NCAS Unified Model Introduction Part 4a: UM tools and facilities University of Reading, 3-5 December 2014
UM GRIB ASCI UM PP GRIB UM PP ASCI netcdf UM Tools should provide a full range of input and output format possibilities File formats 2
Model 64-bit UM GRIB ECMWF data reconfiguration DECODE netcdf 64-bit PP pptoanc 32-bit PP (from UKMO) IDL/ Fortran 32-bit UM um32to64 GRIB Metview Fortran 64-bit PP 32-bit PP Met Office graphics netcdf Python, idl Ferret, Grads cdat convpp fftopp xconv ieee convpp 32-bit Conversion tools 3
ToolInputOutput pptoancPPUM (ancillary) xancilnetCDFUM (ancillary) convppUMPP ff2ppUM (fields format)32-bit PP ieeeUM32-bit UM bigendUMbyte-swapped UM xconvUM and PPnetcdf cf-pythonPPCF-netcdf All tools and output 64-bit unless otherwise stated Data conversion UM tools (i) 4
ToolPurpose cumfCompares UM format files pumfPrints out header information for PP files uminfoHeader information UM ppinfoHeader information PP Data information Data manipulation ToolPurpose umpackRemoves spare headers and extra buffers from UM files fieldopAdds, subtracts, multiplies, divides UM (fields files) format UM tools (ii) 5
Xconv Xconv can be used to see what fields are contained within a data file and to look at the data values, either directly at the numerical values or at a gridbox fill plot of the data. It can also convert model output into netCDF. Supported input formats: – Data output from the UKMO Unified Model – UKMO PP format – GRIB format – netcdf format Data manipulations available: – Spectral to gridpoint – Interpolation (bilinear or area-weighted) – Conversion to and from rotated grids 6
Making ancillary files (i) For creating standard ancillary files can use the Central Ancillary Program (CAP) – Orography – Land-sea mask – Soil moistue, snow – Vegetation – Aerosol – Sea surface temperatue, sea-ice – Ozone Typically used for running the LAM Contact the CMS helpdesk for more information: 8
Making ancillary files (ii) 9 netCDF data file on the UM grid with land-sea mask PP-format file Create using a tool of your choice (python, idl, …) This can also be done with xancil For creation of ancillary files from your own data. Conversion tool UM ancillary file pptoanc
10 xancil
ff2pp NDdiag xconv Ferret grads Jplot Python, idl MATLAB etc UKMO library (midl) Visualisation and analysis 11 cf-python cfplot Iris UM fields files UM run
Jasmin Analysis Platform (JAP) Collection of tools commonly used for atmospheric and Earth observation science, including: – NetCDF and nco tools – Cf-python, cfplot and Iris – Xconv, CDAT and lots more Installed on all the Jasmin systems (at BADC, Bristol, Reading and Leeds). Can download as: – Virtual Machine, which will work on any system running VirtualBox – RPMs for RHEL/CentOS Linux 12