SADC Course in Statistics Producing Good Tables In Excel Module B2 Sessions 4 & 5
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 2 Learning Objectives students should be able to Produce a frequency table by hand and using Excel Pivot Tables Produce a table with counts, proportions & percentages Hide, re-order and merge categories in a table Display tables with an appropriate format, and with or without the margins
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 3 Why do we need tables? Data checking and data cleaning To capture all the information in the data and summarize it in different ways Reference Presentation
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 4 Types of tables One-way Tables –How often does a particular variable’s category occur? Two-way tables –What is the relationship between two categorical variables? –How often does a particular variable occur at each category Type of table depends on type of data & the question being answered; we will concentrate here on 1 way table
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 5 A one-way table.. Frequency tables can be made using –tallies ( by hand or with computer) –using pivot table facility in Excel Frequency table can be made to –show counts – actual frequencies –Proportions – relative frequencies –Percentages- proportions multiplied by 100; easier to compare
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 6 A one-way table As an exploratory tool, can be used to –give overall frequency distribution –reveal incorrect categories –reveal categories with few observations As a presentation tool, can be used to –summarize results and interpret the findings so that it highlights the key features of the data
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 7 Formatting Suitable formatting and displaying can make a lot of difference to the ‘readability’ of the table, one should consider: –No of decimal places –Spacing –Alignment –Ordering of categories –Merging of groups –Labelling of groups –etc
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 8 Practical 1 A simple way of getting a frequency table for a categorical variable is to make a tally by hand of the numbers in each category, entering the data into Excel and working out the proportions and percentages from the frequencies and the total number of values in the sample –Answer the questions specified in each of the activities 2,3,and 4.
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 9 Practical 2 The second method of making table is to use Pivot tables. This is explained in the demonstration “Using Pivot Tables”. We will use the PivotTable wizard to make a table –Watch the demonstration “ Using PivotTables” if necessary and then complete Activities 6, 7 and 8
To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 10 Summary 1-way tables are a useful tool for exploring and presenting data on the categories of 1 variable. Tables can be made by hand or by using special software facilities, e.g. Pivot table Wizard in Excel Appropriate formatting and display is necessary to get maximum value
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