3-1 Estimating Fractions and Mixed Numbers A.) Estimating sums and differences of fractions One way to estimate sums/differences of fractions is to round the fractions to either 0,, 1 and then add or subtract. ½ 0 ½ 1 1
Comparing Fractions to 1, 0 or. These fractions are close to zero. What do you notice about these fractions?
These fractions are close to one. What do you notice about these fractions?
These fractions are close to What do you notice about these fractions?
Put the following fractions in the correct box. Less than More than
Round the following fractions to either 0,, 1. ½ 0 ½ 1
Estimate the following sums/differences. First round each fraction to 0,, 1, then add or subtract. ½ a.) + b.) - c.) +
B.) Estimating with Mixed Numbers Step: Round each mixed number to the nearest whole number then perform the operation ( +, -, x ) a.) + b.) -c.)
Step: When estimating quotients (review), round the divisor first, then replace the dividend with the nearest compatible #. a.) b.) ÷ ÷
Demonstrate Understanding: Estimate 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) ÷ + -