CareerSource Florida Board Meeting May 20, 2015
Welcome & Remarks Britt Sikes Chairman
Thank You to our Sponsors Platinum DEX Imaging Gulf Power Company Gold Coldwell Banker Commercial AI Group Silver Independent Colleges & Universities of Florida Wexford Strategies
Let’s Keep Working Awards CareerSource Gulf Coast – February & March CareerSource Tampa Bay – April
Welcome & Remarks Britt Sikes Chairman
Consent Item Approval of February 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
President’s Report Chris Hart IV President and CEO
Expanding Business Engagement July 1, 2014 – April 30, 2015 Businesses Served Statewide Quick Response Training Grants Awarded Open Job Positions (April) 103,693 $11,557,114 284,444 An increase of 2,391 over last year Projected Trainees 7,431 Unemployment Rate (Florida)* Unemployment Rate (National) 5.7% March 5.4% April * DEO releases April update on 5.22.15 High-Value Services Provided to Businesses Incumbent Worker Training Grants Awarded Job Seekers Placed with CareerSource Florida Network Assistance 197,850 $2,792,636 378,988 An increase of 61,668 over last year Projected Trainees 6,312 Private-Sector Jobs Created Since Dec. 2010* 841,100
Continuous Improvement (10%) Employer Penetration Fiscal Year 2014-2015 as of April 30, 2015 Retention Regions 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24 Continuous Improvement (10%) Regions 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 Excellence (25%) Regions 6, 8, 15, 18, 21 Return Employers State is currently at 107.46%* of its goal of 40,141 return employers (*Average of all 24 regional workforce boards) Source: DEO April 30, 2015, Performance Report
Earnings and Economic Opportunity
Three Strategic Initiatives Performance Funding Model Market Intelligence Portal Sector Strategies
Performance Funding Model CareerSource Florida Board adopted PFM with following characteristics: TIE – Target, Improve, Excel Model Long-horizon and Short-horizon Metrics Performance Concepts Adopted as Follows Job Placements Employer Engagement Cost of Doing Business Customer Satisfaction Performance Metrics Based on Performance Concepts
Performance Metrics Job Placements Employer Engagement Number of Placements (entered unemployed, earned wage) Time to Placements (quarters elapsing between entered unemployed and wage earning) Earnings (total wage earnings for at least 3 quarters post exit) Employer Engagement Total Number of Intensive Services to Employers Cost of Doing Business Total Expenditures/Number who Exit Employed Total Expenditures/Total Annual Earnings of Exiters Customer Satisfaction Business Satisfaction Among Those Receiving Intensive Services
Data Flow Real-time Labor Market Intelligence DEO Supply/Demand Analytics (24 Workforce Regions and State) Data Flow Access and Attainment Commission Process Real-time Labor Market Intelligence CareerSource Florida County, State and National Supply and Demand Forecasts Office of Economic and Demographic Research Simulation Model Market Intelligence Portal HECC Real-time Labor Market Analytics
Market Intelligence Portal Higher Education Coordinating Council Action March 27, 2015 We, the Higher Education Coordinating Council (HECC), agree that decisions should be informed by market data. Once CareerSource Florida has reached its goal of having a beta version of the Market Intelligence Portal (expected by July 1, 2015), the HECC members will each identify and commission team members who will work with CareerSource Florida to build a HECC-endorsed methodology into the Portal.
Sector Strategies Health Care Advanced Manufacturing Florida Healthcare Workforce Leadership Council Advanced Manufacturing Florida Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Leadership Council
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Vision Needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions Superior customer service to job seekers and employers Strong regional economies
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Six Goals Increase access to employment, education, training and support services — particularly for people with barriers to employment. Create a comprehensive, high-quality workforce development system by aligning workforce investment, education and economic development. Improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education and economic development efforts. Promote improvement in the structure and delivery of workforce services. Increase the prosperity of workers and employers. Reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet employer needs and enhance productivity and competitiveness.
WIOA Task Force CareerSource Florida State University System of Florida Enterprise Florida Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges Dept. of Economic Opportunity Agency for Persons with Disabilities Florida Workforce Development Association Dept. of Elder Affairs Dept. of Education Dept. of Children and Families DOE Division of Career and Adult Education Dept. of Juvenile Justice Dept. of Corrections DOE Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Small Business Development Center Network DOE Division of Blind Services Florida College System Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida
WIOA Timeline April-Aug. 2015 Sept. Nov. Jan.- March 2016 Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in-person meetings) Sept. WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered Nov. Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature Jan.- March 2016 Legislative Session 2016 Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor
On the Horizon Enterprise Florida Education and Workforce Talent Task Force May 28, Tampa Workforce Professional Development Summit September 21-23, Orlando
CareerSource Florida Network Updates Florida Workforce Chairs’ Alliance Chair John Wanamaker Florida Workforce Development Association President Bruce Ferguson
Strategic Policy Council Jennifer Grove Chairman
Finance Council Alex Moseley Chairman
Fiscal Year 2015-2016 CareerSource Florida Network Funding Allocations Scott Fennell Chief Operating and Financial Officer
Total Workforce System Funding $281.8M WIOA $147.3 TANF $ 59.7 Wagner-Peyser $ 38.4 State Funding (QRT) $ 12.6 Veterans Programs $ 11.5 SNAP E&T $ 10.3 Reemployment Assistance $ 2.0
Total Workforce System Funding In Millions
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult $42,797,775 Youth $42,774,978 Dislocated Workers $61,786,732 Total WIOA Funding $147,359,485
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Total WIOA Grant $147,359,485 Regional Allocations $117,176,852 Rapid Response Funding $ 15,446,683 State-Level Funding $ 14,735,950
State-Level WIOA Funding Fixed Costs ($9.2M) CareerSource Florida and DEO Program Support $7,216,565 Incumbent Worker Training $2,000,000 (Per Florida Statute)
State-Level WIOA Funding Discretionary ($6.5M) Performance Incentives $ 3,400,000 Rural Initiatives $ 600,000 Market Intelligence Councils $ 410,000 Emerging Initiatives $ 400,000 Salesforce Licenses $ 347,039 DJJ Youthful Offender Program $ 201,363 Americorps Workforce Pilot $ 98,328 7% Budget Reserve $ 1,000,000
WIOA Rapid Response Total Rapid Response $17,310,704 DEO Rapid Response Unit $500,069 Distribution to Regions $10,000,000 WIOA Implementation $1,864,021 Remaining Rapid Response $4,946,614
Wagner-Peyser Act (WP) Wagner-Peyser 7b $ 3,835,061 Total WP Funding $ 38,350,606
Wagner-Peyser Section 7a Activities RWB Salaries and Pass-Through $27,349,704 Labor Exchange System $3,980,283 State-Level Administration $2,818,672 RWB Insurance and HR Fees $366,886
Wagner-Peyser Section 7b Activities Regional Performance Incentives $2,250,000 Integrated Communications and Statewide Outreach $1,275,000 Military Spouses Program $ 828,063 Other Business Outreach $ 375,000 Florida Trend NEXT $ 296,000
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Regional Allocations and Projects $55,430,907 CareerSource Florida and DEO Program Support $ 4,317,129 Total TANF Funding $59,748,036
Other State and Federal Workforce Programs Quick Response Training and State Program Support $12,644,221 Veterans Programs $11,485,000 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance $10,260,616 Reemployment Assistance $ 2,000,000
Individual Training Accounts 2015-16 Waiver Policy Statutorily required to allocate 50 percent of Adult and Dislocated Worker expenditures to Individual Training Accounts A sliding scale has been developed based on budget reductions since 2012-13 Regions may request a one-year continuation waiver Waivers will be granted at the request of the regions at any amount above their lowest possible percentage
Action Item 1 Approval of funding allocations and methodology for the CareerSource Florida network Approval of the 2015-16 ITA Waiver policy Approval of the 2015-16 Quick Response Training funding provided in the General Appropriations Act
WIOA Update State Board State-Level Core Partners WIOA Task Force
WIOA Task Force Function Guiding Principles Expected Outcomes May 14 Meeting Update
Task Force Meeting Schedule June 11 July 16 August 6 August 27 Webinar
Action Item 2 Needed Action Approve the recommendation to provide initial designation for the existing 24 regional workforce development regions and initial certification for the existing 24 regional workforce boards contingent upon receiving completed requests from each region.
Action Item 3 Needed Action To approve the request by the above regional workforce boards for an extension of the designation as a direct provider of services for an additional three-year period beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2018.
Action Item 4 Needed Action To approve the request by the above regional workforce board for designation as a direct service provider of youth services for a period beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2018.
Performance Funding Model Dr. Rod Lewis Vice President of Analytics
Closing Remarks Britt Sikes Chairman
Don Gugliuzza Legacy Award “Don cared deeply about talent development, ensuring businesses have the skilled workforce they need to compete, and building a system where Florida’s young people will have every opportunity to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce.”
Upcoming Meetings July 22 Executive Committee Teleconference September 21-22 Board Meetings & Workforce Professional Development Summit November 4 Board Teleconference
Thank You!