Page 1 SIEC MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 State of Washington State Interoperability Executive Committee
Page 2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions News and Information Roundtable FirstNet Second Notice – discussion, action FirstNet Draft RFP SCIP Snapshot review, discussion, action Communications Order Model Practice - possible SIEC action Washington OneNet Status Ongoing Projects Good of the Order
Page 3 Review, approval of February 19 meeting minutes Bullet points from Feb Meeting Lexicon Facilitated by Bill Schrier
Page 4 News and Information Roundtable (What’s happening with your associations and jurisdictions) Facilitated by Bill Schrier
Page 5 FirstNet Draft Request for Proposals (due April 24) FirstNet Second Notice Facilitated by Bill Schrier
Page 6 FirstNet Second Notice Second Notice on interpretations of the law which created FirstNet (First Notice was issued in October) This slide will be replaced with more detail about Washington’s proposed response to the Second Notice, for review, discussion, at the meeting
Page 7 Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) Snapshot Report (see separate document at interoperability-executive-committee/siec meeting-materials ) Facilitated by Bill Schrier interoperability-executive-committee/siec meeting-materials
Page 8 Review: Status of Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) Report by Bill Schrier
Page 9 Communications Order Model Practices for Radio Communications Report from SIEC Advisory Workgroup Michael Marusich, SAW Chair Discussion, Potential Action
Page 10 Communications Order Model Practices for Radio Communications SAW members provided and compiled the following information regarding currently used communication order protocols. For the purposes of this report, the primary communication order protocols are defined as: “Hey You, It’s Me” (Receiver/Sender Model) – Fire Agencies “It’s Me, Hey You” (Sender/Receiver Model) – Law Enforcement
Page 11 ENTITY NAME PROTOCOL NOTECOMMENTS Sender / Receiver Law Enforcement "It's Me, Hey You" Receiver / Sender Fire Agencies "Hey you, It's Me" WA State Patrol (WSP)X Agency Training Standard No "10" Codes Used WA State Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) X Agency Policy Use of WSP by policy BNSF Railroad PoliceX Best Practice Users of WSP Radio System (Ref: WSP) X Agency Radio Use Policy Agency Training Policy Best Practice Includes federal, state, county & local agency shared use/use agreements WA State ParksX Agency Training Standard WSP Affiliate / User WA State Liquor Control BoardX Agency Training Standard WSP Affiliate / User WA State Gambling Commission X Agency Policy - WSP Use WSP Affiliate / User Pierce CO - All Law Enforcement X Agency Training Standard International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) X Training Standard National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) X Training Standard US Dept of Homeland Security - Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) X National Guidelines Best Practice Office of State and Local Law Enforcement Training (OSL) X National, State and Local Standards Agency Located at FLETC
Page 12 ENTITY NAME PROTOCOL NOTECOMMENTS Sender / Receiver Law Enforcement "It's Me, Hey You" Receiver / Sender Fire Agencies "Hey you, It's Me" Washington Fire Chiefs X WA Fire Chiefs Standard Fire Training Standard National Fire Standard National Fire Academy X National Training Standard International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) X National Assn. Standard Best Practice Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) X National Guidelines Best Practice International Standard International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) X National Association Std. Best Practice United States Fire Administration (USFA) X National Guidelines Best Practice Voice Radio Communications Guide for the Fire Service WA State Military X Best Practice NATO Phonetic Alphabet U.S. Maritime X National Guidelines Training Standard Best Practice U.S. Military X National Guidelines Training Standard Best Practice North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) X International Guideline Training Standard
Page 13 ENTITY NAME PROTOCOL NOTECOMMENTS Sender / Receiver Law Enforcement "It's Me, Hey You" Receiver / Sender Fire Agencies "Hey you, It's Me" National Incident Management System (NIMS) National Incident Command System (ICS) (X) National Guidelines Best Practice Recommends the use of communications procedures that ensure messages are received and comprehended. WA State Department of Transportation (WDOT) (X)X Agency Training Standard Employee Orientation Std Best Practice IRT Team uses LE protocol when talking to WSP WA State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) (X)X Agency Training Standard NATO Alphanumeric Std. Plain Talk used Follows US Forest Service DNR Police/Enforcement use WSP/Law Enforcement Protocol Washington Department of Corrections (WADOC) X(X) Agency Training Standard Best Practice Law Enforcement (default) Use of contacted entity protocol as required
Page 14 Washington OneNet Status Shelley Westall
Page 15 FirstNet in Washington State Video Series
Page Outreach Activities: March 17Washington Networking – IWCE March 24 & 25Stakeholder & Technical Committee Meetings April ?Stakeholder & Technical Committee Meeting (pending release of FirstNet’s RFP April 9West Regional APCO April 14-16Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference April 14-16State Points of Contact Meeting April 29Statewide Resilience Initiatives Workshop April 30Statewide Resilience Initiatives Workshop May 12Statewide Resilience Initiatives Workshop May 13Statewide Resilience Initiatives Workshop May 11-17WA State Search & Rescue Conference May 18-23WA Fire Chiefs Association May 18-21ATNI Spring Conference May 29Statewide Resilience Initiatives Workshop June 23-27Association of Washington Cities June 24-26APCO-NENA
Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20 USDA Tribal Tsunami Summit Stakeholder, Technical, & Operational Committee Meetings Regional Outreach Meetings (PNWER WSU) Meetings with Tribal Leadership Next Steps (still in planning)
Page 21 Update for Ongoing Projects
Page 22 Washington State Patrol Narrowbanding Project Bob Schwent WSP Electronic Services Division
Page 23 SIEC Advisory Workgroup Committee Report Michael Marusich Office of the Chief Information Officer
Page 24 SIEC Advisory Workgroup SAW Status Report as of April 7, 2015 WSCA Public Safety Radio Contract Re-bid The existing contract has been extended until September 2015 Internal DES personnel / contract award issues delayed ASV contract awards Issues exist with ASV list and identified needs of State agencies WSCA is now part of WSCA-NASPO Value Point (new website NASPO - National Association of State Procurement Officials Cooperative Purchasing Organization WSCA – Western States Contracting Alliance WSCA-NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Organization is a nonprofit, wholly owned subsidiary of NASPO. OSCCR System and Equipment Maintenance Update provided regarding the maintenance, on-going support, and future of OSCCR system and agency-maintained equipment; use of MIL/EMD funds to upgrade OSCCR; and, EMD/Agency funding review. Recent funding review identified need for on-going maintenance, upgrades and support of system network and server equipment; Agencies to continue self-maintenance of repeaters. MIL/EMD working with Army Guard to provide future server and system image updates. Prior OR border & Thurston CO frequency conflicts being reviewed post Narrowbanding.
Page 25 SIEC Advisory Workgroup SAW Report & Recommendation Uniform Fleet Numbering Proposal Report by Michael Marusich Bob Schwent Tim McDowell
Page 26 SIEC Advisory Workgroup Proposal for the adoption of a uniform fleet mapping system for trunked radio systems in Region 43 (WA) Regional Planning Committee (RPC) New and upgraded trunked radio systems are being deployed throughout Region 43 (WA). These trunked systems can be linked together so officers affiliated with one system can roam to and use the others. Since there is no adopted standard for identification names and numbers for individual radios and talk groups, ID conflicts between responding agencies are possible. To reduce or eliminate conflicts, the SIEC Advisory Workgroup (SAW) recommends the statewide adoption of a uniform fleet map numbering system. The Region 43 Regional Planning Committee (RPC) and associated local, state and regional trunked radio system operators have proposed such a standard. Adopting this standard will allow a uniform approach to the design and management of local, state and regional interoperable trunked radio communications, and is consistent with the system of systems approach identified in the WA State Technical Implementation Plan (TIP) and the Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP). SAW members have reviewed and unanimously recommend SIEC approval and adoption of the attached “Uniform Fleetmap Numbering Proposal” (see handouts).
Page 27 SIEC Advisory Workgroup SAW Report & Recommendation SAW Recommended Guidelines: SIEC Requirement for Licensing of State-Designated/Licensed Spectrum Report by Michael Marusich Bob Schwent Tim McDowell
Page 28 SIEC Advisory Workgroup SAW Report & Recommendation Revised Region 43 (WA) 700 MHz Plan and SAW Recommended 700 MHz Interop Channel Governance Report by Michael Marusich Bob Schwent Tim McDowell
Page 29 SIEC Advisory Workgroup Recommendation for SIEC approval of proposed Region 43 (WA) Regional Planning Committee (RPC) 700 MHz Plan and 700 MHz Interoperable Channel Governance The Region 43 (WA) 700 MHz Committee is in the process of rewriting the 700MHz plan. Revisions are required to address 700MHz interoperable frequency assignment and procedural matters. Current licensing approval processes differ between the Region MHz and 800MHz plans. All 800 MHz licensing is governed by the RPC, whereas 700MHz licensing is governed by the RPC with the exception of the designated Interoperability channel,s which are governed by the SIEC. As such, the SAW unanimously recommends SIEC approval of a proposed realignment of the Region 43 RPC’s 700MHz Plan to allow governance of 700MHz interoperability channels by the Region 43 RPC 700MHz Committee, thereby providing uniformity in the licensing and governance of 700MHz and 800MHz interoperability channels throughout Washington. Three SAW members (Bob Schwent – WSP, Joh Zwosta – Pierce County CCN, and Tim McDowell – WSDOT) currently serve on the Region 43 RPC 700MHz Committee, and each has offered to facilitate the oversight and expeditious processing of the 700MHz Plan realignment and RPC approval process.
Page 30 Rebanding Project Status Michael Marusich Office of the Chief Information Officer
Page 31 Good of the Order Next Meeting: June 18, 2015 Location: Camp Murray, WA Building 92, Rooms 2 & 4