Physical Science Bell Work


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Science Bell Work

Physical Science 8/18/14 Day 1 Agenda Bell Question Bell work Science Syllabus Social contract Intro to Unit I Describe yourself in one word.

Physical Science 8/19/14 Day 2 Class Agenda Metric Measurement lesson (notes) and conversion practice Bell Question What are three base units in the metric system?

Physical Science 8/20/14 Day 3 Class Agenda Social Contracts and non-verbal signs Metric Mania Conversion Practice E.L.O. Bring in empty, clean plastic drink containers for 5 points each Bell Question Do the following metric conversions: 1 km = _____ m 1 m = ______ cm 1 l = _______ ml

Physical Science 8/21/14 Day 4 Class Agenda Measurement Pre-Test Volume Lab Reminders: Turn in Writing Meters, Liters and Grams and Metric Mania Conversion Practice worksheets E.L.O. Bring in empty, clean plastic drink containers for 5 points each Bell Question: Our classroom temperature is 73 degress F. Roughly estimate that temperature in degrees Celsius.

Physical Science 8/22/14 Day 5 Class Agenda: Measurements with a triple beam balance Reminders: E.L.O. Bring in clean plastic bottles for 5 points each Bell Question: What is the upside-down bubble that forms when you put water in a glass or plastic container?

Physical Science 8/25/14 Day 6 Metric Mania English – Metric Conversions worksheet Chapter 2 Section 1 Review (page 44) questions 1-7 No bell question - sub

Physical Science 8/26/14 Day 7 Measuring Length in Metric Convert 10 cm to inches

Physical Science 8/27/14 Day 8 Class Agenda: Metric – English Equivalents worksheet Finding Densities Bell Question: Convert the following metric units: 1000ml to l 500 ml to l 10 ml to l

Physical Science 8/28/14 Day 9 Class Agenda: Finding Densities Lab Bell Question: What is the formula for density?

Physical Science 9/2/14 Day 10 Class Agenda: Weather Data Finding Densities Data Properties of Matter Turn in Daily Science Logs Bell Question: If an object is less dense than water, will that object sink or float?

Temperature 49 Humidity 75 Barometer 29.60 Wind 4

Physical Science 9/3/14 Day 11 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes on States of Matter and Classifying Matter 1.1.1 Study Sheet: It’s Elementary Bell Question: Why do scientists take more than one measurement and find an average when doing an investigation?

Physical Science 9/4/14 Day 12 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes on Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Chapter 2 Review (due 9/5) Section 1 pg 44 #1-6 * already done Section 2 pg 48 Practice #1-3 Section 2 pg 52 #1,2,5 & 6 Section 3 pg 58 #1 Bell Question: Is salt water a compound or a mixture?

Physical Science 9/5/14 Day 13 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes on Chemical Properties of Matter Chapter 2 Review (due 9/5) Section 1 pg 44 #1-6 * already done Section 2 pg 48 Practice #1-3 Section 2 pg 52 #1,2,5 & 6 Section 3 pg 58 #1 Science Friday Video Bell Question: List at least four physical properties of matter.

Physical Science 9/8/14 Day 14 Class Agenda: Weather Data Atomic Structure notes and practice Ice melts at 0oC. Is that a physical or chemical property of water?

Physical Science 9/9/14 Day 15 Class Agenda: Weather Data More on Atomic Structure – electron orbitals Bell Question: Mg is Atomic Number 12 and has a Mass Number of 24.305. How many protons, neutrons and electrons does Mg have?

Physical Science 9/10/14 Day 16 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes on the Periodic Table Bell Question: How many electrons can each energy level of an atom hold? 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd ______

Physical Science 9/11/14 Day 17 Class Agenda: Weather Data Finish Notes on the Periodic Table Finish and turn in BOTH atomic structure worksheets for the week Reminder: Seniors and anyone planning to graduate this year meet in Mr. Carolla’s room at 1:35 today. Bell Question: Hydrogen has three isotopes: Protium 1 H, Deuterium 2H and Tritium 3H. Hydrogen is Atomic Number 1. How many neutrons are there in each isotope?

Physical Science 9/12/14 Day 18 Class Agenda: Weather Data Finish notes on the Periodic Table Chapter 4.1 Study Guide Science Friday Bell Question: Name at least three properties of metals that distinguish them from nonmetals.

Physical Science 9/15/14 Day 19 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes on Representative Groups of the Periodic Table Finish 4.1 Worksheet and turn in Bell Question: As you move from left to right across the periodic table, do the elements become more metallic or less metallic?

Physical Science 9/16/14 Day 20 Class Agenda: Weather Data Gak Lab Finish notes on Representative Groups Turn in Daily Science Log Bell Question: How many valence electrons do each of the elements in Group IA have?

Physical Science 9/17/14 Day 21 Class Agenda: Get a new Daily Science Log Weather Data Notes on Representative Groups and Bonding Bonding Basics – Ionic Bonds worksheet Bell Question: What is a polymer?

Physical Science 9/18/14 Day 22 Class Agenda: Weather Data A few more notes on Ions and Ionic Bonding Drawing Electron Dot Configuration (Lewis Dot) Diagrams Work on worksheets for the week Bell Question: How many valence electrons do the halogens have?

Physical Science 9/19/14 Day 23 Class Agenda: Weather Data Ionic bonding – finish worksheets for the week Science Friday Note check on Monday – for a grade. All notes are posted on my web page Bell Question: Show the electron dot configuration for the reaction Na + O  Na2O

Physical Science 9/22/14 Day 24 Class Agenda: Weather Data Notes and Practice – Naming Ionic Compounds Bell Question: Find the product of the following reaction: Mg + O --->

Physical Science 9/23/14 Day 25 Class Agenda: Weather Data Finish Binary Ionic Compounds worksheet Bell Question: No bell, sub

Physical Science 9/24/14 Day 26 Class Agenda: Weather Data Writing and Naming Binary Ionic Compounds Worksheet Bell Question: No bell, sub

Physical Science 9/25/14 Day 27 Class Agenda: Weather Data 6.1 and 6.2 Study Guide Bell Question: No bell, sub

Physical Science 9/26/14 Day 28 Class Agenda: Weather Data Hunting the Elements video Bell Question: No bell, sub

Physical Science 9/29/14 Day 29 Class Agenda: Weather Data Fill in missed agendas Finish all work Midterm Exam on Friday Bell Question: When writing a chemical formula for an ionic compound, which comes first, the anion (negative) or cation (positive)?

Physical Science 9/30/14 Day 30 Class Agenda: Weather Data Graph weather data for the month Practice writing chemical formulas for ionic compounds and metric conversions Reminder: Midterm Friday Bell Question: How many valence electrons will Cu(II) lose? How about Cu(III)

Physical Science 10/1/14 Day 31 Class Agenda: Weather Data – Start a new sheet for October Get a new Daily Science Log Metric Conversion and Ionic Compounds review Reminder: Midterm Exam on Friday Bell Question: Write the chemical formula for Lead(IV) Chloride.

Physical Science 10/2/14 Day 32 Class Agenda: Weather Data Review for Midterm Get your work done! Reminder: Midterm Exam tomorrow! Bell Question: Write the name of the ionic compound CuCl3

Physical Science 10/3/14 Day 33 Class Agenda: Weather Data Midterm exam Finish and turn in any missing work! Bell Question: Write the chemical formula for Aluminum fluoride.

Physical Science 10/6/14 Day 34 Class Agenda: Weather Data Finish/Correct Midterm Exam Hunting the Elements, con’t Bell Question: Ionic bonds form when electrons are transferred/shared (pick one)

Physical Science 10/7/14 Day 35 Class Agenda: Weather Data Hunting the Elements Bell Question: No Bell - sub

Physical Science 10/8/14 Day 36 Class Agenda: Weather Data Covalent Bonding Notes Covalent Bonding Practice Bell Question: How many valence electrons does Carbon have?

Physical Science 10/9/14 Day 37 Class Agenda: Weather Data Naming Compounds Tutorial and Worksheet Bell Question: Covalent bonds form when atoms transfer/share (pick one) electrons

Physical Science 10/10/14 Day 38 Class Agenda: Weather Data Naming Ionic Compounds that have Polyatomic Ions Go Fish for an Ion Game Bell Question: What is a polyatomic ion?

Physical Science 10/13/14 Day 39 Class Agenda: Weather Data Review Ionic Compounds Go Fish for an Ion game Bell Question: Write the correct formula for: 1. Calcium Hydroxide 2. Sodium Carbonate 3. Ammonium Hydroxide

Physical Science 10/14/14 Day 40 Class Agenda: Weather Data Naming Compounds Tutorial and Worksheet Turn in your Daily Science Log Bell Question: If a metal combines with a nonmetal, the compound is molecular/ionic (pick one)

Physical Science 10/15/14 Day 41 Class Agenda: Get a new Daily Science Log Weather Data 7.1 Describing Chemical Reactions Notes 7.1 and 7.2 study guide – due Friday Bell Question: The Law of Conservation of Mass states that matter can not be ______ or _______

Physical Science Class Agenda: Bell Question: