A partner search service on the Participant Portal? Peter HÄRTWICH European Commission RTD J.3 A partner search service on the Participant Portal? Peter HÄRTWICH European Commission RTD J.3 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1
Introduction Purpose of the study: provide evidence base for a decision on the phase out of the CORDIS partner search facility and a potential successor Means: Assess the main existing partner search services Analyse the needs of the stakeholders Recommend possible scenarios and solutions 2
Existing services analysed 3 ServiceResearch domains/ programmesNumber of user profiles EEN Cooperation Opportunities Database All H2020, FP7, Consumer programme, COSME, Creative Europe, EUREKA, Eurostars, Health programme, other EU-funded programmes 20,000 IdealistICT in H2020/FP7, ETNA, EEN14,500 Fit for HealthBiotechnology, health10,117 CORDISAll H2020/FP74,832 NMP partner searchNMP (future: climate, environment, energy)2,000 IMI partner searchPartnerships for projects of Innovation Medicines Initiative 1,965
Specialised social networks Social networkServicesNumber of registrations Academia.eduSocial network enabling researchers to connect with colleagues, post their own publications, and track the readership of their work. 18 million signed up ResearchGateSocial network for scientists to engage in collaborative discussions, peer review papers, share negative results that might never otherwise be published, & upload raw data sets. 6 million members BiomedExperts (Elsevier took over in late 2014 and encouraged users to change to alternative site Mendeley) Social networking & expert finding service in biomedicine; Profiles are automatically generated from last 10 years of published articles in PubMed. 1.8 million It is important to note that ResearchGate has the most repeat visits. According to the" Online collaboration: Scientists and the social network" article (Van Noorden, 2014).
Key services provided by existing partner search services Create a profile as organisation or individual Search partners to prepare a proposal for a particular topic/call Offer or search for particular expertise (not call related) Quality assurance for data notifications related to the services Make your articles and research available and manage related discussions (social networks) Info days, brokerage events, trainings & social networking (e.g. Linkedin) to support forming partnerships 5
Requirements for a potential PP partner search service 6 Offer a possibility to find partners to cooperate in EU funded projects Offer a partner search tool covering all programmes published on PP, all scientific fields and all H2020 priorities Make maximal use of available data in EC grant management systems to facilitate partner search functions. Enhance partner search results by using available data in EC (public and not public) in the matchmaking algorithm
Requirements for a potential PP partner search service (2) 7 Quality - keep profiles and partners searches up to date and relevant Guarantee equal treatment of participants Provide standard interfaces to other partner search services to enable the use of public PP data on their partner search sites
Potential scenarios for PP partner search 8 Scenario 1: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; no replacement on the Participant Portal (PP) Scenario 2: Migrate the CORDIS partner search “as it is” to PP Scenario 3: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; Provide specific partner search functions on the PP exploiting the assets of the Commission’s project, organisation and expert data bases; complementing other partner search tools Scenario 4: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; Offer via the PP a full service to potential partners covering all features and with the same quality as they are currently offered by the NCP/EEN networks
Potential scenarios for PP partner search 9 Scenario 1: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; no replacement on the Participant Portal (PP) Scenario 2: Migrate the CORDIS partner search “as it is” to PP Scenario 3: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; Provide specific partner search functions on the PP exploiting the assets of the Commission’s project, organisation and expert data bases; complementing other partner search tools Scenario 4: Phase-out of CORDIS partner search; Offer via the PP a full service to potential partners covering all features and with the same quality as they are currently offered by the NCP/EEN networks
persons organisations projects call topics experts PIC ECAS ID Proposal/Project ID Expert ID Topic ID Topic tag OECD keyword Abstract Title IAM role DOI Publishable summary Topic Title Topic Description Org. data
Main approach for a potential partner search on the PP -Create automatically organisation profiles and person profiles from the wealth of data available in the Commission systems -Provide powerful search for querying the profiles -Provide possibility for owners of the profiles (i.e. LEAR of organisation or the individual linked to the person profile) to enrich the profile with further information and to link it to the work programme, calls, topics structure for concrete cooperation requests -Provide possibility to create new profiles from scratch
Organisation profile (PIC) Automatic: -Basic organisation data from organisation registry -List of grants (clickable, leading to public project info) -Cooperation network (10 most frequent partners); clickable, leading to organisation profiles -Keyword and tag cloud Options for completion by LEAR (or self- registrant): -Keywords, other websites, proposal ideas… Draft!
Person profile (ECAS ID) Not publicly visible by default; explicit consent to be declared Automatic: -First, last name; -Linked organisation(s) (clickable) -List of proposals and grants (clickable) -Keyword and tag cloud -Publications (from expert profile) Options for completion: Gender; address, phone(s), publications, keywords, website, IDs in social networks…, proposal ideas Draft!
Conclusion -Build a system based on existing assets: data bases of organisations, projects, persons, experts, call topics, reports, publications -Automatic creation of profiles of organisations and persons -Powerful search for profiles -Possibility to create profiles from scratch or to enrich existing profiles -Standardised interface for re-use of structured data by external stakeholders ("JSON" files)
Questions -Do researchers in your organisation use partner search services (like the one on CORDIS) for forming consortia for H2020 proposals? -What key information would you look for in an organisation profile for finding partners for research proposals? -If you are managing an existing partner search service, what are your expectations to the service that the Participant Portal should provide in the future?