Objectives SWBAT define migration, immigration, emigration, push factors, and pull factors SWBAT explain the difference between immigration, emigration, and migration SWBAT identify push/pull factors when given a migration scenario
Story from a Student From There to There to Here: An Immigration Story From There to There to Here: An Immigration Story
Forced vs. Unforced Voluntary migration Forced migration – EXAMPLES Westward displacement of the Native American population; dispersal of Jews from Palestine; African slave trade. – REFUGEES Escaping despotism, war, ethnic persecution, and famine.
Exit Ticket On the back of your warm-up scenario (that little piece of paper) – Write your NAME. – Write whether you are an immigrant, emigrant, or migrant (or all 3!) If you’re an immigrant, where are you immigrating to? If you’re an emigrant, where are you emigrating from? – Circle the push factors in your scenario. – Underline the pull factors in your scenario.