Discussion on constraint device optimization Group Name: ARC Source: Jiaxin (Jason) Yin, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Meeting Date: Agenda Item: TBD
Background and Question There are many resource constraint devices in the M2M world. – Shortage of memory, battery – Limited processing capability – Unable to hold long term connection – Unable to receive requests – Limited bandwidth The M2M industry is trying to make the battery powered device last long enough to save the budget of replacing battery or buy new devices. – NB-M2M/eMTC/Sigfox/LoRa learns how to cut down the power consumption of the wireless module – CoAP/6LowPAN learns how to make the best use of limited bandwidth – LWM2M learns how to do an efficient device management The question is: – What can we do in the service layer in oneM2M? © 2014 oneM2M Partners 2
Current status Two separate rounds of request and responses are needed to transfer one single temperature value – See contribution ARC xx-subscription_to_childResource Devices need to be server capable or being able to hold long time connection to receive notifications The wrapper of contentInstance is still too much for masses of creations. The constraint device is not guaranteed with enough sleeping time. The constraint device has no right to change the locationUpdatePeriod to a slower frequency if the device hardly moves. And so on…
Conclusion & Proposal There is indeed quite a lot of things to do in the service layer. Proposal: – Start a dedicated new WI on the investigation of resource constraint devices in oneM2M. – The output of the WI includes a bunch of CR. – May deliver TS or TR based on the discussion we have.