Conversation Piece by Ned Guymon
IN-Class Read “Conversation Piece” (handout) - often considered the world’s shortest detective story What happened in this story? (Here is a practice opportunity to develop a written answer.) 1 paragraph… well-written… develop by adding detail
Lesson?? Readers who look below the surface, who can apply a little inference, will come up with quite a complex story compared to the few short words on the page. (Even my elementary students who show up with dwindling imaginations love this story and with very little prodding are able to ‘read between the lines’.) That’s the kind of reader we want to help our students become: readers who can move beyond the literal and who can interpret the text. Readers who read way beyond a “puzball” mentality. Readers who can read between the lines to see the real game being played!
Task… Part 1 – Writing With a partner, create and write your own ‘conversation’ modeled after Conversation Piece by Ned Guymon. Focus on: fluency (how it reads!) and conventions (spelling, punctuation, and quotation marks to show dialogue) Part 2 – Speaking & Listening Rehearse with partner and then present! Focus on: Expression and fluency!
Assessment Conversation Piece Outcomes 4 3 2 1 SCO 2.2 adapt vocabulary, sentence structure, and rate of speech to the speaking occasion (Focus on fluency and expression) SCO 9.2 demonstrate an awareness of the effect of context on writing and other forms of representing − make appropriate choices of form, style, and content for specific audiences and purposes (Follow the format/template of original Conversation Piece) SCO 10.2 consistently use the conventions of written language in final products (Special attention to punctuation and Quotation usage.