Chapter 2 Quality Theory
Quality Theory What is Theory? Leading Contributors to Theory Chapter 2 What is Theory? Leading Contributors to Theory Viewing Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective Resolving the Differences in Quality Approaches Theoretical Framework for Quality Management
Quality Theory What is Theory? A “coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena.” Random House Webster’s College Dictionary 2011
Quality Theory What is Theory? A Theoretical Model Relating Quality Improvement to Worker Morale
Quality Theory For a theory to be complete it must have 4 elements: What is Theory? For a theory to be complete it must have 4 elements: What How Why Who - Where - When
Quality Theory What What is Theory? Involves which variables or factors are included in the Model. The Variables are the “What” of the model below
Quality Theory How What is Theory? The nature, direction and extent of the relationship among the variables. This is represented by the arrow and plus sign in the model below
Quality Theory Why What is Theory? The Theoretical glue that holds the model together.
Quality Theory Who - Where - When What is Theory? Place contextual bounds on the model.
Quality Theory What is Theory? Theories are established in one of two ways: Induction Generated by observation and description Deduction Most commonly used Researchers propose a model based on prior research and design an experiment to test the theoretical model
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory W. Edwards Deming Deming 14 Points for Management Poor quality was not the fault of labor Poor quality resulted from poor management of the system for continual improvement
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 1. Create a consistency of purpose toward improvement of product and service with the aim to become competitive, stay in business and provide jobs
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 2. Adopt a new philosophy: We are in a new economic age
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 3. Cease dependence on mass inspections to improve quality
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease cost.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 6. Institute training on the job.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 7. Improve leadership. Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 7. Improve leadership.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 8. Drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively for the company.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 9. Break down barriers between departments.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce that ask for zero defects and new levels of productivity.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 11. Eliminate work standards on the factory floor
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 12. Remove barriers that rob workers of their right to pride in the quality of their work.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self improvement.
Quality Theory Deming 14 Points for Management Leading Contributors to Theory Deming 14 Points for Management 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
Quality Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Leading Contributors to Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement
Quality Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Leading Contributors to Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Provide the operating forces with the means of producing products that meet the customers needs.
Quality Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Leading Contributors to Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Control vs. Breakthrough
Quality Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Leading Contributors to Theory Juran The Juran Trilogy Planning Control Improvement Project by project improvement The Hierarchy of Languages
Quality Theory Juran Pareto’s Law or the 80/20 rule Leading Contributors to Theory Juran Pareto’s Law or the 80/20 rule The majority of quality problems are the result of relatively few causes.
Quality Theory Ishikawa Training Democratizing Statistics Leading Contributors to Theory Ishikawa Training Democratizing Statistics Company-wide quality control Complete involvement of the workforce in improving quality and performance
Quality Theory Feigenbaum Leading Contributors to Theory Three step process to improve quality Leadership Quality technology Organizational commitment Major impediments to improving quality Hothouse quality Wishful thinking Producing overseas Confining quality to the factory
Quality Theory Crosby Zero Defects approach Leading Contributors to Theory Crosby Zero Defects approach Emphasizes the behavior and motivational aspects of quality improvement Human resource approach
Quality Theory Taguchi Leading Contributors to Theory The Taguchi method provides A basis for determining the functional relationship between controllable product or service design factors and the outcomes of a process. A method for adjusting the mean of a process by optimizing controllable variables. A procedure for examining the relationship between random noise in the process and product or service variability. Unique aspects of Taguchi method Definition of quality Quality loss function (QLF) Robust design
Quality Theory The Rest of the Pack Camp Covey Peters Hammer & Champy Leading Contributors to Theory The Rest of the Pack Camp Covey Peters Hammer & Champy
Quality Theory Viewing Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective There is a mass of contradictory information… it is best to focus on fundamental Questions: What are our strengths? What are our competencies? In what areas do we need to improve? What are our competitors doing to improve? What is our organizational structure?
Quality Theory Leadership Information Analysis Strategic Planning Resolving the Differences in Quality Approaches: An Integrated View Core Variables Leadership Information Analysis Strategic Planning Employee Improvement Quality Assurance of products and services Customer role in Quality Role of Quality Department Environmental characteristics and constraints Philosophy Driven Quality Breakthrough Project/team-based improvement
Quality Theory Resolving the Differences in Quality Approaches: An Integrated View A Categorization of Quality Management Content Variables
Quality Theory Theoretical Framework for Quality Management Quality management begins with leadership Leadership, quality assurance, philosophy, and employees are encompassed by a focus on the customer A Theoretical Framework for Quality Management
Quality Theory What is Theory? Leading Contributors to Theory Summary What is Theory? Leading Contributors to Theory Viewing Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective Resolving the Differences in Quality Approaches Theoretical Framework for Quality Management
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