Coach Freeman
Trying to go to China: for spices and other goods Conquer Mexico and Central America The seven cities of Cabola : cities of gold and jewels Explored Oklahoma in search of GOLD
Governor of the province of New Spain (Mexico) 27 years old wealthy known for military leader ship and a capable administrator 1540 went search of the Cities of Gold Found nothing Arizona and New Mexico Change to a town called “Quivira” Quivira- was land riches severed food on silver plates and golden bowls…. So they thought … Coronado was bitterly disappointed instead made pledge Allegiance to Spain.
Besides Gold the Spanish wanted to set up Mission’s/Churches trying to spread the gospel or to share God…. Juan Padilla set-up mission in South Central Kansas … Died in the process Portuguese Soldier who followed Padilla: Andres Do Campo Taken prisoner for a year against their will. Escaped traveled across Central Oklahoma to the Gulf Coast or New Spain Took them 5 years: Drug a wooden cross south Now I-35 is the same route these brothers took to Present- day Mexico…
Established mission near present Day Santa Fe New Mexico. Survived before the presence of Jamestown and Quebec… He came through Oklahoma in search the Cities of Gold and encountered the Wichita's again at Quivira!
France saw the Mississippi River and lands west of it as a “New Commercial Empire “ It was a center of Trade The Success of Louisiana depend on the FUTURE in Oklahoma…
Wanted establish trade with Santa Fe, New Mexico 1 st traded goods and created an alliance with OSAGE tribe… Osage liked the French but resented them trading to the Wichita's Wichita’s finally accepted with him, and accepted trade. Creating a route for him to pass…
Organized 2 nd Expedition Established anther link of trade or a commercial link to New Mexico…. He was Setting-up trade with Wichita's While Du Tisne is a 100 miles to the north meeting with two other Wichita villages…. La Harpe succeeded and claimed Oklahoma as a apart of French Territory …
Becoming dependent on the French instead of their old ways Started hunting for commercial purposes instead of for food and clothes… Fought wars for revenge, but now they fought to take captives and horses trade them as slaves