doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission December 2014 Perspectives on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Date: Authors: Slide 1 NameAffiliationsAddressPhone Reza Hedayat Young Hoon Kwon Yongho Seok Hyoungjin Kwon Vida Ferdowsi Amin Jafarian NEWRACOM9008 Research Drive, Irvine, CA reza.hedayat at younghoon.kwon at yongho.seok at hj.kwon at vida.ferdowsi at amin.jafarian at Reza Hedayat, NEWRACOM
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Summary This contribution highlights the current perspectives on enhancing spatial reuse (aka DSC, or adaptive/dynamic CCA) in 11ax One dominating perspective in majority of contributions is the topic of “What is optimum CCA level; -82dBm, -72dBm, etc?” Some have highlighted methods to dynamically adjust CCA under the specifics of the wireless medium situation Few contributions have looked at other issues with CCA in We overview the highlights of above perspectives and make some comparisons Slide 2 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission What is optimum CCA level; -82dBm, -72dBm, etc? One dominating perspective in majority of contributions is the topic of “What is optimum CCA level; -82dBm, -72dB, etc?”. In next slides most of these contributions are reviewed The goal of reviewing these contributions is to compare the reported gains and possibly guess potential gain of spatial reuse As it’s been identified by some contributions, optimum CCA depends on multiple factors: frequency reuse, topology of BSS/OBSSs deployment, TX power, etc While there have been so many contributions dedicated on this question, there has not been a unique answer, mostly due to differences in deployment setup and system modeling Slide 3 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission What is optimum CCA level; -82dBm, -72dBm, etc? Slide 4 December 2014 AP Client Color indicates AP/STAs belonging to a BSS. Color does not indicate frequency reuse. Frequency reuse is determined by the number of available channels etc Unmanaged but separated WLANs Less-managed WLANs Managed WLANs It is expected that optimizing CCA level would differ for these deployments: Unmanaged but separated WLANs, e.g. apartment complex (simulation scenario 1) Managed WLANs, e.g. enterprise, outdoor hoy spot (simulation scenario 2,3 and 4) Less-managed WLANs, e.g. airports and malls where possibly multiple managed WLANs have overlapped coverages and operate without knowledge of each other presence
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax [14/779r2] Dynamic Sensitivity Control Practical Usage “Scheme where STA measures the RSSI of the AP Beacon (R dBm) Sets RX Sensitivity Threshold at (R – M) dBm, where M is the Margin Also set an Upper Limit, L, to Beacon RSSI to cater for case when STA is very close to AP” “improvement for single(296%) and double(412%) apartment and cell structure network (800%)” [14/82r0, 83r0] Improved Spatial Reuse – Part I and II PHY system simulation, pathloss/shadowing considered, gene-based MCS selection, … “observe >2X gain in mean throughput and 2X gain in 5% throughput (UL and DL traffic) by increasing threshold to the range [-70,-60] dBm” [14/1427r2] DSC Performance For SS1-SS4, “Increasing the CCA threshold provides throughput gains in the order of 20-40% (depending on the load levels) in all simulation scenarios except for S4 For S2 no significant gains can be seen from using more advanced DSC algorithms For S2 the achievable gains are in the order of 25%” Slide 5 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax [14/1403r0] Performance Analysis of BSS Color and DSC SS3. PHY/MAC modeling. Pathloss/shadowing/fading simulated. Color only offers 6% gain. DSC only offers up to 48% gain. Combined DSC/Color offer up to 49% for CCA=-52dBm, but for CCA=-62dBm/-72dBm Color plays more role. “There is not so much gain if only BSS Coloring is used … But when BSS Coloring is used with DSC it can increase gain when the offset of Rx sensitivity level is relatively small” [14/372r2] System level simulations on Increased spatial reuse SS1. PHY/MAC modeling; RBIR, 20MHz, Channel B. 20 APs/rooms, 10 STAs per room. In 11ax only case, CCA=-62dBm offers 36% gain vs -82dBm. In mixed 11ax/legacy case, CCA=-62dBm causes legacy STAs throughput drop by 48%, and 11ax STAs gain about 20%. “Increasing CCA level with BSS Color can improve spatial reuse in HEW BSS and boost the throughput in residential use case.” [14/1443r0] Adapting CCA and Receiver Sensitivity For SS1, “Fundamental Unfairness: with fixed thresholds, … there is unfairness (based on location, interference, etc.). The unfairness can be mitigated by intelligent selection of thresholds” “Results are scenario dependent and are sensitive to path loss parameters and scenario setup” “… adaptive configuration of CCA threshold or receiver sensitivity can help improve spatial reuse while maintaining fairness” Slide 6 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax [14/832r0] Performance Evaluation of OBSS Densification Using MAC system simulation. Full buffer. Genie MCS selection. For SS1-SS3, the best CCA level for mean and 5% throughput: (a) may not be a fixed value, (b) depends on the scenario, (c) may also depend on the parameter setting “Raising CCA levels for 11ax devices directly will affect the performance of legacy devices. The coexistence issue with legacy devices needs to be carefully investigated” [14/889r3] Performance Gains from CCA Optimization PHY system simulations for SS1-SS3 showing “CCA optimization provides very significant gains for simulation scenarios 1, 2, and 3, in terms of mean and 5% throughput: 2X or greater feasible in many scenarios. Dynamic CCA threshold selection still an open problem” “PHY system simulations showing (considerably) larger gains from CCA optimization than MAC simulations – what does this mean? Indicates large opportunity to improve performance An appropriately modified MAC should be able to achieve all/much of this gain – especially in scenarios where “simple” network behavior provides large gains” Slide 7 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Coexistence with Legacy STAs [14/854r0] DSC and Legacy Coexistence PHY/MAC modeling. Clients placed circularly around a single AP. UL transmission. “The impact of using DSC in TGax on other Legacy STA exists and is not negligible. As the number of STAs increases (e.g., dense scenarios), the degradation on performance of Legacy STAs also increases.” From 18% (for 2 STAs per BSS) to 59% (for 24 STAs per BSS). [14/1426r2] DSC and legacy coexistence For SS2, “… Improved performance is also observed for the legacy STAs in a file transfer scenario” [14/1207r1] OBSS Reuse mechanism which preserves fairness For simulation scenario close SS3, “fixed CCA is not more fair than DSC between 11ax STAs fixed CCA is unfair with legacy devices. it will be more unfair in unmanaged environments or with larger cells” “Balanced CCAC/TPC performs way better with regards to fairness between 11ax and legacy devices” [14/372r2] System level simulations on Increased spatial reuse For SS1, “STAs/APs in legacy BSS detect more busy medium than STAs using higher CCA level” (mean throughput decreases by 48%). “Fairness mechanism is required for coexistence among STAs with different CCA levels.” Slide 8 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Simulation Scenario 1 (SS1) [14/578r0] Residential Scenario CCA/TPC Simulation Discussion “Increasing CCA level widens opportunities for concurrent OBSS transmission – increasing global throughput while increasing OBSS interference. Higher CCA and Tx power levels increase OBSS interference. Tx power mitigates it somewhat by increasing received signal level. Delay shows significantly different performance depending on Tx power and CCA level.” [14/833r0] Residential Scenario Sensitivity and Transmit Power Control Simulation Results “Transmit power control has a potential to improve system performance. Reduced transmit power may help in certain cases Frequency reuse, even unmanaged, improves system performance. Improvement factor generally smaller than the frequency reuse factor Sensitivity control improves system performance. Higher sensitivity level, up to a certain point, helps Optimal CCA level is not fixed in general Overall, transmit power control, frequency reuse, and sensitivity control may be evaluated together” Slide 9 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Simulation Scenario 1 (SS1) [14/861r0] Impact of CCA adaptation on spatial reuse in dense residential scenario Integrated PHY/MAC simulator. “ … mean throughput gains around 18-52% are observed (gains are dependent on scenario) However, increased spatial reuse also increases interference and 5% throughput degrades significantly Mechanisms to deal with high interference and coordinate OBSS transmissions would be required to maximize these gains” [14/846r1] CCA Study in Residential Scenario Reuse 1. Pathloss/shadowing, no fading modeled. Full MAC modeling. Color bit. DL data. Full buffer UDP “Optimal CCA levels are highly dependent on parameter settings: e.g. Tx Power, PER curves Difficult to get simultaneously optimize both mean and 5% point” [14/1199r1] CCA Study in Residential Scenario - Part 2 Pathloss/shadowing and no fading modeled. Full MAC modeling. Color bit. UL data. Full buffer UDP. “For residential scenario reuse 1: Increasing CCA can be harmful for the 5% throughput [846r1] For residential scenario reuse 3: 5%ile 3x (4x) improvements vs -92dBm (-82dBm), mean: 30% increase vs CCA=-92 to CCA= anything higher; No gain compared to -82dBm For residential scenario reuse 6: Negligible gains by increasing CCA. All CCA levels have good reuse Effects of changing the CCA levels is highly scenario parameters dependent ” Slide 10 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Simulation Scenario 2 (SS2) [14/868r1] UL & DL DSC and TPC MAC Simulation FTP in UL/DL with Poisson arrival with 80% vs 20% arrival ration in DL vs UL. “DSC improves performance in UL. Setting the CCAT at AP (for transmission in DL) gives improvements in DL. Combining DSC and DL CCAT setting gives a well balanced UL & DL performance. TPC gives system capacity gains ” SS2 DSC in UL/DL offers 90% system capacity improvement, and TPC in UL/DL offers 77% system capacity improvement. [14/1426r2] DSC and legacy coexistence SS2. 50% traffic in DL and 50% in UL “Increasing the CCA threshold from -82 to -62 provides about 20-25% gain in average and 5 th percentile user throughputs Improved performance is also observed for the legacy STAs in a file transfer scenario” Slide 11 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Simulation Scenario 3 (SS3) [14/523r0] MAC simulation results for DSC and TPC “CCA and TPC are strongly increasing reuse and aggregate throughput”. Need “Margin optimization” “Weak rate control algorithms make aggregate throughput collapse The margin gives an indication on min SINR: if used for suppression of MCS usage below this min SINR it leads to strong improvement of rate control efficiency and to aggregate throughput gains” “strong impact of legacy devices on TPC reuse efficiency” [14/1171r1] DSC Simulation Results for Scenario 3 PHY/MAC modeling (?). No DL, 10 UL flows. Comparing CCA=-52dBm vs -82dBm, total BSS throughput increases 36%, and average of legacy STAs reduces 38%, and per-STA 5%-throughput reduces 94% for all STAs If DSC is used by transmitting STA but not be receiving STA (in DL case, DSC is only used by clients, not AP): total BSS throughput increases 6%, and average of legacy STAs reduces 24%, and per-STA 5%- throughput reduces 42% for legacy STAs [14/1225r1] Considerations on CCA for OBSS Operation in ax Integrated PHY/MAC modeling. Mixed DL/UL traffic. “the mean STA throughout varies with global CCA adjustments, but is hard to achieve an optimal CCA setting to improve performance of edge STAs” Optimal CCA for mean throughput is -60dBm, and for 5%-throughput is -70dBm. Slide 12 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions on Spatial Reuse in 11ax Measurements of CCA and Spatial Reuse [14/1416r1] Observed Protocol Violations Caused by DSC for Roaming STAs “Drivers that are not aware of DSC behavior on both AP and STA respond badly to peer protocol violations caused by DSC.” “Roaming case is a key aspect of Scenarios 2, 3 and 4. Any DSC implementation in TGax needs to be roam-aware” “It is probably impossible to choose a single margin value that works for all clients Margin should probably never be set higher than: SNR[min cell TX rate] – 3dB SNR fluctuations and MIMO effects create non-deterministic TX openings after crossing DSC edge Is increasing DSC complexity worth the benefit?” [14/628r0] Measurements on CCA Thresholds in OBSS Environments “This contribution focuses on performance of the increased CCA threshold in OBSS environment where non-overlapping channels are utilized”, “When majority of (operator-owned) APs are operating on non-overlapping channels (e.g. 1, 5, 9, 13 channels), still there are non-negligible interferences due to spurious power emissions from adjacent orthogonal channels.” “preliminary experiment results showing performance improvements with the increased receive threshold on target AP.” Slide 13 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Contributions that highlight issues or introduce new technologies [14/637r0] Spatial Reuse and Coexistence with Legacy Devices Discusses legacy device starvation issues due to spatial reuse. Suggests additional rules for TXOP duration and power of the STA taking advantage of spatial reuse [14/847r1] Further Considerations on Enhanced CCA for 11ax Suggests to use Color field with dynamic CCA [14/856r1] Evaluating Dynamic CCA/Receiver Sensitivity Algorithms Emphasizes the need for algorithms that work in overlapping BSSs with very different sizes and geometries [14/872r0] A Protocol Framework for Dynamic CCA Proposes an algorithm so that each PPDU contains info for non-recipient STAs so that they know how much they can relax their CCA for the PPDU [14/1224r0] Link Aware CCA Suggests allocating bits in SIG symbol so that non-recipient STAs of a PPDU can evaluate how much interference they likely create for the recipient of the PPDU [14/1233r2] Adaptive CCA for 11ax Evaluates the increased number of hidden nodes due to less sensitive CCA. Also quantifies volatility of channel condition during a PPDU duration and need for larger margin in rate adaptation. [14/1435r0] Considerations on OBSS Spatial Reuse Spatial reuse capability is a function of CCI from OBSS and path-loss between STAs [14/1448r1] Considerations for Adaptive CCA Suggests a method so that each STA uses adaptive CCA for those PPDUs whose recipients are not its neighbors Slide 14 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission What is potential gain? Slide 15 December 2014 ContributionPHY/MAC Modeling, SS, …Results 14/779r2Path-loss consideredImprovement for Single apartment: 296%, double apartment 412%, cell structure network 800% 14/82r0, 83r0SS1. PHY system simulation, pathloss/shadowing considered, gene-based MCS selection, … >2X gain in mean throughput and 2X gain in 5% throughput (UL and DL traffic) by increasing threshold to [-70,-60]dBm range 14/1427r2SS1-SS3. 50% UL & 50% DL traffic. PHY/MAC modelingIncreasing the CCA threshold provides throughput gains in the order of % (depending on the load levels) in all simulation scenarios except for S4 14/832r0SS1-SS3, Using MAC system simulation. Full buffer. Genie MCS selection. About 2x-3x mean throughput increase for 11ax, and significant loss for legacy STAs 14/889r3SS1-SS3. PHY system simulation, no MAC modeling, gene- based MCS selection, … 2X or greater feasible in many scenarios. For SS3, 5% throughput drops to zero for very aggressive CCA threshold 14/861r0SS1. Integrated PHY/MAC simulator. Separate DL/UL full buffer simulations Mean throughput gains around 18-52% are observed 14/846r1SS1 with reuse 1. Pathloss/shadowing and no fading modeled. Full MAC modeling. Color bit. DL data. Full buffer UDP. Difficult to optimize CCA for mean and 5% throughput. Optimum CCA=- 72dBm for mean throughput, and CCA=-92/-82dBm for 5% throughput 14/1199r0SS1 with reuse 3 and 6. Pathloss/shadowing and no fading modeled. Full MAC modeling. Color bit. UL data. Full buffer UDP. Reuse 3 and 6, no significant gain in optimizing mean throughput (vs - 82dBm). 5%-throughput optimized at -72dBm for reuse 3, and at -82dBm for reuse 6. 14/866r1SS2. FTP in UL/DL with Poisson arrival with 80% vs 20% arrival ration in DL vs UL. DSC in UL/DL offers 90% system capacity improvement, and TPC in UL/DL offers 77% system capacity improvement. 14/1171r1SS3. PHY/MAC modeling (?). No DL, 10 UL flows.36% Throughput gain, per-STA 5%-throughput reduces 94% 14/1426r2SS2. 50% traffic in DL and 50% in UL.Increasing the CCA threshold from -82 to -62 provides 20-25% gain in average and 5th percentile user throughputs 14/372r2SS1. PHY/MAC modeling;. DSC and Color bits.Compared to -82dBm, CCA=-62dBm offers 20-36% gain for mixed/11ax-only cases. Legacy STAs throughput drop by 48%.
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Other perspective on spatial reuse Majority of spatial reuse contributions have debated whether the current CCA threshold of -82dBm is optimum, and whether it should be dynamic A few contributions have looked at some other issues with CCA in , such as 1224r0, 1448r1. The main focus is that the current CCA rule in senses the energy received from the sender of a frame and decides whether the CCA turns busy or not, regardless of the recipient of the frame In next slides this perspective is discussed Slide 16 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Current CCA Rule in Current CCA rule in is based on the energy received from the transmitter of a frame, irrespective of the frame’s recipient For instance, in below figure, when STA1 sends a frame, CCA at STA0 turns busy irrespective of the destination of the sent frame Slide 17 December 2014 STA0 CCA=-82dBm STA1 STA4 STA3 It is fair that STA0’s CCA turns busy when STA1 sends frames to STA4. But it may not be necessary that STA0’s CCA turn busy when STA1 sends frames to STA3 This means, with respect to STA1’s transmission, STA0’s CCA should become busy only when the recipient of STA1’s frame is within the cross-coverage area (shown in yellow). However, the current CCA rule causes STA0’s CCA to turn busy for a much wider area. Next slide show how wide this area could get...
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Current CCA Rule in STA0’s CCA turns busy if the transmitter is within R radius (R is the radius for -82dBm coverage); its CCA turns busy even if the frame’s recipient is within >R and <2R radius December 2014 STA0 R 2R
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Current CCA Rule in STA0’s CCA turns busy if the transmitter is within R radius (R is the radius for -82dBm coverage); its CCA turns busy even if the frame’s recipient is within >R and <2R radius December 2014 STA0 R 2R
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Possible Enhancement to Current CCA Rule Previous slides show that the current CCA rule could be conservative and turns a STA’s CCA busy for frames whose recipients happen to be in about four times larger area than the STA’s coverage While previous slides demonstrate the concept in a plain LOS environment, the idea remains valid regardless. In fact propagation realities such as shadowing further justifies that actual area, that a STA’s CCA turn busy for, is unnecessarily larger than the STA’s coverage –E.g., in reference to slide 16, STA3 might be in shadow wrt STA0 and that further shows that it’s unnecessary that STA0’s CCA turn busy when STA1 sends frames to STA3 It takes additional resources (such as bits in SIG symbols) to identify situations depicted in previous slides, see e.g. [872r0, 1224r0, 1448r1] TGax could come up with efficient and simple solutions that allow exploiting such reuse Slide 20 December 2014
doc.: IEEE /1580r0 Submission Conclusion Majority of simulation-based contributions in 11ax focus on spatial reuse topic. It is valuable that many resources have been assigned to this topic However, current results show a wide range of achievable gain for CCA threshold optimization. Even for the same simulation scenario the reported gains vary significantly. –It is necessary to identify specific scenarios and traffic models and sufficient PHY/MAC modeling so that TGax contributors could compare their results –Hopefully the PHY/MAC simulator calibration effort converge these results and shed some light on the actual gain of the methods proposed for enhancing spatial reuse Also there are also other perspectives to spatial reuse that could lead to enhancing and should not be overlooked. Slide 21 December 2014