Earth Day 2011 Created by Amy Lack 1 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
Before- Activate Prior Knowledge Talk to your partner about what you know about recycling. 3 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
Before What is recycled poetry. It is a type of found poetry. Recycled poetry is poetry that is written from existing texts and refashioned, reordered, and presented as poems. 4 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
Example 1 (Photo from 5 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
Example 2 (Photo from ) 6 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
7 Example 3 Photo from anexperimentinportraits.
Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day Example 4 Photo from
Example 5 (photo from 9 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
During 1. Cut interesting words and phrases from old magazines, papers, advertisement, etc. 2. Study the text and look for words that catch your eye. 3. Select words and phrases and arrange them on your own page. 4. Glue the words into place and you have a recycled poem. 10 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.
After Share your recycled poem with the class and display it in the hallway. 11 Objective: Students will write recycled poetry in celebration of Earth Day 2011.