Teaching English in the Senior Division
Denise Shannon English Department Head St. Paul High School
Course overview, learning expectations Your needs and expectations Topic one: Oral Communication
I am from... I have a degree in... My favourites (books, songs, food, travel etc.) include... I wish I had asked my advisor... My wishlist for this course includes… A classroom management question I have is… When I say I want resources, to me this means... Other??.
What were the highlights? Biggest learning experiences? What do you still need to learn more about? How are you hoping this course will help with that?
Available at m.html m.html
General vs. Specific expectations Strands: Reading and Literature, Writing, Oral Communication, Media Categories of Achievement: Knowledge, Thinking, Communication, Application
Speaking and Listening Skills in the English Classroom
Challenges? Triumphs? Benefits to student learning?
Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes Speaking to Communicate: Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for different purposes Reflecting on skills and strategies: reflect and identify strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement and helpful strategies
Formal vs. informal language Using and responding to non-verbal language Role of mass media speech and language: “Speak with Conviction” Workplace application Speaking and listening as part of critical literacy Conquering fears of speaking to a group
“Scaffolding”- developmental continuum Intermediate grades- more group activities, presentation, sharing of ideas, emphasis on developing confidence Senior grades- more emphasis on preparation and delivery of content, sophistication of presentation techniques, independent role ( seminars, mini-lessons)
“Stage fright”/ overcoming anxiety- strategies? “Think Literacy:Cross Curricular Approaches Grade 7-12, 2003 Think- Pair-Share, Four Corners Discussion Etiquette/ Discussion Group roles In One Ear and Out the Other Presentation Modelling/Importance of teacher modelling
What are we evaluating? Content/ Style balance Style criteria? What are expectations of students? Briefly discuss and list the criteria you would list on a rubric or checklist for a senior level student presentation.
Small group discussion roles ( role of listening) Persuasive speeches Character role-playing- group and independent Scene production and adaptation Grammar mini-lessons Debates Seminars
1. Meet with your discussion group to plan and organize your case study and discussion moderation. 2. See me to discuss any issues and ideas for Stage 1 of your final project- “First Impressions”- January 20
Checklists Student participation What criteria are being evaluated?
A good strategy to get immediate formative feedback Please fill out the exit card today and give it to me, along with your personal information sheet, before leaving Thank you! I look forward to getting your feedback and responding in the weeks to come!
As a student, how did you learn to become an effective reader?
How did the TEACHING of these works add to that impression?
What challenges will you have?
From “ “Inquiring Minds Learn to Read and Write” (Wilhelm), Think Literacy Pre-reading During reading After reading
Each group will read and discuss one strategy. Assess its purpose and effectiveness and think about when and where you would use this. Explain, share or model this strategy for the rest of the class.
Brief explanation Your thoughts? Examples of use in classroom situation “gallery walk”