In your notebook create a chart and complete only the side that says: “What I know about Slavery in America”
Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures. Chattel slavery is the original form of slavery. People are treated as personal property, chattels, of an owner and are bought and sold as goods. Slavery was known in almost every ancient civilization, and society, In the earliest known records slavery is treated as an established institution. The Code of Hammurabi (ca BC) prescribed death for anyone who helped a slave to escape or who sheltered a fugitive. d.html When did Slavery Begin?
Development of African Slavery In AfricaOld WorldNew World Who? Africans enslaved other Africans Europeans enslaved Africans Where taken? stayed in Africataken to Europetaken to West Indies How used? Domestic servants(women) and soldiers (men). worked as domestic servants or as exotic show pieces of wealthy people worked in agricultural fields and few as domestic servants. Treatment? died of diseases; many were freed. Not treated well, but not as badly as in the New World treated brutally Life and Future? Slavery ended at death – children would not continue to be slaves By 1770s most European countries abolished African slavery Slaves were in a racial class and worked for generations Slavery existed in Africa for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived and began taking people to the New World. When the European Slave traders arrived in the 1500s, there was already a well established slave trade network in Africa.
The Columbian Exchange 17 th century trading process in which goods and enslaved people were exchanged across the Atlantic Ocean Africans were transported to the West Indies where they were sold for raw materials. These raw materials were returned to England for manufacturing into products and the cycle began again.
The Brutality of the African Slave Trade Once Europeans started to export slaves to the New World, the Atlantic slave trade devastated many African societies, particularly in West Africa. African cultures lost many of their young and more able members. Over a period of 400 years, the Atlantic Slave Trade drained Africa of at least 25 million people.
Copper Sun, by Sharon Draper, gives an unforgettable look at the African slave trade and slavery in America.
The Ivory Coast Africa Setting Amari’s Homeland Sullivan’s Island, SC Amari’s Destination Sullivan’s Island, SC
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Coffle: A group of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained together in a line. Slaver: A ship used for the purpose of transporting slaves to be sold
The Elmina Castle CAPE COAST CASTLE This is where Amari and the other slaves are taken and kept before being loaded onto the ships. The Elmina Castle CAPE COAST CASTLE This is where Amari and the other slaves are taken and kept before being loaded onto the ships. The “Door of No Return”
Middle Passage The slaves were placed on ships and stuffed in the bottom of ships to take the long journey to the Americas. Many slaves were loaded seven to eight months before they departed waiting for other groups of slaves to be brought on board. For most slaves the journey took eight to twelve weeks. Some 3 to 5 million perished before they even reached the Americas.
Slave Ship Interior Alexander Falconbridge a surgeon testified about the condition on the slavers: "The men, on being brought aboard the ship, are immediately fastened together, two and two, by handcuffs on their wrists and by irons rivetted on their legs. They are then sent down between the deck. They are frequently stowed so close, as to admit of no other position than lying on their sides. Nor will the height between decks permit the indulgence of an erect posture."
A Slave Auction Slaves were moved and auctioned off in “Charles Town” South Carolina, known today as Charleston, South Carolina Inspection and Sale of a slave LFo
Slaves who tried to escape suffering the punishment described by the law then they were made to wear a heavy iron necklace with long stems, which had the function to hang in the brush and hamper any escape. In the same spirit, they existed in shackles bells, can hear every movement of the slave. The slave who dared to speak a bit to his master suffered the punishment of the Iron Mask. Similarly, during the harvest of sugarcane, were put in iron masks to hungry and thirsty slaves to prevent them from tasting or eating the cane.