PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record Two new data elements are added to the 010 District PEIMS record: TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1556) TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1557) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release6
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record Two new data elements are added to the 010 District PEIMS record: TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1556) TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1557) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release7
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1556) indicates the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district’s board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC Section Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release8
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS The total number of requests will be reported in Submission 3 only and must be blank in submissions 1, 2, and 4. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release9
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS The data collection period is from June 1 through May 31 of each year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release10
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS The total number of school board member information requests is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release11
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1557) indicates the cost of fulfilling the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district’s board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC SECTION Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release12
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS (E1557) The total cost of requests will be reported in Submission 3 only and must be blank in submissions 1, 2, and 4. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release13
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS (E1557) The data collection period is from June 1 through May 31 of each year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release14
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS (E1557) The total cost of school board member information requests is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release15
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD- REQUESTS (E1557) Districts may use the Texas Attorney Generals Public Information Request cost schedule to calculate the costs reported. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release16
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings Added by TEC for the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release17
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record Campus Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the LEA performance in each category. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release18
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings -Not reported by the Texas Juvenile Justice District (TJJD). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release19
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code (E1540) has a new code table for ; C200. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release20
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record C200 - STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND- POLICY-COMPLIANCE-INDICATOR- CODE 0 - No (Not In Compliance) 1 - Yes (In Compliance) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release21
PEIMS Data Record Changes 010 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings School Districts and Charter Schools may not report the basic indicators (E1531 – E1539) as all “Not Applicable”. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release22
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 Campus Record Campus Student and Community Engagement Performance Ratings Added by TEC for the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release23
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 Campus Record Campus Student and Community Engagement Performance Ratings A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the LEA performance in each category. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release24
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings Data is not reported for TJJD, JJAEP, DAEP, or TJJD juvenile detention center campuses. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release25
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 District Record District Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code (E1540) has a new code table for C200 Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release26
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 Campus Record C200 - STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND- POLICY-COMPLIANCE-INDICATOR- CODE 0 - No (Not In Compliance) 1 - Yes (In Compliance) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release27
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 District Record Campus Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings -Data is not reported by DAEPS, JJAEPs, TJJD, and Juvenile Detention Center campuses. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release28
PEIMS Data Record Changes 020 District Record Campus Community and Student Engagement Performance Ratings Campuses will get a data warning if all the basic indicators (E1531 – E1539) are all reported as “Not Applicable”. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release29
PEIMS Data Record Changes 030 Budget Record Instructions for the Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release30
PEIMS Data Record Changes 030 Budget Record In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2015, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2014, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at: _003.pdf Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release31
PEIMS Data Record Changes 030 Budget Record ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Removed specific edit references from “Table of Resource Guide Organization/Campus IDs”. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release32
PEIMS Data Record Changes 032 Financial Actual Record Instructions for the Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release33
PEIMS Data Record Changes 032 Financial Actual Record In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2015, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2014, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at: _003.pdf Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release34
PEIMS Data Record Changes 032 Financial Actual Record ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Removed specific edit references from “Table of Resource Guide Organization/Campus IDs”. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release35
PEIMS Data Record Changes 090 Staff Responsibilities Record Role-ID VS Service-ID Matrix Instructional Officer changed to “District Instructional Program Director” Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release36
PEIMS Data Record Changes 101 Student Demographic Record As Of Status Code Business Rules are streamlined and clarified Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release37
PEIMS Data Record Changes 101 Student Demographic Record For Submission 1, AS-OF- STATUS-CODE is required indicates a student’s school-start window and Snapshot date enrollment status for the current year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release38
PEIMS Data Record Changes 101 Student Demographic Record For Submission 3, AS-OF- STATUS-CODE is required indicates a student’s enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release39
101 Student Demographic Record For Submission 4, the AS-OF- STATUS-CODE is not reported. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release40
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs A through G are used in Submission 1 and only in Submission 1 and indicate student enrollment status within the school- start window and on the PEIMS fall as-of-date in the current year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release41
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs A, D, and E indicate that the student was enrolled last year but not in the school-start window this year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release42
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs B, D, and F are used by TEA to determine the fall as-of date enrollment for each district. Students coded with B’s may or may not have been enrolled in the district during the prior year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release43
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODE C is used to notify TEA that a student has been in the district in the school- start window during the current year, but not on the fall as-of date. Students coded with C’s may or may not have been enrolled in the district during the prior year. Districts are required to report students who were not prior year students and were not enrolled on the current year fall as-of date. Students coded with C’s are not counted as enrolled students when TEA publishes enrollment counts by district. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release44
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODE X is used in both Submissions 1 and 3 for students in grades EE-06. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release45
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs H and I are used in Submission 3 and only in Submission 3 and indicate student enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release46
101 Student Demographic Record AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs H and I are used in Submission 3 and only in Submission 3 and indicate student enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release47
101 Student Demographic Record See the As Of Status Code Chart for a concise summary of the above requirements for As Of Status Code. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release48
101 Student Demographic Record See the AS-OF-STATUS-CODE matrix with Corresponding edits. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release49
101 Student Demographic Record GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) For Submission 1, the Grade Level Code of a student enrolled in the current school reflects the most current grade level of the student. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release50
101 Student Demographic Record GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) For Submission 1, the Grade Level Code of a school leaver refers to the last grade of enrollment. Students who complete a grade, but do not return to school within the school-start window the following year, will be reported with the last grade level during the last year of enrollment. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release51
101 Student Demographic Record GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) For Submission 3 and 4, Grade Level Code refers to the last grade level at the end of the school year or on the last day of enrollment of the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release52
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Definition The general term “foster care” for education purposes includes all students in the managing conservatorship (legal custody) of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release53
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Definition This includes students placed by DFPS with a Kinship caregiver, when the child remains in the legal custody of Texas DFPS. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release54
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Data Collection Authority The Texas Legislature only authorized TEA permission to collect the “foster care” status of students in Texas DFPS Managing Conservatorship. Students in foster care from other states must not be reported as foster care for PEIMS reporting purposes. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release55
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Data Documentation For Foster Care Indicator Code 1, schools may accept any official Texas Department of Family and Protective Services form, listed below, that designate that a student is in Texas DFPS Managing Conservatorship. A school may also accept a copy of the court order for this purpose. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release56
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Data Documentation 1. All forms in the 2085 series: Foster Care/Residential Care FC Kinship or Other Non-Foster Caregiver KO Verified Kinship Foster Caregiver KF Legal Risk LR Home and Community-based Services (HCS) HCS Supervised Independent Living SIL Designation of Education Decision-Maker E Designation of Medical Consenter B Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release57
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Data Documentation 2. DFPS Kinship Caregiver Agreement – 0695 3. Court-Order naming Texas DFPS as the Temporary Managing Conservator (TMC) or Permanent Managing Conservator (PMC). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release58
102 Student Demographic Record Foster Care Data Documentation For Pre-Kindergarten eligibility under the foster care provision, follow the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook requirements. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release59
110 Student Enrollment Record AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0919) indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria only (TEC §29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). A student at-risk of dropping out of school includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who: …….. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release60
163 Student Special Education Record Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE- CODE of “0” for special education students who do not meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE “3”. These students are less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and greater than 21 years of age on September 1. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release61
163 Student Special Education Record Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE- CODE of “3” for special education students who meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE “3”. These students are at least 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 years of age on September 1. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release62
163 Student Special Education Record PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) For students eligible for special education services such as visually impaired, auditorially impaired, and/or deaf-blind, always include such disabilities as either the primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. When deaf-blind is the primary disability it is not necessary to document visually impaired and auditorially impaired as secondary and tertiary disabilities. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release63
163 Student Special Education Record REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) All students in the RDSPD must have a disabling condition of AI (03) (Auditory Impairment) or DB (05) (Deaf-Blind) as either their primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. This must reflect exactly what the ARD/IEP states. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release64
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 203 School Leaver record has been renamed as described above. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release65
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record The PEIMS 203 record will be reported in the summer collection (submission 3) and the fall collection (submission 1). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release66
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In the summer collection, the PEIMS 203 record will collect the FHSP graduation program intent of all grade 9-12 students only. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release67
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In the fall collection, the PEIMS 203 record will collect the graduation data for graduated students and leaver data for students in grades 7 – 12. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release68
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record To accommodate the new FHSP program, seven (7) new data elements have been added to the PEIMS 203 data record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release69
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 1. E FHSP Participant Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release70
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 2. E FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement program under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC (b-15). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release71
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 3. E STEM Endorsement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release72
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 4. E Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Business and Industry Endorsement. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release73
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 5. E Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Public Services Endorsement. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release74
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 6. E Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed an Arts and Humanities Endorsement. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release75
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record 7. E Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release76
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In the summer collection, all 7 data elements E1541 – E1548 data elements will be reported for each student in grades Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release77
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In the fall collection, only 6 of the 7 data elements E1542 – E1548 data elements will be reported for each graduate. The FHSP Participant Code will not be reported in the Fall Collection. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release78
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Addendum Update: FHSP data elements E E1547 have a new code table; C199. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release79
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record C199 - FHSP-INDICATOR-CODE 0 - Student is not Pursuing or Participating (Submissions 1 and 3) 1 - Student is Pursuing (Submission 3 Only) 2 - Student has Completed (Submissions 1 and 3) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release80
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In Submission 1, the 203 Student School Leaver record identifies students who were enrolled at some point during the prior school year and did not graduate, earn a GED by August 31, or return to school enrollment by the last Friday in September. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release81
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In Submission 1, the 203 Student School Leaver record continues to identify students who have graduated in the prior school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release82
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record The FHSP elements E1541 – E1548 cannot be reported in the school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release83
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record The FHSP elements E1541 – E1548 will first be reported at the end of the school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release84
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record In Submission 3, the 203 Student Graduation Program record identifies the intent of students enrolled in the Foundation High School Program by collecting the Participant Code, Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code, and the Endorsement Indicator Codes. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release85
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record CAMPUS-ID (E0266) For Submission 1, CAMPUS-ID on the 203 Student School Leaver record refers to the identification number of the campus in which the student was last enrolled. Submit the previous year's CAMPUS-ID even if the campus is closed in the current year. For example, if a student completes the eighth grade at a middle school (Grades 6-8), and then fails to return to school at a high school (Grades 9-12) the following fall, the student is reported as a school leaver in Grade 8 from the middle school campus. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release86
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record CAMPUS-ID (E0266) If the Campus from which a student is a “school leaver” in the prior school year is no longer operational in the current school year, then the 203 Student School Leaver record must report the leaver data event using that student’s previous school year’s CAMPUS- ID. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release87
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record CAMPUS-ID (E0266) For Submission 3, CAMPUS-ID on the 203 Student Graduation Program record refers to the campus that the high school student was enrolled in on the last day of the school year, or the last day of enrollment during the school year. For example, if a student was enrolled at both campus 004 and campus 003 during the course of the school year and was last enrolled at campus 003, then the 203 School Leaver record should reflect the Foundation High School Program data from campus 003 and not 004. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release88
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record LEAVER-REASON-CODE (E1001) LEAVER-REASON-CODE is only reported in Submission 1. All Leaver Reason Codes, other than code 98, require that the LEA obtain or maintain the documentation for each Leaver Reason Code as specified in Appendix D, Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release89
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record DATE-OF-GRADUATION (E0791) indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school. DATE-OF-GRADUATION is only reported in Submission 1. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release90
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record DATE-OF-GRADUATION (E0791) indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school. The DATE-OF-GRADUATION for a student must fall within the time period of enrollment for the prior school year, up to and including the summer period between the prior school year and the current school year. (i.e. August 2013 through August 2014) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release91
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record The GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is only reported only in Submission 1 to identify those students who have graduated from high school in the previous school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release92
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Graduation data is reported for all students who graduated during the prior school year, including summer graduates up through August 31 st. To graduate, students must satisfy the requirements under 19 TAC, Section 74, Subchapter B. Special education students must satisfy requirements under 19 TAC, Section The GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE code represents the program with the most stringent requirements that was completed by the student. Refer to the Texas State Graduation Requirements found on the TEA website at Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release93
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 33 - Foundation High School Program will be retired at the end of the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release94
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 34 is published in the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards, but will not be available for reporting graduates in the school year Fall submission. GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 34 is published early to give LEAs the ability to track Foundation High School Program graduates during the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release95
203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Chart 34 is published in the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards, but will not be available for reporting graduates in the school year Fall submission. GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 34 is published early to give LEAs the ability to track Foundation High School Program graduates during the school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release96
425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA – STUDENT- Record Except for the reason of “bringing a firearm to school”, a student who is younger than 10 years of age may not be expelled for engaging in conduct described in TEC Students who are less than 10 years of age and commit an otherwise expellable offense may be placed to a DAEP via a DAEP conference hearing in lieu of an expulsion hearing. Students under the age of 10 who bring a firearm to school must be expelled with placement to a DAEP. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release97
Data Standards Data Element Additions and Deletions Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release98
New Data Element FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE (E1541) – indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The FHSP Participant Code is only reported at the end of the school year for any student that was enrolled in grades If a student is reported as participating, then additional FHSP information (data elements E1542 – E1548) must be reported. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release99
New Data Element FHSP-DISTINGUISHED-LEVEL-INDICATOR-CODE (E1542) – indicates whether a student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement program under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC (b-15). The FHSP Distinguished Level Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student who was enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. (Submission 3) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release100
New Data Element STEM ENDORSEMENT INDICATOR CODE (E1544) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement. The STEM Endorsement Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release101
New Data Element BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY ENDORSEMENT INDICATOR CODE (E1545) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Business and Industry Endorsement. The Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student pursuing the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release102
New Data Element ARTS AND HUMANITIES ENDORSEMENT INDICATOR CODE (E1547) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed an Arts and Humanities Endorsement. The Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release103
New Data Element MULTI-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES ENDORSEMENT INDICATOR CODE (E1548) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement. The Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Program Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release104
New Data Element PUBLIC SERVICES ENDORSEMENT INDICATOR CODE (E1546) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Public Services Endorsement. The Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release105
New Data Element TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1556) indicates the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district’s board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC SECTION Do not report requests submitted during a school board meeting. This data is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release106
New Data Element TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1557) indicates the cost of fulfilling the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district’s board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC SECTION Do not report requests submitted during a school board meeting. This data is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools. Report this value in whole dollars only. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release107
Data Standards Code Table Additions and Revisions Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release108
Code Table Revisions C022 Service ID - Numerous changes have occurred to the Service Id table. Please reference the PEIMS Data Standards Change Document for the complete list. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release109
Code Table Revisions 062 Graduation Type Code 30: Minimum High School Program 31: Recommended High School Program 32: Distinguished Achievement Program Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release110
Code Table Revisions C062 Graduation Type Code 33: Foundation High School Program (Transitioning Students) 34: Foundation High School Program Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release111
Code Table Revisions C145 Fund Code 287: Education Jobs Fund (ARRA) is Deleted Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release112
Code Table Revisions C146 Function Code Deleted column for 033 SSA Actual Eligible (FUNCTION-CODE is not collected on the 033 record) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release113
Code Table Revisions C147 Program Intent Code Revised PIC Codes 33, 34, 35 to be Actual Eligible Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release114
Code Table Revisions C147 Program Intent Code Delete 033 SSA Actual Eligible column Add 055 Contracted Instructional Staff Eligible column Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release115
Code Table Revisions C147 Program Intent Code Change the order of columns to match other financial code tables. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release116
Code Table Revisions C159 Object Code Deleted column for 033 SSA Actual Eligible (OBJECT-CODE is not collected on the 033 record). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release117
Code Table Revisions C165 Disciplinary Action Reason Code 43:Truancy (failure to attend school) – Student is at least 12 years old with at least 3 unexcused absences – TEC § 44:Truancy (failure to attend school) – Student is at least 12 years old with 10 unexcused absences – TEC § Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release118
Code Table Additions C198 Performance Rating Code 00:Not Applicable 01:Exemplary 02:Recognized 03:Acceptable 04:Unacceptable Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release119
Code Table Additions C199 - FHSP-INDICATOR-CODE 0 - Student is not Pursuing or Participating (Submissions 1 and 3) 1 - Student is Pursuing (Submission 3 Only) 2 - Student has Completed (Submissions 1 and 3) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release120
Code Table Additions C200 STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY- COMPLIANCE-INDICATOR-CODE 0: No (Not In Compliance) 1: Yes (In Compliance) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release121
Edit Revisions See PEIMS Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release122
Edit Additions - Edit Deletions - Edit Revisions - Refer to change document 5 Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum Release123