (‘R’ transaction type) teachers with approval for an alternative placement due to significant enrolment decline (‘E’ transaction type) Aboriginal teachers employed through the Aboriginal Employment Strategy (‘Z’ transaction type)
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER (PTR) (continued) Teachers who may be placed: permanent teachers in the metropolitan area who lodge a request to transfer to an alternative metropolitan location following at least 10 years of service in their current preschool (‘T’ transaction type) eligible permanent teachers in country preschools who lodge a request to transfer to an alternative country location (‘T’ transaction type)
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER (PTR) (continued) Teachers appointed through a negotiated process: Workers Compensation (‘W’ transaction type) Alternative Placement (‘A’ transaction type)
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER Teachers in country schools Guaranteed placement in a metropolitan preschool G Country to Metropolitan Guarantee – eligible if: in at least 4th year of continuous country service in Zones 4 and 5 or in at least 5th year of continuous country service in Zones 2 or 3 or in at least 6th year of continuous country service in Zone 1
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER Teachers requiring placement P Permanent Teacher in temporary placement (PAT or TPT) Q Completing a tenured leadership or tenured PRT position R Returning from leave (with no right of return) S Seconded teachers (with no right of return) E Alternative placement (as a result of significant enrolment decline)
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER T Transfer Metro to metro eligibility: at least 10 years continuous service in current metro preschool Country to country eligibility: in at least 4th year of continuous country service in Zones 4 and 5 or in at least 5th year of continuous country service in Zones 2 or 3 or in at least 6th year of continuous country service in Zone 1
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER Negotiated Placement W Workers Compensation – with written approval from Assistant Director, Workforce Management A Special Placement agreement – with written approval from HR Services for PTR inclusion
PERMANENT TEACHER REGISTER (country/metro schools) PTR APPLICATION DUE DATES All Teachers: Friday 29 August by DECDjobs via
COMPLETING A TENURED LEADERSHIP POSITION You will be appointed to a position within 45 km of where you commuted daily to the position OR If in the country and your position immediately prior was in the metropolitan area, then you may choose to be placed in the extended metropolitan area or within 45km of where you commuted daily to the leadership position
SPECIAL PLACEMENT AGREEMENT Teachers may apply for consideration of special circumstances at any time Teachers must complete a Placement Request (VL729) form and forward to Senior HR Consultants Required on an annual basis Teachers must include relevant documents to support their request (eg medical) In exceptional circumstances teachers may be granted a Special Placement Agreement for inclusion in the PTR
SUBSTANTIVE DIRECTOR PLACEMENT Substantive Preschool Directors complete the Permanent Teacher Register (PTR) form via DECDjobs (‘Q’ transaction type). For positions of greater than 12 months: once a position has been identified for placement, a list of substantive PSDs requiring placement is circulated to the ED for consideration as potential placements. a panel is formed and selection is based on the consideration of information that is available through the Substantive PSDs ‘Placement Form’. For positions of 12 months or less: consultation by the Assistant Director Workforce Management, with the ED in relation to substantive PSDs requiring placement, and their suitability to particular sites. Upgrading of appointments: substantive PSDs placed into short-term positions may be upgraded to positions of longer tenure where possible.
INFORMATION CHECKLIST Attend the teacher meeting Consult the following documents available on the website Preschool Teacher Recruitment & Selection Policy 2014 Regions, Staffing Localities & Sites Subject Lists Preschool Sector Skills List & Criteria Talk to your Director E-mail your questions to HR Services- Preschools and Schools
POLICIES ON THE WEBSITE POLICIES may be found on the following website: Information for Staff (Blue tab) Human Resources (Purple tab) Working in DECD (left) Schooling recruitment (in middle under Recruitment Information) Choose desired topic (left or middle)
SUMMARY If you DO NOT have an ongoing appointment for 2015, you need to: Complete your PTR by no later than Friday 15 August on DECDjobs via You may also: Get further information from the DECD website Consider advertised preschool teaching positions on Friday 29 August
SUMMARY (continued) If you DO have an ongoing appointment for 2015 you may: Get further information from the DECD website Consider advertised teaching positions on the website from Friday 29th August Opt into the PTR if eligible
Thank you for your attendance Remember that your participation can contribute to your T&D program for 2014