John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 1


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Presentation transcript:

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 1 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty John Stuart Mill ~ On Liberty (1859) Chapter 1 Two kinds of liberty “Liberty of the Will” “Civil or Social Liberty” This book addresses the latter. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 1

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 2 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Comment: Locating Mill’s concept of liberty David Miller’s proposal: there are 3 traditions of liberty (David Miller, ed. Liberty. NY: Oxford UP, 1991). (1) The republican (2) The liberal (3) The Idealist Where is Mill’s theory? John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 2

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 3 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Back to Mill: Do democratic governments mitigate the perennial conflict between liberty and authority? No - because of the “tyranny of the majority” the meaning of this phrase John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 3

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 4 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Mill’s proposal for “one very simple principle” of liberty “That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 4

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 5 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.” (Collini 13; Rapaport 9; Gray 14) Mill’s comments on the principle This principle does not prevent attempting to persuade others John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 5

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 6 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Mill’s individualism: “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign” (Colini 13; Rapaport ; Gray 14) Three exceptions (1) The principle applies only to those “in the maturity of their faculties” (Colini 13; Gray 14) John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 6

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 7 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty (2) It does not apply to “those backward states of society in which the race itself may be considered as in its nonage. . . . Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided that the end be their improvement.” (Colini 13-14; Gray 14-15) John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 7

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 8 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Comment: Mill & the British Empire (3) It is not applicable to earlier times when a tribe or nation is not yet a civil society (Colini 14; Gray 15). Justification of the principle State that he will appeal to utility (Gray 15) (the task of chapters 2 & 3) John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 8

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 9 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Further refinements of the principle The principle is not negative only; it may require certain acts. But when applied to positive acts, much more caution must be taken. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 9

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 10 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Chapter 2 Primarily concerned with freedom of speech An opening declaration (quotable quote) “If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, then he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind” (Colini 20; Gray 21). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 10

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 11 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty The general thesis of the chapter: freedom of speech enhances truth Cf. the truth shall make you free, or Arbeit macht Frei John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 11

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 12 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty The arguments for this thesis Mill considers three ways that authorities might suppress speech & he proposes to show that each of these ways harms the discovery of truth John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 12

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 13 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty 1. Authorities suppress a true position and defend a false one Arguments against such action (1) This assumes infallibility on the part of the knowledge of the authorities; no person has such infallibility. “All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility” (Colini 21; Gray 22) John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 13

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 14 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty “There is no such thing as absolute certainty, but there is assurance sufficient for the purposes of human life” (Gray 24). Mill’s argument here -- it is part of the human condition to be immersed in a time & place & this greatly affects one’s ideas on what is true & false (Gray 22-23). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 14

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 15 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty (2) Liberty of discussion is necessary for correcting mistakes; experience is not sufficient Objection: Won’t truth win out in the long run? (Gray 33) (3) Liberty of discussion is necessary for the growth of individual wisdom & the wisdom of humankind John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 15

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 16 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty 2. Authorities suppress a false position and defend a true one (Gray 40) Arguments against this action (1) False positions help keep true ones alive “However true it may be [the position one holds], if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth” (Colini 37; Gray 40). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 16

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 17 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty “Both teachers and learners go to sleep at their post, as soon as there is no enemy in the field” (Colini 44; Gray 48). (2) False positions help hold positions for good reasons and not blindly. “He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that” (Colini 38; Gray 42). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 17

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 18 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty (3) Conflict of false and true positions helps clarify the truth. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 18

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 19 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty 3. Authorities suppress a mixed position (partially true and partially false) Free discussion will help sort these out. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 19

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 20 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Chapter 3 Primarily concerned with freedom of action (vs speech) The general thesis: (1) freedom of action enhances individual happiness & well being & (2) freedom of action enhances social, political, and economic progress John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 20

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 21 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty Argument for thesis # 1 There is no universal happiness; what constitutes happiness differs from person to person. Individuality & the freedom to engage in “different experiments of living” are a necessary condition for each person to discover what way of living produces happiness (Colini 57; Gray 63). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 21

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 22 J. S. Mill ~ On Liberty “The free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being” (Gray 63). Argument for thesis # 2 Social, political and economic experiments give rise to the possibility of social, economic, and political progress. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - 22