Ethics and the Geospatial Profession Max Baber, Ph.D., FBCart.S Director of Academic Programs United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation NC GIS Conference – 26 February 2015
USGIF Strategic Partners
GEOINT Professional Credentialing 2011:USD(I) mandates development of professional certifications for several National Security workforce categories 2012: NGA submits policy manual outlining plans for GEOINT professional certification 2013: NGA beta-tests Proficiency Level 1 (PL-1) exam, begins development of PL-2 exams for various NGA analyst work categories 2013: USGIF signs CRADA with NGA to support GEOINT professional certification effort 2014: USGIF gathers input from government, industry, and academia for Certification Blueprint 2015: USGIF launching professional GEOINT Analyst credentialing process for industry/academia
Ethics and Geospatial Organizations GIS Certification Institute – GIS Code of Ethics American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – Code of Ethics Association of American Geographers – Statement on Professional Ethics Urban and Regional Information Systems Association – GIS Code of Ethics National Society of Professional Surveyors – Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
State problem Check facts Identify relevant factors Develop list of options Test those options – Harm, publcity, defensibility, reversibility, colleagues profession, organization Choose among options Review previous steps Guide to Ethical Decision-Making (Davis, 1999)
What is Geospatial Intelligence? Elements Location Sensors Platforms Imagery Processing Features Attributes Data Science Analytics Visualization Tradecraft Definition: Government The term “geospatial intelligence” means the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth. GEOINT consists of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information. Title 10 United States Code §467
What is Geospatial Intelligence? Elements Location Sensors Platforms Imagery Processing Features Attributes Data Science Analytics Visualization Tradecraft Definition: Academic Geospatial intelligence is actionable knowledge, a process, and a profession. It is the ability to describe, understand, and interpret so as to anticipate the human impact of an event or action within a spatiotemporal environment. It is also the ability to identify, collect, store, and manipulate data to create geospatial knowledge through critical thinking, geospatial reasoning, and analytical techniques. Finally, it is the ability to present knowledge in a way that is appropriate to the decision-making environment. Todd Bacastow & Dennis Bellafiore American Intelligence Journal (2009)
What is Geospatial Intelligence? Elements Location Sensors Platforms Imagery Processing Features Attributes Data Science Analytics Visualization Tradecraft Definition: Industry GEOINT is the professional practice of integrating and interpreting all forms of geospatial data to create historical and anticipatory intelligence products used for planning or that answer questions posed by decision makers. Darryl Murdock and Robert M. Clark The Five Disciplines of Intelligence Collection (2015)
Implementing Geographic Information Technologies Ethically (Onsrud, 2008) Societal controls Globalization Law vs Ethics Core ethical values Intellectual property Ethics driven implementations Ethics driven design
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@USGIF Dr. Max Baber, Director of Academic Programs