10 th September, 2014 Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 1 st Meeting of EC
Import of about 10 million tonnes of vegetable oils worth approximately Rs. 60,000 crores ( ). Import of about 10 million tones of vegetable oils worth approximately Rs. 60,000 crores ( ).
Name of SchemeCrops/Commodity Integrated Scheme on Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) Nine Oilseeds and Oil Palm Oil Palm Area Expansion Programme (OPAE) – a sub- scheme of RKVY Oil Palm Integrated Development of TBOs - Central Sector Scheme of NOVOD Board. Tree Borne Oilseeds
MM-II (Oil Palm) MM-I (Oilseeds) MM-III (TBOs) NMOOP
MM-I (Oilseeds) Production from to million ton Yield from 1081 to 1328 kg/ha. Oil production from 6.8 to 8.5 million ton MM-II (Oil Palm) Area expansion from 2.0 to 3.3 lakh ha. FFBs production from 7.0 to 37.9 lakh ton Oil production from 1.0 to 7.0 lakh ton MM-III (TBOs) Seed collection from 8 to 14 lakh ton. Oil production from 1.2 to 3 lakh ton. 12 th Plan NMOOP - Targets Enhance domestic vegetable oil production from 7.20 to 9.50 million tons
Mini MissionCrops MM-I SoybeanGroundnut Rapeseed & Mustard Sunflower SafflowerNiger Sesame Castor Linseed MM-II Oil Palm MM-III JatrophaKaranja NeemSimarouba Mahua Kokum TungWild Apricot Jojoba Cheura Olive
Mini Mission I (Oilseeds) Mini Mission II (Oil Palm) Mini Mission III (TBOs) CropsG.nut(K /R/S) Soybean (K) R & M (R)Sunflower (K/R/S) Safflower & Linseed (R) Sesame & Niger (K/R) Castor (K) Total Prod. Target (lakh tones) StatesExisting area ( Ha)Target Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu Orissa Mizoram Others (Guj, Kerala) Total Collection of TBOs 1.0 lakh tones New Plantation 1290 ha
Mission (As per CCEA) * (As per BE) MM-I MM-II MM-III TOTAL * Break-up of Rs crore is based on the requirement. (Rs. In Crores)
Seed production; Cluster demonstration of improved production technologies; Area expansion; Increasing irrigation coverage; Mechanization;
Provision for 10% flexi-fund. Variety Specific Targeted Seed Production. Supply of seed storage bins and seed treating drums. Support to NAFED for procurement of oilseeds and to TRIFED for collection of TBOs. Inputs for inter-cropping in Oil Palm for sustainability. Processing support for Oil Palm for NE/Hilly/LW areas.
Mini Mission (MM) Implementing States/AgenciesAlloc. (Rs in Crore) Release (Rs. In Crore) MM I (Oilseeds) States (20) - A.P, Telengana, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, M.P Maharashtra,, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, T.N, Tripura, U.P, W.B, Assam Agencies (07) – NSC, NAFED, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, HIL, SFAC and DOR MM II (Oil Palm) States (13) - A.P, Arunachal Pradesh,Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, T.N, W.B Agency (01) - DOPR MM III (TBOs) States (08) Arunachal Pradesh,M.P,Maharastra, Nagaland, Rajasthan, T.N, Tripura, U.P Agency (01) - NOVOD TOTAL
Mini MissionActivityQty. MM I (Oilseeds) Purchase of Breeder seed(q)0.11 lakh Production of foundation seed (q)1.05 lakh Production of Certified seeds (q)9.96 lakh Distribution of Certified seeds (q)7.58 lakh Distribution of seed minikits (no.)5.68 lakh Supply of sprinklers (no.)25077 Supply of water carrying pipes (metre) lakh Demonstration of improved technology (ha)92457 Training of field functionaries (no.)7940 Training of farmers (no.)67230 Planting materials (no.)42.97 lakh Area under Drip irrigation (ha)6275 Ponds/tanks (no.)477 Bore well & pump sets (no.)200 MM III (TBOs) Plantation of TBOs (ha)1290 Intercropping with TBOs (ha)341 Training of farmers (no.)1380 MM II (Oil Palm)
Area in lakh ha CropsKharif-2014 ( ) Normal ( ) Kharif Remarks Groundnut Major shortfall in A.P (2.8 lk ha), Gujarat (3.60 lk ha) & Karnataka (1.3 lk ha). Soybean Major shortfall in MP (>8 lk ha) and Rajasthan (>2 lk ha) over kh-2013 Sunflower Major shortfall in Karnataka (1.5 lk ha). Sowing continue up to mid of September. Sesame Some shortfall in Rajasthan (<1 lk ha) and Gujarat (<1 lk ha) Niger Major shortfall in Chhattisgarh (0.53 lk ha) and Odisha ( 0.61 lk ha) Castor Major shortfall in Telangana (about 1 lk ha) All India % area covered so far and likely shortfall may be about 5 lk ha over normal and 20 lk ha over kh-2013.
Prices dependent on price of imported oil. Farmers prefer cereal crops, especially in irrigated areas. Inadequate budgetary support – Rs crores as against the provision of Rs crores. Difficulty in providing State matching share of 25%. Delayed availability of funds at ground level through State Government.
Sprinkler in Groundnut Poly mulch in Groundnut Paired row intercropping P.Pea G.nut BBF in Soybean Castor intercropped with G.nut FFS on Sesame Hybrid Sunflower
Seed Garden Oil Palm Plantation Maintenance of Garden Planting material Oil Palm Mill (3F) Drip Irrigation Oil Palm Mill (Godrej) Plantation in NE states FFB
Intercropped with paddy Neem