Brussels EESC and Social Enterprise
Actively engaged with the Institutional Social Enterprise Agenda EESC a key EU Policy Expert social economy category group, GECES member Significant expertise and opinion work, such as Diverse forms of enterprise Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship Social business initiative Social impact measurement Social impact investment, etc. Current EESC Social Enterprise Project - gathering input for EU policy direction The EESC and Social Enterprise
Why the interest in social enterprise? Unprecedented crisis Complex societal challenges In this new social landscape emerging: Call for smarter, more inclusive and sustainable models Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe Social economy a feature of European social model Drivers of social change Catalyst for social innovation Produce both social and economic outcomes Proven success in exit of crisis Sustainable, innovative, flexible, resource-efficient, growing…
What is social enterprise and social economy? Commission description of social enterprise (SBI): “The Commission uses the term 'social enterprise' to cover the following types of business: those for which the social or societal objective of the common good is the reason for the commercial activity, often in the form of a high level of social innovation, those where profits are mainly reinvested with a view to achieving this social objective, and where the method of organisation or ownership system reflects their mission, using democratic or participatory principles or focusing on social justice. Thus: Are businesses providing social services and/or goods and services to vulnerable persons (access to housing, health care, assistance for elderly or disabled persons, inclusion of vulnerable groups, child care, access to employment and training, dependency management, etc.); and/or Are businesses with a method of production of goods or services with a social objective (social and professional integration via access to employment for people disadvantaged in particular by insufficient qualifications or social or professional problems leading to exclusion and marginalisation) but whose activity may be outside the realm of the provision of social goods or services.“ Commission definition of social economy based on legal forms: associations, foundations, cooperatives and mutuals interest to define based on shares values and principles
European work - milestones 1)Europe 2020 Monti-report Single Market Act 1 2)EESC requested for exploratory opinion (2011) 3)Commission launches “Social Business Initiative ( SBI )” (2011) 4) GECES formed to follow implementation (2011 ) 5)EESC provides opinions on actions and related topics (2011 ) 6)Strasbourg Event “Social Entrepreneurs – Have Your Say!” (Jan 2014) 7)EESC initiates project “Social Entrepreneurs – Make It Happen ” (Feb-Oct 2014) 8)Final report EESC project phase 1 (Oct 2014) 9)Italian Presidency follow-up (Nov 2014) 10)European Parliament continuation of Intergroup for Social Economy 11)EESC project phase 2 Dec 2014-Sept 2015
Creating an enabling environment – SBI priorities An action plan for support social enterprise in Europe Improving access to funding Facilitating access to private funding Mobilisation of EU funds Increasing the visibility of social entrepreneurship Developing tools to gain a better understanding of the sector and increase the visibility of social entrepreneurship Reinforcing the managerial capacities, professionalism and networking of social businesses Improving the legal environment Developing appropriate European legal forms which could be used in European social entrepreneurship Public procurement State aid
“Social Entrepreneurs – Have Your Say!” January , 2014 EESC co-organiser together with Commission (MARKT, EMPL, ENTR) and city of Strasbourg 2000 supporters of social enterprise participated followed online Objectives take stock, identify new priorities, network Harvesting results throughout resulted in the “Strasbourg Declaration”
Aim take stock of Strasbourg results and define new and concrete actions for the EU Institutions Project method bridging to local, regional, national levels and meeting stakeholders Input summarised in project report Presented to EESC plenary in October Content: Key policy recommendations Results, observations and recommendations Suggested next step follow-up and communication efforts Annexes The EESC Social Enterprise Project INT/735 – ”Social Entrepreneurs – Make It Happen!”
There is a genuine interest in social economy enterprise Visibility has risen but still little awareness, recognition and understanding of models The description of social enterprises needs to be further clarified Interest in framing the concept of social enterprise, as part of support and promotion the social economy Lack of implementation at MS level Need political will and ownership by public authorities at all levels must improve Parts of the ecosystem exist but must be pieced together and placed within a coherent framework More social impact measurement, include parallel to economic reporting, need training Social entrepreneurship and social innovation policies must be better connected A few key observations…
① Launch 2nd phase of the Social Business Initiative (clear EU reference points) ② Launch action plan for social economy ③ Continue European Parliament Social Economy Intergroup ④ Launch capacity building programmes facilitating social innovation ⑤ Draft guidance note on new procurement rules ⑥ Mainstream social entrepreneurship and social economy enterprises in Small Business Act ⑦ Share suitable financial solutions and financial eco-system ⑧ Recognise social economy enterprises in employment and social dialogue ⑨ Promote social entrepreneurship in education at all levels ⑩ Prioritise research include in national statistics collection to increase understanding, recognition and visibility (models and logic) Key policy recommendations
① New EU institutional context European Commission and European Parliament ② Highlighted in EESC recommendations to European Commission's 2015 Work Programme as: “ “Unless we strengthen entrepreneurship, it will not be possible to get back to growth and employment. Proposals include: “Launch an "SBI2" (Social Business Initiative 2), which would include a complete eco-system allowing funding for social enterprises and the social economy as a whole.” ③ Phase 2 of EESC Social Enterprise Project until September 2015 – Policy work dissemination of results, high-level meetings – Communication online community – Further bridging to MS levels going local, event etc. ④ Prioritised in EESC work programme promoting social economy and social enterprise development: – Strasbourg – Project phase 1 – Rome – Project phase 2 – Latvia, Luxembourg? – EESC opinion work and activities Current developments
EESC web site opinions, reports etc. GECES web site Commissions documents Current policy work Europe 2020 review Commission social enterprise mapping study Public procurement transposition New programming period EuSEF regulation Social impact measurement Interest in social impact investment Social innovation policy developments Others, research and innovation, small business act etc. Some key document and processes
Strides have been made build on legacy, do not loose momentum Time is now complex societal challenges, increased social risks call for social innovation and social impact measurement Proof is there more resilient in crisis, agent for social innovation and business creation The interest is high project communication results demonstrate and figures speak The agenda must continue…
Thank you for your attention Social Entrepreneurs – Make It Happen!