GSci 165 How Life Works Claire Clemens & Jeff Kushner
Catalog Description GSCI 165. The Way Life Works. 1 credit. Patterns, energy, information, life’s machinery, feedback, community and evolution. These are major themes in how life works. This course will use these themes as a backdrop for looking at the way life works.
Course Goals Explore How Life Works from an assemblage of atoms into molecules, into macromolecules (CHO, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) to cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, and populations via mutations and evolution. Conduct investigations to be able to diagram and identify cell structures and organelles, and describe similarities and differences between plants and animals.
Course Objectives Students will be able to diagram patterns of cellular organization, including cells, tissues, organs, and systems; and functions and processes of cells, tissues, organs, and systems (respiration, removal of wastes, growth, reproduction, digestion, and cellular transport). Students will investigate and describe the basic physical and chemical processes of energy transformations in living systems including photosynthesis, fermentation, respiration and energy and matter flow through ecosystems. Students will investigate and understand that organisms reproduce and transmit genetic information to new generations, including the role of DNA; characteristics that can and cannot be inherited; genetic engineering and its applications; and historical contributions and significance of discoveries related to genetics. Students will be able to provide examples of how organisms change over time. Key concepts include the relationships of mutation, adaptation, natural selection, and extinction; evidence of evolution of different species in the fossil record; and how environmental influences, as well as genetic variation, can lead to diversity of organisms.
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education An information literate individual is able to: Determine the extent of information needed Access the needed information effectively and efficiently Evaluate information and its sources critically Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally
Information Literacy Competency for GSci 165 Use information effectively to Complete Homework Assignments –Determine what information is needed –Access that information effectively and efficiently –Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base
Learner-Centered IL Learning Objectives for GSci 165 Use a variety of information resources to answer homework questions. Demonstrate the ability to find information from readings. Summarize, organize, and synthesize the information found. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of biology/life sciences information resources for answering homework questions
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1 Cells & Membranes Assignment #2 Mitosis & Meiosis Assignment #3 Genetics, I, II, & III Assignment #4 DNA and Protein Synthesis Assignment #5 Cancer, Biotechnology
Additions to Homework Find the answers to all questions in each subject area. Use at least two sources from each information resource type (and cite using APA style) to complete each homework assignment. A given category may be used only once.
INFORMATION RESOURCE TYPES ResourceDescriptionExamples Reference Works Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Dictionaries Identify by searching LEO, Library Catalog. Find in Carrier Library Reference Collection (1 st floor). Encyclopedia of Biology QH309.2.R The Facts on File Dictionary of Biology QH302.5.F Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (10 Volumes) QH302.5.E Frontiers of Life (4 volumes) QH302.5.F The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution QP34.5.M McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Bioscience QH302.5.M Non-Reference Works Textbooks, books from Carrier Library general collection Identify by searching LEO, Library Catalog. Find in Carrier Library Stacks. Human chromosomes : structure, behavior, and effects / QH431.T Genes and DNA : a beginner's guide to genetics and its applications QH430.O Life sciences for the non-scientist / QH307.2.Z Professional Websites Search Engines Research Databases
Part 2 After answering all of the homework questions, identify one lesson plan which a teacher could use to communicate any one of the concepts contained in each of the 5 homework assignments. The intended audience for the lesson should be students in an upper elementary or middle school class (your choice of Grades 4-8). You are strongly encouraged to use the recommended sources, although you may consult additional resources, that you have evaluated to be professional, reliable and stable sources.
Rubric Criteria/Level135 Answering QuestionsProvided No/incorrect/incomplete answers Provided all correct answers not demonstrating understanding Provided all correct answers demonstrating understanding SourcesInvalid AND InsufficientInvalid OR InsufficientValid AND Sufficient Cite SourcesNone CitedNon-APA or Incorrect/incomplet e APA style All cited properly Lesson PlanNone attachedInappropriate lesson plan or source, no SOL, or no source cited Lesson plan attached, source correctly cited, SOL listed