Teacher Utilization of Classroom Diagnostic Tools Grades 3-6 2014-2015 Facilitators: Notes for Trainer: Welcome the participants! Our work today will focus on how the CDT is specifically linked to the architecture of the SAS. Locate the PP for Train the Trainer for Teacher Utilization of Classroom Diagnostic Tools for Grades 3-5 from eDIRECT: https://pa.drcedirect.com Drop-down to most recent year for CDT. Drop-down to Professional Development. To Prepare: Gather card stock for names Assign each table a letter to use for Random Reporting. Make sure letters are visible. (eg. May want to use table identification holders.) A pad of sticky notes for each table Markers for each table Index cards on each table (one per person) Large Post-it paper Check: Is audio prepared for student training video(s)? Open PA eDIRECT site for tutorial and to show where materials are stored. Use this site for slides 26. Open site ____________ for Practice Tests (Slide 30). Open site ____________ for interactive documents. Credit the facilitators on this slide, along with entity. Copies of the following slides/documents for each participant: Notetaking Document Teacher Effectiveness Document Principal Effectiveness Document Slide 10 – Benchmark, Diagnostic, or Both Activity Assessment Map (used on slide 11) One Skills List/Pamphlet to reference One Metacognition Template to reference Slides 71-74 (Benefits of CDT – guided notes) Roles and Responsibilities Activity for Slide 76 Slide 79 – Exit Ticket Have a folder for each participant and include training materials that are needed. Try to use eDIRECT as often as possible instead of using so much paper. Samantha Glass and Lori Rodgers ARIN IU 28 sglass@iu28 and lrodgers@iu28.org 4/17/2017
Agenda Introductions Essential Questions and CDT Overview CDT and SAS Roles and Responsibilities CDT Online Tutorials CDT Accommodations CDT Online Tools CDT Diagnostic Maps (Reports) Debrief Notes for Trainer: Agenda for the day. Review. 4/17/2017
Pennsylvania Assessments Diagnostic Formative Benchmark Summative Purpose Guide instruction specifically targeted to meet students’ strengths and areas of need Inform ongoing classroom instruction so that adjustments to instruction can be made Determine how well students are progressing toward demonstrating proficiency on a set of designated grade-level curriculum content standards Determine the degree to which students have mastered a designated set of curriculum content standards Impact on Instruction Tools that provide alignment to units, lesson plans, and other resources based on students‘ needs Classroom-based activities integrated into instruction and learning with teachers and students receiving frequent feedback Low-stakes assessments used to predict how students will do on the high-stakes summative assessments Assessments used for accountability Intended Users of the Results Students, parents, and educators Educators, parents, public at large, and district personnel Examples Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) Teacher-created diagnostics Teacher-selected Classroom assessments Response cards White boards Random selection Consumer-purchased benchmark assessments PSSA Keystone Exams ACCESS for ELLs End of Unit/Chapter Tests District End of Course Exams Type of Information Provided Provides a more complete picture of a student’s or group of students’ strengths and needs so that instruction can be targeted directly at meeting student needs Provides feedback related to a specific unit or lesson so that feedback can be used to inform classroom instruction and learning during the teaching/learning process Provides information on the degree to which students have mastered a given concept or how students are progressing toward demonstrating proficiency on grade-level content standards Provides information on students’ mastery of a given set of content standards Is everyone familiar with the types of assessment? (fist of 5) (Study Island is not a diagnostic assessment) Note to Trainer: Assessments play an important role in the school improvement process. Even with clear goals, teachers cannot improve their practice unless they have access to a steady flow of information about the effectiveness of their teaching. As teachers engage in continual assessment of their students’ learning, they will gradually develop understandings of how students learn from classroom instruction, and they will begin to perceive direct links between the goals they set, their own teaching, and their students’ learning. Teachers are in a position to improve their students’ lessons with the use of Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT). This may be a change of practice, but teachers are in a position to make positive changes to help all students, small groups, and/or individually. (from The Teaching Gap by Stigler and Hiebert) The CDT has potential to enhance formative assessment efforts 3–12, using the CDT to focus on their students’ needs relative to learning progressions, group students according to needs, provide more intensive supports as warranted, and assess learning in the moment to alter instruction (Formative assessments based upon differentiated instructional efforts). This is a standards-aligned classroom diagnostic assessment measure that we are adding to our continuum of assessment. Other commercial diagnostic assessments include GMADE, GRADE, and MAP. (If participants ask what other diagnostics are used, this is an FYI.) 4/17/2017
Benchmark, Diagnostic, or Both? Activity: Individually determine if each statement is specific to a Benchmark Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment or both. Note: One assessment is not better than the other, they are just different. The purpose of this activity is to identify those similarities and differences. Suggestion: Have participants try individually. Answers are on the second page. Participants should know that one assessment is not better than the other. They are just different. Notes for Trainer: In the Zip file you will find this handout and the handout with the answers. This works well as a table group activity. After you give your tables time to discuss, provide a choral response. Address concerns that arise. Make copies to give to your participants. These suggested answers for each number are not the only discourse you will gain during this activity. The goal is for the participants to receive a clear understanding of the purpose of each type of assessment. As the training evolves, these answers will be further discussed. 1.Both -Benchmark and diagnostic assessments inform instructional practice. 2.Benchmark -A benchmark assessment is grade level specific. 3.Both –Both benchmark and diagnostic can be administered up to, but not more than 5 times per year. The recommendation for CDT is 3 times per year, but can be given up to 5 times per year. The maps for CDT will only show the three most recent assessments. The purpose is to provide enough intervention to support gains in the diagnostic category(s). 4.Benchmark - A benchmark assessment is grade level specific. 5.Both* -Diagnostic –Specifically the results for the Classroom Diagnostic Assessment can be accessed immediately after students take the CDT and Benchmark –only Study Island, as the results can be accessed immediately. Not for 4 Sight. The Open-ended for 4 Sight needs to be hand scored, so reports cannot be run immediately. 6.Diagnostic -The CDT suggests specific eligible content as instructional enrichment that is linked to SAS Materials and Resources. The Instructional Enrichment can also be accessed from the materials and resources of the professionals within the school/district. 7.Benchmark -Benchmark is grade/course level specific and assess mastery of grade/course standards . 8.Diagnostic -specifically the Classroom Diagnostic Tools 9. Both–For both assessments, this is generally a school, content, or individual teacher decision under the leadership of the building principal. 10.Benchmark -specifically the 4 Sight and Study Island Benchmark 11.Both - Although a benchmark is grade level specific, the students may not have been taught what has been assessed on the Benchmark. Likewise, the CDT may provide students assessments that were not formerly taught because of gaps in instruction, student mobility, or questions that are beyond their grade/course. 12.Diagnostic -specifically the Classroom Diagnostic Tools. This tool has been budgeted through the Pennsylvania Department of Education for use by PA teachers for PA students. 13.Both -Diagnostic and benchmark support DI within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), formerly (RtII) framework. Many teachers use benchmark information to differentiate within Tier 1, and depending on what Tiers 2 and 3 look like, they may utilize benchmark information as well to determine which grade/course level skills need intervention/remediation. 14.Benchmark 4/17/2017
Essential Questions What are the Classroom Diagnostic Tools? How were Pennsylvania educators involved in the development of the Classroom Diagnostic Tools? Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? How often should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be administered? Is there flexibility in scheduling the administration of the CDT? Notes for Trainer: These are the ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS THAT MAY BE ASKED. The following should be used as responses: Will there be a tool for grades K–2? Message from PDE: The plan for the CDT initially was to be aligned with the Keystone exams, assuring teachers have information about students strengths and needs before they encounter the Keystones. After a few years of work at the grade 6 and above, PDE made the decision to reach down to grade 3. Budget was part of the process decision, but now we have moved forward with content CDTs for Mathematics, Reading, Writing, and Science for Lower Grades and Upper Grades. Learning progressions were created for grades K-2, should students require exposure to assessment questions at that level while completing the assessments in the CDT. If we receive additional funds, PDE may consider expanding the system in the future to grades K-2. The CDT is fully integrated within SAS. The CDT can be found in the rich environment on eDIRECT. Under Assessments in the SAS site, CDT, a hyperlink for eDIRECT is posted. The eDIRECT site is a public site: https://pa.drcedirect.com Found on this site is a wealth of materials and resources regarding CDT. Using eDIRECT for setting up classes and viewing reports requires a secure log-in. 4/17/2017
CDT Overview What are the Classroom Diagnostic Tools? The Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT), a computer adaptive test (CAT), is a set of online tools designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support for students and teachers. These tools (available at no cost to districts) are fully integrated and aligned with the Standards Aligned System (SAS) and will assist educators in identifying students’ academic strengths and areas of need, providing links to classroom resources. Notes for Trainer: Emphasize the importance of the CDT to guide instruction and provide support for students and teachers. The CDT is diagnostic, a computer adaptive test, and although the first time students take the CDT, the assessment begins at their grade level, it then adjusts to the instructional level of the student within each diagnostic category. Subsequent administrations of the CDT will begin where the student ended on the previous assessment. 4/17/2017
CDT Overview The CDTs are: Offered to students in grades 3 through high school. Available for use in the classroom throughout the school year on a voluntary basis. Based on content assessed by the Keystone Exams and the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Composed of multiple-choice items. Delivered as an online computer adaptive test (CAT), ensuring valid and reliable measures of a student’s skills while minimizing testing time. Designed to provide real-time results for students and teachers with links to Materials and Resources in SAS. Elementary schools who piloted the CDTs were not happy with the length of the test. 48-60 questions. It can take anywhere from 60-90 minutes. (longer the first time it is administrated). There is flexibility in testing. Suggestion is to break into 30 minute chunks. Notes for Trainer: Stress the importance of CDT as an additional assessment, one of multiple measures, that supports INSTRUCTION. Students can spend as much time as needed to complete the CDT. Possible teacher question, “How long does a CDT assessment take? There are 48–60 items per test, so time would depend on ability and attention level of the student. Recommended for Grades 3-5 is to set multiple testing sessions. If asked, “What is evidence of reliability and validity? From PDE: “Results of this will come with outcomes of studies PDE plans to do.” Teachers will be able to receive feedback in real time, so they can use it to inform instruction immediately, particularly feedback that is aimed directly at what students should be able to know and do. Teachers then can make instructional adjustments and assess whether student responses correspond with the targeted learning progression. Emphasize that the CDT provides a computerized tool that allows movement in Eligible Content below and beyond grade level for the individual student based on the results from the assessment. 4/17/2017
Roles and Responsibilities District Technology Coordinator Attend DRC Technology Coordinator training Create communication plan with DTC to support STCs and TAs Ensure that all computers used for testing meet minimum requirements and are configured to support online testing Coordinate installation of the student interface testing software District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Attend DRC Test Coordinator training Access eDIRECT for User Guide and training materials Create and distribute communication plan to all STCs before testing Assist in the coordination of software installation Set up PA eDIRECT accounts for all STCs Provide training to STCs Coordinate the management of student, teacher, and class data in the Test Setup system School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Assist in the coordination of software installation Attend DTC-led Test Coordinator training Access eDIRECT for User Guide and training materials Provide support and training to teachers Assist DTC in the management of student, teacher, and class data in the Test Setup system Create Student Groups (classes) for teachers utilizing the CDT Teachers/Test Administrators (TA) Attend Professional Development training Create and manage Test Sessions for students who will be taking the CDT Coordinate the administration of the CDT to students Prepare students to take the CDT Conduct one-to-one student conferences Monitor and manage the testing environment Access and utilize the real-time reporting tools Determine the instructional plan with students Notes for Trainer: Not every LEA is the same, but in order for the logistics and implementation of the CDT to support instruction, intervention, and enrichment, educators from the LEA must be designated and trained in order to effectively carry out their role(s). Therefore, the bullet points are actually more important than the specific roles. 4/17/2017
Making the Connection: CDT and SAS Notes for Trainer: The CDT is a diagnostic assessment tool within the Assessment Circle of the SAS architecture which impacts the interconnectedness of all the circles. The heart of the architecture is what our work is all about: Student Achievement. Emphasize the connection between the CDT and SAS to Materials and Resources and to Learning Progressions. Let your participants know we will delve into this deeper. Before Pennsylvania Assessment slide (slide 8), brainstorm group’s background on the four different types of Fair Assessments. (Optional for group you are training! ) Think, Pair, SHARE. Distribute large sheets of Post-it paper for teams to write ideas. SHARE. (Optional) 4/17/2017
Standards aligned instruction for A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) Tier 3 Interventions For a FEW students Tier 2 Strategic & Targeted Interventions for SOME students Note the use of ALL, SOME and FEW. Intensity of instruction increases as students move tiers. Make connection to educator effectiveness. What things do “I” need to look at to strengthen my core instruction. CDT will help diagnose areas of weakness among all students. Even the strongest students will have areas that need support. Notes for Trainer: A multi-tiered system of support is intended to help educators collaborate and align instructional intensity within both core and supplemental instruction. This requires that educators have a structure that allows them to embed principles of increasing instructional intensity within lesson design and delivery through collaborative problem-solving. The CDT is part of a comprehensive system. CDT is one measure amidst multiple measures, which are one part, of a comprehensive system. We know that MTSS is a support for literacy, numeracy, and behavior. The CDT reveals academic strengths and areas of need in relation to literacy in the areas of comprehension & writing and numeracy in areas of mathematics. Why do we have assessment maps? The assessments we provide our students should give us data that is rich and informative. No tier of (MTSS) is a silo. Students should be constantly moving fluidly through the tiers. Assessment maps provide insight into each students areas of strength and areas of need to support the movement intervention and enrichment within and between tiers. CDT information that is used in conjunction with other sources of data including formative and summative assessment data, has the potential to inform instruction and student response to instruction in a timely and efficient manner. Tier 1 Standards aligned instruction for ALL Students 11
Supports differentiated instruction within Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) (RtII) Tiers 1, 2, and 3 The CDT represents a standards-aligned classroom diagnostic tool that may be used to support differentiated instruction within Tiers 1, 2, and 3. The CDT is a powerful tool for monitoring student progress relative to standards and learning progressions. The CDT is not a form of curriculum-based measurement; it is a classroom diagnostic measure. CDTs are not to be used for progress monitoring. Different from benchmarks because students may not be on grade level. Notes for Trainer: As observed in the multiple measures activity, many of our existing measures are not aligned to PA Core standards. Few assessments measures are true diagnostics even if questions are drilled down through item analysis. Because the CDT is diagnostic in nature relative to student acquisition of the standards, the data may be used to dig deeper and then form flexible groups based upon changing student needs. Teachers can then conduct ongoing formative and summative assessment to determine with students whether they are making progress or not. 4/17/2017
The CDT Cycle Notes for Trainer: The process of teaching and learning never ends. It is not just the student and the teacher but the involvement of both. We also want the parents/guardians informed as well. The Individual interactive report is a great tool to support the center of this graphic. Just as Student Achievement is the center of the SAS architecture; the Share is the heart of the CDT Cycle. 4/17/2017
How often should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be administered? Information about student strengths and areas of need over time enables teachers to plan student instruction and provide appropriate follow-up activities to meet ongoing learning expectations. The CDT could be administered to students three to five times per school year based on student needs and analysis of data. The maximum number of administrations is five per CDT per school year. The recommended time between each administration is 5–6 weeks. 3-5 times per year. 48-60 questions, 60-90 minutes Notes for Trainer: Again, emphasize that administration of the CDT is a district/school/department/grade-level decision. It is not mandated by PDE, but it is highly recommended. Stress that the CDT is not just for low–achieving students. It is very important to provide enough time from one administration to the next with intervention or enrichment in order to close gaps or increase growth. Only the three most recent CDT Data will populate on the interactive maps. 4/17/2017
Is there flexibility in scheduling the administration of the CDT? Yes, there is flexibility in scheduling the administration of the CDT. Teachers have the ability to schedule the CDT over a number of days to plan for students’ needs such as fatigue, daily schedule, and accommodations Since this is a CAT, students don’t all receive the same number of questions. The CDT is untimed. Students can pause and exit the test. (Can only pause for 20 minutes) Activity: At your table brainstorm possible schedules for your students to take the CDTs. One person per table will report out your suggestions. Notes for Trainer: Possible suggestions: Use computers within the classroom and schedule students. Set up stations specific to learning in the classroom and CDT assessment. As a teaching team schedule two to three days in the school’s computer lab. Depending on blocks of content time, schedule the CDT over two or three days. 4/17/2017
What skills are tested? Grade Level Content Skill Pamphlets Go over pamphlets very carefully with participants. Notes for Trainer: These sample Skill Pamphlets are located on eDIRECT within zip file of the ToT for Grades 3-5 CDT. The Skill Pamphlets are also posted on eDIRECT. Go to the Most Recent Year for CDTs to locate the Lower Grades 3, 4, and 5 Skill Pamphlets for Math, Reading, and Writing. Science Skill Pamphlets will be posted upon completion. Give participants time to review all pages of the trifold. Think-pair-share how these Skill Pamphlets could be used. How do the Skill Pamphlets support the CDTs? Share the Saucon Valley School District video done by Tori and Breanne. How does this video connect to the Skill Pamphlets? After discussion, let your participants know the use of the “five fold” provided the impetus to create the Skills Pamphlets. How else could these pamphlets be used? (Parent teacher conference, school board meetings, etc). 4/17/2017
How Scale Scores are Derived? Students’ scores are converted into scale scores rather than points correct or raw scores Scales scores are transformed raw scores that allow for valid comparisons across students, grades, and administrations, but only within the same subject Scales scores take into consideration that fact that some questions on the test are more difficult than others CDT Minimum scale score of 200 CDT Maximum scale score of 2000 The CDT scale scores do not correspond to PSSA and Keystone Exams and should not be compared. Note: Item Response Theory (IRT), specifically the Rasch model, is used to determine the student’s raw score For 3rd grade, the questions start out much easier to get students comfortable with the assessment. CDTs do not correspond to PSSA and Keystone because there are no open ended questions. However, school districts that piloted have noticed a correlation. Notes for Trainer: We will show you examples of Scaled Scores on the next few slides. You will also see use of Scaled Scores in the interactive maps. 4/17/2017
Green Scale Score Range Reading / Literature Course Lower Grades Reading Literataure Grade Level Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 Reading 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Red Scale Score Range 200-601 200-711 200-789 200-839 200-909 200-949 200-978 200-1000 Green Scale Score Range 602-816 712-926 790-1004 840-1054 910-1124 950-1164 979-1193 1001-1215 Blue Scale Score Range 817-2000 927-2000 1005-2000 1055-2000 1125-2000 1165-2000 1194-2000 1216-2000 (DRC created score range based on Rasch model) Notes for Trainer: Questions that may be posed: Why a Lower Grade 2 when CDT is for Grades 3-high school? The Map Configuration for Grade 2 allows a third grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 2 expectations. Likewise, the Map Configuration for Grade 5 allows a sixth grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 5 expectations. When establishing test sessions in eDIRECT, teachers in Grade 5 must select Lower Grades 5, not Grade 5. Users can change the map configurations within the designated bands. When we get to the Live Demo, this will be further explained.
Green Scale Score Range Science Course Lower Grades Science Biology Chemistry Grade Level Science 2 Science 3 Science 3-5 Science 4 Science 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Red Scale Score Range 200-634 200-693 200-750 200-803 200-860 200-907 200-948 200-1011 200-1044 Green Scale Score Range 635-807 694-866 751-923 804-976 861-1033 908-1080 949-1121 1012-1184 1045-1217 Blue Scale Score Range 808-2000 867-2000 984-2000 924-2000 977-2000 1034-2000 1081-2000 1122-2000 1185-2000 1218-2000 Notes for Trainer: Questions that may be posed: Why a Lower Grade 2 when CDT is for Grades 3-high school? The Map Configuration for Grade 2 allows a third grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 2 expectations. Likewise, the Map Configuration for Grade 5 allows a sixth grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 5 expectations. When establishing test sessions in eDIRECT, teachers in Grade 5 must select Lower Grades 5, not Grade 5. Users can change the map configurations within the designated bands. When we get to the Live Demo, this will be further explained.
Writing/English Composition Course Lower Grades Writing English Composition Grade Level Writing 2 Writing 3 Writing 4 Writing 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Red Scale Score Range 200-465 200-613 200-718 200-786 200-871 200-940 200-984 200-993 Green Scale Score Range 466-638 614-786 719-891 787-959 872-1044 941-1113 985-1157 994-1166 Blue Scale Score Range 639-2000 787-2000 820-2000 960-2000 1045-2000 1114-2000 1158-2000 1167-2000 Notes for Trainer: Questions that may be posed: Why a Lower Grade 2 when CDT is for Grades 3-high school? The Map Configuration for Grade 2 allows a third grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 2 expectations. Likewise, the Map Configuration for Grade 5 allows a sixth grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 5 expectations. When establishing test sessions in eDIRECT, teachers in Grade 5 must select Lower Grades 5, not Grade 5. Users can change the map configurations within the designated bands. When we get to the Live Demo, this will be further explained.
Green Scale Score Range Math Course Lower Grades Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Grade Level Mathematics 2 Matematics 3 Mathematics 4 Mathematics 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Red Scale Score Range 200-578 200-671 200-759 200-832 200-935 200-993 200-1036 200-1133 200-1164 200-1227 Green Scale Score Range 579-741 672-834 760-922 833-995 936-1098 994-1156 1037-1199 1134-1296 1165-1327 1228-1390 Blue Scale Score Range 742-2000 835-2000 923-2000 996-2000 1099-2000 1157-2000 1200-2000 1297-2000 1328-2000 1391-2000 Notes for Trainer: Questions that may be posed: Why a Lower Grade 2 when CDT is for Grades 3-high school? The Map Configuration for Grade 2 allows a third grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 2 expectations. Likewise, the Map Configuration for Grade 5 allows a sixth grade teacher at the beginning of the year to determine how students scored relative to the end of Grade 5 expectations. When establishing test sessions in eDIRECT, teachers in Grade 5 must select Lower Grades 5, not Grade 5. Users can change the map configurations within the designated bands. When we get to the Live Demo, this will be further explained.
eDIRECT: CDT User Guide CDT User Guide and other important information is available online via PA eDIRECT Go to General Information and choose Documents. Select the most recent year for Classroom Diagnostic Tools Show participants where to find the users guide. Notes for Trainer: eDIRECT is a public site. Recommend the use of the CDT User Guide as a resource to answer most questions. Take them to this site to find reference tools . Show them where to find the CDT User Guide, the reference tool to support your questions. The CDT User Guide is available publicly in eDirect. Go to GENERAL INFORMATION and choose Documents. Select the most recent year for Classroom Diagnostic Tools Administration and Manuals for Document Type. Click on Show Documents – you will see the most current “CDT User Guide.” https://pa.drcedirect.com 4/17/2017
ONLINE VIDEO TUTORIALS Online tutorials can be accessed via eDIRECT: Log on to eDIRECT – https://pa.drcedirect.com Click on Test Setup and select General Information. Select the Test Tutorials tab and click on the Play Tutorial icon in the Action column to access the tutorials. . Notes for Trainer: This slide shows another way to access the Online Video Tutorials. 4/17/2017
ONLINE TUTORIALS Must click on CDT and video is 9-11 minutes Notes for Trainer: Go to http://assets.drcedirect.com/States/PA/Tutorials/Student/20110404/20110404.html to access the Online Video Tutorials. Many teachers would like to take the CDT, but since that is not possible, this acclimates them to what the test will look like and how it functions in a very condensed format, just like the Online Tutorials. The online video tutorials should be shown during the training. Also, these are a must see Online Video Tutorial for all students to become acquainted with taking the CDT. You can have the students with the teacher view it as a whole group on a big screen, or have the students view it individually while the teacher walks around. Each tutorial takes from 9 to 11 minutes. Tutorials are included for the following contents: Mathematics, Literacy, and Science. Teachers should select the appropriate tutorial below each content. When you are training choose whatever Video Tutorial you want to use, or you may want to have the participants view the online video tutorial of their choice on their own. 4/17/2017
Online Tutorials Administer the Online Video Tutorials Everyone using the CDTs should view Online Tutorials prior to administering assessments. Teachers or Test Administrators must schedule time for students to view the PA Online Video Tutorials. Students view the tutorials to become familiar with the PA Online Assessment software prior to testing. It is highly recommended to show the Video Tutorials to the entire group. Ensure students view the tutorials specific to the subject in which they are participating prior to testing. Allow a minimum of 20 minutes to view. Tutorials can be reviewed as often as needed. Notes for Trainer: This provides further direction that highly supports seeing the Online Video Tutorials. 4/17/2017
Universal Design for Learning and Accommodations Using the Classroom Diagnostic Tools Notes for Trainer: Accommodations are alterations in the way tasks are presented that allow children with learning disabilities to complete the same assignments as other students. They level the playing field. Accommodations do not alter the content of assignments, give students an unfair advantage or in the case of assessments, change what a test measures. They do make it possible for students with LD to show what they know without being impeded by their disability. Once a student has been formally identified with a learning disability, the child or parent may request accommodations for that child’s specific needs. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that a child’s IEP team which both parent and child are a part of must decide which accommodations are appropriate for him or her. Any appropriate accommodations should be written into a student’s IEP. Possible accommodations for an IEP team to consider for Test Scheduling: Administer a test in several timed sessions or over several days; Administer a test at a specific time of day; Provide test prep; Provide on-task/focusing prompts; Provide any reasonable accommodation that a student needs. Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone – not a single, one size fits all solution, but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs. The Classroom Diagnostic Tools provides use of both Accommodations and Universal Design for Learning. 4/17/2017
Universal Design for Learning for ALL STUDENTS CDT Technology Tools that Support UDL Pointer Cross-off Highlighter Sticky Note Magnifier Line Guide Calculator References Pause Notes for Trainer: Universal Design for All Students technology tools are tools to support all students in taking the CDT, taking computer-based PSSAs after registering for this format, and for taking Keystone Exams. 4/17/2017
Accommodations Screen Shot Notes for Trainer: The following is an Accommodations Screen Shot that can be found in the CDT User Guide for the current year under the heading of Setting Up Students. 4/17/2017
Accommodations in the CDT Software Tools Online Accommodations– Grades 3, 4, and 5 Contrasting Text Chooser (All Colors and Subjects) Contrast Chooser (All Colors and Subjects) Audio (Mathematics, Science) Audio for Visually Impaired (Mathematics, Science, and Literacy) Notes for Trainer: It is recommended that any student with Individualized Education Program (IEP) requirements related to receiving audio assistance during testing should receive the audio accommodation. The same is true with any student with an IEP that requires a different color background or colored text; the student should receive the color chooser accommodation. Audio accommodations are available for some CDT assessment content areas, whereas the color chooser accommodation is available for all assessments. If a student requires an accommodation, it is important to make the appropriate selection under Accommodations on the Edit Student screen prior to putting a student into a test session. If the selection is not made, the student will not be administered the test with the audio accommodation. English Language Learners (ELLs) can have items read aloud and will be allowed access to translation dictionaries for some CDT assessment content areas. 4/17/2017
Implementation Plan STEP 6 Administer the CDT Students enter the computer lab. Students receive a Test Login Ticket. Students sign in to their assessment and begin testing. Notes for Trainer: Emphasize that when teachers are going to have students take the CDT, they should forewarn them to help assuage/alleviate possible student anxiety and let the students know how the results will help them and the teacher. Try to inhibit anxiety about taking the CDT. If the teacher is positive about the CDT, the students will be more likely to look at the CDT as positive. Additionally, as students take the CDT the level configures so the student does not face the typical frustration students feel with test taking. Students need to know how this works. Teachers need to let students know how they will be better able to support them what they don’t understand to move them forward with better understanding the grade level content. The training on the relationship of the teacher and the student will get more specific on setting goals with one-to-one conferencing. For more information on preparing students to take the CDT, go to Module 3 “Assessing Students: Preparing and Motivating Students to Take the CDTs.” This module is posted on eDIRECT. 4/17/2017
The Test Setup Process: Student Test Tickets 2013-2014 Classroom Diagnostic Tools GINA BAKER Mathematics Lower Grades Username: 7040542749 Password: DUST0168 Accommodations: AVI 2013-2014 Classroom Diagnostic Tools JON GONZALES Mathematics Lower Grades Username: 7567761424 Password: SURE4418 Accommodations: AU 2013/2014 Classroom Diagnostic Tools LINDA MORENO Mathematics Lower Grades Username: 8869256073 Password: BALL6328 Accommodations: Notes for Trainer: AVI- Audio Visual AU- Auditory 4/17/2017
YOUR TURN: Online Tools Training https://wbte. drcedirect YOU MUST BE USING GOOGLE CHROME Username and Password are located on login screen Show the link Username: math3-5 password: test1234 Sample test link Show video tutorial: https://assets.drcedirect.com/States/PA/Tutorials/Student/20110404/20110404.html https://wbte.drcedirect.com/PA/portals/pa practice test Must use google chrome Show teachers how to get to the online tutorials because they will want to show the students these videos before they take the CDTs for the first time. Notes for Trainer: Trainers must have Insight installed on your training computers in order to access the Online Tools Training. Good if participants have Insight installed as well prior to the training. Within the Online Tools Training you will find three training tools for the following: Literacy Lower Reading Grades 3-5 Lower Writing Grades 3-5 Lower Mathematics Grades 3-5 Lower Science Grades 3-5 As a trainer you decide which online tools training you want to share with the entire group. If all participants have Insight installed onto their computers, they could choose their choice of content. This should take no more than 15 minutes of your training. 4/17/2017
Group Diagnostic Map – Reading Grade 4 Lower Grades Slides 28-31 are available in the event that the live demo does not work. Notes for Trainer: Use the tabs along the top to navigate through the four different reports: Group Map, Individual Map, Individual Learning Progression Map, and Group Learning Progression Map. Discuss the Map itself Dots represent students. Users can hover over a dot to display student identifying information as well as score. Colors represent the scale continuum. There is a total score column and columns for each diagnostic category. Users can click on a dot to show a student’s performance across all the diagnostic categories. (A black line will appear.) Users can select several students by drawing a box around them on the map. User can click on Show Eligible Content button to display information along the right side of the report under Instructional Enrichment. Eligible Content (EC) will display. These are areas in which the student(s) could benefit from further enrichment, no matter where a student may be. The EC numbers themselves are links to Materials and Resources within the SAS system. Additional Note: Some Eligible Contents demonstrated as strengths or needs have been pre-populated to lessons or web-based activities on SAS. For many Eligible Contents showing strengths or needs, there may be no prepopulated lessons. Lessons are continually being evaluated for placement on the SAS site attributed to strengths and needs of the Eligible Content. Many of these lessons have been developed by PA teachers. If no lessons are posted at this time, the teacher still knows the areas of strengths and needs and is able to construct lessons from his/her specially designed lessons or those found within his/her curriculum or textbook. The grid at the bottom of the map shows students in the group along with their scores in a tabular format. Users can click on the Export All to CSV button to export the data in the grid to a CSV file, which can be easily opened in Excel. Users click on Export to PDF to export the image of the map along with the grid and any Eligible Content that is displayed to a PDF file. 4/17/2017
Group Diagnostic Map – Reading Zoomed In Notes for Trainer: During the presentation, you can cover the following: The default view for the map is zoomed all the way out, so the slider bars on the side are set out as far as they can go. Click on the Optimize Zoom button, so the maps zooms into the area of the scale where the students are listed. (The student with the highest score will appear towards the top; the student with the lowest score will appear towards the bottom.) Users can use the slider bar along the left side to adjust the view. If you expand the slider bar to the full view (square buttons at top and bottom are pushed apart as far as they go), the full scale will display. You can adjust both top and bottom buttons to display only students within a given range. The range of the CDT goes from 200 to 2000, regardless of grade 3-5. Use this slide to discuss changing the map configuration. The map configuration shows the Scale Score range of red, green and blue for a specified grade level. It represents the end of year expectations for the end of grade level. (The dots don’t change; the colors move to represent the expectations for the different grades.) The CDT system allows you to select a lower or higher grade level to determine where students were for that grade level expectation. For example, the teacher at the beginning of the school year for Lower Grade 4 would select the Map Configuration for Lower Grade 3 to see where students scored compared to Grade 3 end of year expectations. You can see how the students in the group performed compared to the expectation at a different grade. In the filter area, go to Map Configuration. Select a different grade to see how the map re-paints. 4/17/2017
Group Diagnostic Map - Reading Single Diagnostic Category Notes for Trainer: At the top of the group diagnostic map, you can choose to see a single diagnostic category. When a single diagnostic category is chosen, results for the past three assessments will display. This screen shot displays the student-level information that is displayed when hovering over a dot. 4/17/2017
Student Diagnostic Map - Reading Notes for Trainer: Navigate to the individual map with the tabs along the top. The individual map will display for the student selected in the group map. Use the student drop-down menu to change the student Results for the most recent assessments will be displayed. (Maximum is three.) Lines around scores represent standard error of measurement. Display the links to Materials and Resources on SAS by clicking on the most recent score in the map. Additional Note: If asked, “What does the whisker mean? How do I interpret it?” “If there is an overlap between whiskers, one cannot state there is a statistical difference in performance between the two performances. “ (Toggle out of the demo and move back to the Power Point presentation to review the purposes and links of the Learning Progressions with the CDT.) 4/17/2017
Post-Formative Assessment of Current CDT Knowledge Notes for Trainer: This is a Think, Pair, Share Activity - Have the participants take this survey independently. Next, have them Pair/Share their responses. Have groups discuss strengths and concerns regarding the survey. Have one person per table report out. Using this formative assessment, build in what is a concern either during this activity, or within the training. 1. The Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) is a set of online tools designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support to students and teachers. These tools (available at no cost to districts) are fully integrated and aligned with the Standards Aligned System (SAS) and will assist educators in identifying students’ academic strengths and areas of need, providing links to classroom resources. 2. Committees of Pennsylvania educators were convened to ensure alignment of the items to Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content. approve all questions included in the CDT . approve all units and lesson plans aligned to the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content linked to the CDT reports. 3. Provides specific and timely feedback for students, educators, parents, and administrators. Benefits for Students Provides specific and timely feedback designed to support student learning Builds efficacy by bringing students into the process of their own learning Promotes goal setting by involving students in the learning process Provides students with opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills Promotes partnering with educators (e.g., one-to-one conferencing) Ensures that follow-up instruction is meaningful and aligns with student learning expectations Benefits for Educators: Promotes collaboration among educators, students, parents/guardians, and others Provides immediate access to diagnostic reports about student strengths and areas of need Promotes understanding of student strengths and areas of need throughout the year Promotes partnering with students (e.g., one-to-one conferencing) Allows monitoring of student achievement to guide ongoing planning and instruction Guides individual as well as flexible grouping of students to target instruction Provides immediate access to SAS resources to support whole group, small group, and individual instruction Provides opportunities to reflect, collaborate, and match instruction to student need Supports the four domains of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Benefits for Parents Promotes collaboration with students, teachers, and others Promotes conversation and understanding regarding student strengths and areas of need throughout the year Provides the opportunity to view and understand their student’s achievement in a visual representation Provides access to information linked to SAS resources to support their student’s learning at home Enhances the partnership among the student, educator(s), and parents/guardians Benefits for Administrators Defines an assessment resource to teachers to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support to students and educators Promotes shared leadership to encourage the CDT administration as part of the school culture Informs the design of future professional development for all faculty and within the Induction Plan for mentoring of new educators Allows immediate access to student reports Supports the four domains of Principal Effectiveness 4. The available tabs found on the interactive reporting tools include the following: Group Map Individual Map Individual Learning Progression Map Group Learning Progression Map 5. No more than 5 times per year. Maps will only show the three most current CDT results. 6. Minimum scale score of 400 and maximum scale score of 2000 7. https://pa.drcedirect.com 8. Students, teachers, administrators, central administration, special education administrators, data teams, PLCs, others 9. Mathematics, Literacy, and Science 10. It is highly recommended that all students be tested initially. Depending on the results, the target students/groups might differ each time. Schools with wide achievement gaps should utilize the CDT tool more often. (Nonetheless, this is a district/school decision.) 11. Refer to Venn Diagram on eDIRECT or Train the Trainer for Teacher Util. … PP 12. Assess, Analyze, Interpret, Instruct, Reflect and Monitor, and Share. 37 37
8 Professional Development Modules on eDIRECT Module 1: Why the Classroom Diagnostic Tools?: Building Background Knowledge Module 2: Analyze the Data: Features of the Diagnostic Reports Module 3: Assessing Students: Preparing and Motivating Students to Take the CDTs Module 4: Reflect, Monitor, and Share: Maximizing Student Learning through One to One Conferencing Module 5: Analyze, Interpret, Instruct, Reflect/Monitor: CDT Simulations Module 6: Assess, Analyze, Interpret, Instruct, Reflect and Monitor, Share: Using the CDT Data to Inform the Development of a Specific IEP/GIEP Goal Module 7: Pre-Assess: Steps for Successful Administration Module 8: Building Principals Lead the Way for Implementation and Sustainability of the Classroom Diagnostic Tools Notes for Trainer: In the zip file you will find a word document entitled CDT Professional Development Modules. Give a set to each participant. Using markers have them review the 8 Modules and highlight and/or take notes. Also, go to eDIRECT to find where they are located. They are training modules for each, along with an Audio Visual presentation for all 7 except Module 8. Module 8 was only developed as an Audio Visual presentation for building principals. 4/17/2017
Thank You for your attention! 4/17/2017