Background and Rationale Programme Budget Partners Strategic Approach Outcome and Outputs Governance and Coordination Structure Organizational Structure Outline
Despite high economic growth since 2001, Tanzania has made little progress towards reducing extreme hunger and malnutrition – 28.2% of the population (11,909, 427) still lives below the basic needs poverty line. The majority of the population have little or no access to adequate supply of portable water, basic sanitation and health services Despite improvements in basic education, there are still significant challenges such as declining quality standards and gender disparities in primary education access Fertility is still high in Tanzania and 116 out of 1000 girls start childbearing by age 18 years Background and rationale
In response to these challenges, the Government of Tanzania has developed national strategies for growth and poverty alleviation: MKUKUTA & MKUZA The social protection goals of these strategies are concerned with the provision of adequate social protection for poor and vulnerable groups Towards this end, the Government established the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) in the early 2000s Based on the success of TASAF I and II, it was decided to design and implement TASAF III/PSSN Background and rationale
In February 2014, the Government of Tanzania requested the UN Resident Coordinator a.i. to provide support to the scaling up of the PSSN being operationalized through the TASAF III. UNDP and UNICEF fielded an in-country mission of 4 consultants to formulate a joint UNDP/UNICEF programme. A concept note on the JP – with ILO, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF - was submitted to the SDG Fund in June 2014 and a fully fledged project proposal was submitted in September Background and rationale
Total programmable budget: USD 4,253,250 Programme budget Total allocated resources : Allocated resources: SDG-F: USD 1,500,000 UNDP: USD 1,500,000 ILO: USD 30,000 UNICEF: USD 350,000 UNFPA: USD 300,000 Indicative commitments: TASAF/World Bank: USD 258,250 Government: USD 420,000 Total allocated resources : Allocated resources: SDG-F: USD 1,500,000 UNDP: USD 1,500,000 ILO: USD 30,000 UNICEF: USD 350,000 UNFPA: USD 300,000 Indicative commitments: TASAF/World Bank: USD 258,250 Government: USD 420,000
Budget broken down by agency and year: Programme budget AgenciesYear 1Year 2Total UNDP 825,3481,545,0002,370,348 UNICEF 715,000577,5021,292,502 UNFPA 150,000210,000360,000 ILO 210,40020,000230,400 Total programmable budget 1,905,7482,352,5024,253,250
Partners Implementing Partner Responsible Parties: (Other partners responsible for project activities under agreement with the IP) Responsible Parties: (Other partners responsible for project activities under agreement with the IP) TASAF Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Public Services – Zanzibar, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Health – Zanzibar, Ministry of Women, Children, Youth and Empowerment – Zanzibar, Social Security Regulation Authority, Local Government Authorities, Engender Health, Chama Cha Bora Tanzania – UMATI, CSOs and Private Sector, Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA), Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE), Zanzibar Trade Union Congress (ZATUC), Zanzibar Employer’s Association (ZANEMA), Prime Minister’s Office, Local Government and Regional Administration, National Bureau of Statistics
The strategic approach of the JP is three-pronged: Macro-level Support to finalization and operationalization of the National Social Protection Framework (NSPF) Meso-level Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of PSSN by strengthening programme implementation and delivery systems Micro-level Strengthen sustainable livelihoods and resilience mechanisms for PSSN, which will allow beneficiaries to accumulate human capital, improve well-being and graduate and exit programme Strategic approach
Outcome 1: PSSN Programme implementation and delivery systems of the TASAF Management Unit, Regional Officers, District Councils and Communities strengthened Output 1.1: Social protection knowledge management system strengthened Output 1.2: Institutional capacities of the PSSN Programme implementation structures strengthened Output 1.3: Robust PSSN Programme Monitoring and Evaluation and Management Information System (MIS) enhanced, including indicators on gender, climate change and other cross-cutting issues Output 1.4: Sector line ministry community extension workers capacity built to manage and implement Community Sessions Output 1.5: NSPF and PSSN indicators incorporated into NBS national, thematic and panel survey instruments Outcome and outputs
Outcome 2: Social protection interventions are coordinated across sectors under National Social Protection Framework to address supply side issues Output 2.1: National Social Protection Framework (NSPF) finalized and implemented Output 2.2: A harmonised PSSN and NSPF coordination mechanisms established Outcome and outputs
Outcome 3: Sustainable livelihood and resilience mechanisms for the PSSN strengthened Output 3.1: Pro-poor and child-sensitive social protection institutionalized at all levels to prevent inter-generational poverty Output 3.2: Mechanisms for strengthening medium to long term community and household resilience to risk and shocks developed Output 3.3: Effective gender sensitive and sustainable livelihoods models tested and implemented Outcome and outputs
A National Steering Committee (NSC)/Project Board (PB) composed of the RC, Government representatives and a representative from the Embassy of Spain or AECID will be set up The existing UNDAP Social Protection Work Group (SPWG) will function as the Programme Management Committee (PMC) of the JP. The PMC will be responsible for the operational coordination and will report to NSC/PB. Governance and coordination structures
Project organizational structure Project Management Committee Social Protection Programme Working Group Project Management Committee Social Protection Programme Working Group Project Board Senior Supplier UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, Embassy of Spain or AECID, DPs Senior Supplier UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, Embassy of Spain or AECID, DPs MOF PMO-RALG MOL MOH MOHSW Executive Secretary (TASAF) Executive Secretary (TASAF) Project Coordinator Senior Bénéficiers (MoF, MoL, MoHSW, PMO-RALG etc.) Senior Bénéficiers (MoF, MoL, MoHSW, PMO-RALG etc.)