Hillsboro August F2F Summary Paul Grun OFI WG co-chair 01 Sept ‘14
Simple code walkthrough Arun Ilango – Tues, 8/19 Presented a side-by-side comparison between libibverbs and libfabrics of an example application (rc pingpong.c). Slides will be posted to the OFA website – oro%20F2F% / oro%20F2F% / May not be representative of an actual libfabrics implementation, since the objective was to relate it to existing libibverbs. 2
App mapping over libfabrics Charles Archer – tues 8/19 Slides to be posted to OpenFabrics 3
Verbs Extensions Rich Graham, Liran Liss – Mellanox Motivated by investment protection in verbs Focused on –Improvements to critical data paths –Scalability –Enhanced memory management –Improved hardware capability Comprehensive slide deck posted to OFA – oro%20F2F% /ofi_verbs.pdfhttps:// oro%20F2F% /ofi_verbs.pdf
Test framework discussion Howard Pritchard –Need simple mechanisms to exercise the APIs Should have as little in the path as possible, Should not require a full job launcher –tests currently available: Unit/provinfo.c, simple/pingpong.c OFED tarball has –Two soruce RPMs containing perftest , qperf –OFED unit testing is done by vendors –Looked at hydra, ORTE, but ORTE requires a wrapper –Best options today: Hydra, PMI –Establish a fabtest on GitHub 5
Management interfaces Sean Hefty –How does libfabrics interface w/ existing mgmt infrastructures? –Sean showed his assumptions relating libfabrics to RDMACM –See Sean’s slides: – oro%20F2F% /fi-mgmt.pptxhttps:// oro%20F2F% /fi-mgmt.pptx 6
Pseudo-coding exercise Objective: deeper dive into specific application of libfabrics. Desired outcome: identify gaps and areas requiring further investigation/clarification. Process: break into four small groups: –MPI point-to-point operations group –MPI initialization group –SHMEM / one-sided working group –RSOCKETS group See meeting minutes on the OFA site for detailed report outs from the four groups 7
Reqmts for 1st release Conclusions reached: –First rel is a working, developmental release Numbering remains an open question for now No specific performance requirement -Must have a mechanism to allow vendor extensions -E.g. a query facility (what features/APIs are available?) -Must have a unit test suite to validate APIs -Must have at least one ref application for functional testing -Must have a versioning mechanism -Must have a defined release mechanism -Independent and not tied to OFED. -Must have fully documented, google-able man pages -Must have upstream repo location, tarball location for source code releases –Must include at least one provider – librdmacm/libibverbs? 8
Reqmts for 1st release – cont’d Conclusions reached: –API acceptance Must include a ref provider implementation, a test to validate it and a comprehensive man page Man pages must include author, major.minor release number, date of the libfabrics tarball, and the major.minor release number and date at the time of the last semantic change to the man page. Man pages should reflect both the user and provider usage of the API. 9
Reqmts for 1 st release – cont’d –Minimum required functionality constituting a first rel: Code is complete for all defined endpoint types and operations –List of supported endpoint types to be included is TBD There is at least one provider for each endpoint type. 10
Extensible functionality How to add new function calls? Discussed several mechanisms –Extending interface structures using size w/ query methods –Currently using a mask to extend data structures No clear direction 11
GIT Moved to GitHub: – –Suggestion: fork to a new repo … ‘libfabrics See Doug Ledford’s best practices – Two repos: –Ofiwg/libfabric –Ofiwg/fabtests 12