Fin Notes Bone Bonanza Lab Forensic Science 11/6/14
Drill Look at the skeletons on the board. What is wrong with them? List bones that are missing/misplaced. (They can wear hats and be colorful if they want!) [That’s not what I’m talking about.]
Objective IWBAT Identify the bones of the skeleton Determine age and gender of a skeleton
Sex Characteristics of Pelvis Male and Female
Male and Female Pelvis Male Points of Comparison Female Heavy and Thick General Structure Light and thin Large Joint Surfaces Small Well marked Muscle Attachment Rather indistinct Deep Greater Pelvis Shallow
Male and Female Pelvis Male Points of Comparison Female Heart shaped Pelvic Inlet Circular Comparatively small Pelvic Outlet Comparatively Large The superior surface of the body spans nearly half the width of the sacrum. First Piece of Sacrum The superior surface of the body spans almost 1/3 the width of the sacrum.
Male and Female Pelvis Male Points of Comparison Female Long, narrow, with smooth concavity Sacrum Short wide, flat, curving forward in lower part Less than 90 degrees Pubic Arch Greater than 90 degrees Small and deep Sciatic Notch Wide and shallow
Skull Dimorphisms Male and Female
Male and Female Skulls Male Points of Comparison Female Heavier and more rugged General Architecture Lighter and less rugged Squared, small Eye Openings Rounded, large Prominent and heavy Brow Ridges Smooth and flat Heavier and laterally arched Cheekbones Lighter, lack lateral arching
Male and Female Skulls Male Points of Comparison Female Occipital bump at the base of the skull Occipital Condyle/ Nuchal Ridge Almost non-existent Letter U Chin Shape Letter V Sloping, less round Forehead Vertical, fuller Larger, more blunt Mastoid Process Smaller, more pointed
Bone Bonanza Lab You will separate and reassemble bones of a male skeleton and a female skeleton. Sam’s grandparents’ remains have been found, but they’re all mixed up! Help him separate them so he can put them to rest properly. Read the Background Information
Bone Bonanza Lab You and a partner (your choice) will work on this lab. Materials One packet per pair Plain sheet of white paper Scissors Glue stick “Lesson 4-2: Making No Bones About It!” A Lesson on Skeletal Evidence – REFERENCE, do NOT take! Put Grandmother on the front of your paper, and Grandfather on the back.
Closure How can you tell if someone was right or left handed? List some ways to distinguish between male and female bones