Objective: SWBAT identify the organs of the respiratory system WARM UP: Place your hands on your ribs. Breathe in out and out several times. Record your observations Respiratory System: Pt 1
What Do You Think? What movements did you observe? What happens when you inhale and exhale?
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM -includes nose, throat, voice box, windpipe and your lungs -With each breath taken in, whether through your nose or mouth, your lungs fill up with the air -As you breath out your lungs empty the air you just breathed in.
Write in your notebook! Respiratory system: Body system that gets oxygen from the environment and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from your body
Intro to Respiratory System
Trachea Larynx Bronchi Alveoli Lungs Diaphragm
Organs of the Respiratory System
Respiratory System Model Using your textbook and the diagram on the board, COLOR the sections of your diagram for each organ
Respiratory System CUT OUT the cell strips These are ciliated and goblet cells that line the throat and respiratory tract GLUE them to form a 3D respiratory tract on your diagram Keeping your Respiratory System Healthy
Respiratory System: Reading Study Guide Read the textbook section B 2.1 Fill out reading study guide 2.1 (Informal Grade!)