1 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
2 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Semi-Crystalline Helical Structure Chain Folding Semi-Crystalline Fibrillar Growth Spherulitic, shish-kabob, epitaxial surface nucleation, Crystalline Orientation Lamellar Orientation Macroscopic Orientation
3 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
4 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
5 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
6 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
7 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
8 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
9 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Paul Phillips 1990 Review
10 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
11 Paul Phillips 1990 Review Rigid, semi-Rigid, Flexible Polymer Chains On melting the entropy gain is small because the crystallizing units are chemically bound. The random coil state is seen classically as the highest entropy state. For rigid polymers the ground state may be a lower entropy state. Kevlar Polythiophene
12 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Paul Phillips 1990 Review Tacticity Tacticity governs the helical structure
13 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
14 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
15 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
16 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
17 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
18 Chain Folding and Crystallization
21 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies n-alkane boiling and melting points “n” Boiling (top) or Melting (bottom) Point
22 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies “Crystals act like crosslinks in rubber” P. Phillips 1990
23 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
24 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
29 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
30 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Solution Crystallization
32 Why do Chains Fold?
33 Why do Chains Fold? For an infinite crystal V/S is very large and we can ignore the surface At the equilibrium melting point ΔG = 0 so: substituting in the first equation,
34 Why do Chains Fold? For a lamellar crystal S is 2R 2 and V is tR 2 At a pseudo-equilibrium point where the crystal has a finite thickness of t and a depressed melting point, T
35 Why do Chains Fold? or
36 Hoffman-Weeks Plot
37 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
38 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
39 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
40 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
41 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
42 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
43 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Diffusion of impurities versus growth rate of crystallization front J = -D dc/dx for flux of impurities G = linear growth rate of crystal D/G = δ, the Keith-Padden δ-parameter This determines the coarseness of the spherulite (lateral size)
44 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
45 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
46 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
47 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory Add a first stem, then subsequent stems. First stem and subsequent stems add 2b 0 σl and b 0 σl To the free energy (cost to make a surface)
48 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory First stem:
49 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
53 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
55 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
56 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
57 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
58 Hoffman-Lauritzen Secondary Nucleation Theory
59 Primary Nucleation
60 Primary Nucleation
61 Spherulites
62 Primary Nucleation
63 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
64 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
65 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies Non Crystallographic Branching
66 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
67 Semi-Crystalline Polymer Morphologies and their Hierarchical Morphologies
68 Spherulitic Growth Rate
69 Avrami Equation
70 Avrami Equation
71 Avrami Equation
72 Avrami Equation
73 Avrami Equation
74 Avrami Equation