Sharing Flemish expertise in Information Literacy training with Southern partners By Fredrick Otike Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Kenya 2 July 20151
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 2 July 20152
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Library 3 rd Best Academic Library in Kenya July 20153
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Students population- 6,000 Staff-400 Location Nyeri County-Kenya Foot of Mt. Kenya 2 July 20154
University Library Entrance 2 July 20155
Information Literacy Training at DeKUT 2 July 20156
Information literacy encompasses Computer Literacy Information researching Information understanding Information creation Collaboration with others through communication 2 July 20157
Definition Information Literacy is the ability or skills required to identify what information is needed, understand how the information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically, and effectively share that information. 2 July 20158
How are the patrons informed about and trained in Information Literacy Training 2 July 20159
Library Orientation Induction Schedule Library Memos/Notices Website listing s. Short Messaging Services (SMS) Social Media (Face book page) Lecture/Class announcements 2 July
Conducting Information Literacy Training Library Orientation Literacy class Brochures, banners and flyers Library Website Communication skills classes Videos, PowerPoint Presentations 2 July
Workshops/short trainings 2 July
Additional for librarians Library Association Participating in E-journal Webinar E-resource training portal 2 July
Training Tutorial Materials Handout materials Power point presentation Video presentation Tutorials from other institutions e.g. Zotero, July
Information Literacy & the curriculum Integrated with Curriculum Requirement by the CUE. Proposed Information Literacy and Competency Curriculum for Universities 2 July
problems Experienced in Information Literacy Training? Target Audience Library Orientation Low Bandwidth connectivity 2 July
Problems Experienced in Information Literacy Training? Lack of trained personnel. Information Overload Feedback and Quick online assistance Limited time 2 July
Proposed improvements Training and skilled personnel Mobile pairing device Develop a quick feedback Mechanism Categorization of information 2 July
Proposed Improvements Packaging of training information Social network account Alert services Resource information for the week 2 July
Training Evaluation? 2 July
Training Evaluation Examination/tests Questionnaires Comments and complain books Social Media 2 July
2 July