TPC shift guide1 Offline monitoring This guide explains: Where the RAW data are stored and how to access them A pointer to a common AliRoot setup on lxplus How to run the two RAW data monitors How to run some calibrations with macros Experts: Marian Ivanov Peter Christiansen Questions, comments, suggestions are encouraged:-)
TPC shift guide2 Raw data are stored on CASTOR The path is: /castor/ / / Use nsls to list and rfcp to copy Files can be accessed directly from lxplus if root is compiled with rfio option (--enable-rfio) Example of root path-name: rfio:/castor/ root –Nb! You have to specify rfio: to let ROOT know that it is a remote/CASTOR file
TPC shift guide3 RAW data are also registered in AliEN The path is: /alice/data/2007/LHC07w_TPC/ If you have AliEn installed you can copy the data from the aliensh The data can be accessed directly streamed in ROOT (if compiled with AliEn support). –alien-token-init (to get an alien token) –Tgrid::Connect("alien://"); inside root, aliroot or alieve. Example of ROOT path-name: alien:///alice/data/2007/LHC07w_TPC/ /ra w/ root –NB! alien:// tells root that it is an AliEn file
TPC shift guide4 TPC test AliRoot installation on lxplus There is a version of AliRoot installed on lxplus which is compiled with rfio support To use do –ssh -X (from outside) –bash (if you normally use another shell) –source ~miranov/public/.balice
TPC shift guide5 TPC pad monitor (NB! currently does not work for zero-suppressed data) The pad monitor by Stefan Kniege is part of AliRoot and also used online To run the monitor in aliroot do: –.L $ALICE_ROOT/lib/tgt_linux/ –.L $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/TPCMonitor.C –TPCMonitor() Now the GUI starts and you should do: –Sel. Format (Select ROOT and remember to press "Select Entry") –Sel. File (open file – can soon be alien file) –Press “Next Event” until the data is loaded
TPC shift guide6 AliEve general offline monitor AliEve is part of AliRoot To run the TPC raw display do: –alieve –.L../test-macros/tpc_gui.C –tpc_gui(, ) How to use the GUI: –Double click on TPCLoader to see the many draw options –Click “Help” to see how to navigate in the opengl window –SHIFT+right click on the graphical elements to get menu –CTRL+left click on pads to see 1d projections
TPC shift guide7 Running calibration macros (requires AliRoot HEAD e.g. tpc test AliRoot on lxplus) Running the AliTPCCalibPedestal class:.L $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/testPed.C testPed(, ) The results can be displayed in the calibration GUI viewer: AliTPCCalibViewerGUI::ShowGUI("CalibTree.root"); Raw data QA monitor (improvements to come):.L $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/testDataQA.C testDATAQA(, )