Industrial Revolution Vocabulary
Agrarian/Agricultural Revolution A period in the early 1700’s when there was an increase in the effectiveness of farming
Rural Country
Enclosure The purchasing and combination of many small farms buy a single owner Forces many to move to the cities Allows for experimentation in farming
Urban city
Urbanization The growth of cities as well as people moving to the cities
Industrialization The growth of factories
Industrial Revolution A period beginning in the mid 1700’s when the production of goods shifted from hand made to machine made
Factors of Production Things needed for successful industrialization Land, Labor, and Capital!
Natural Resources Materials in the environment which can be used for production; wood, gas, oil, rivers
Union A group of workers joined together to fight for better wages & working conditions
Laissez Faire Idea that the government should not interfere with the economy (hands off)
Economy Money system
Free Market Economy/Capitalism An economic system based on supply and demand
Socialism/Mixed Economy Economic system with both private and government run businesses
Command Economy/Communism Economy where all economic decisions are made by the government