Deafness and hearing impairment Hannah Hayward ST3
Aims and objectives Raise awareness about the topic To look at why this is important topic List some barriers faced by deaf patients accessing health care Consider ways in which access and communication can be improved
Why is it important to think about this?? Legal obligation – Equality Act 2010 – The duty to make “reasonable adjustments” – substantial disadvantage because of you disability More importantly – For the benefit our patients!!
What is it like seeing a GP if your are deaf?? This video looks at some common challenges faced by a deaf patient dealing with primary care sCrw&feature=player_embedded sCrw&feature=player_embedded sCrw&feature=player_embedded#t=163 sCrw&feature=player_embedded#t=163
Elements to consider - it’s not just about the hearing loop! Getting an appointment – What does the practice have in place – Can patients text, book online, , fax Being called into appointments – Screens, message on record Communication preferences – Is this recorded on the record (Lipread, BSL interpreter)
Interpreter An interpreter should be on the National register of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) – badge – Simple search online – Appointment timing – double ??‘Interpretnow’ service Our health in your hands card It is the health providers responsibility to book and pay for this not the patient
OOH Accessing 999 services – – Need to register phone NHS 111 – Watch this space… – NHS 24 Scotland provides interpret now
Summary We all need to think about how we can address the health inequalities faced by deaf patients – what would you want if this were you, your relative or a friend Watch the video Think about how this could change things in your practice
References Citizens Advice – Equality Act: w/discrimination_unlawful_conduct_e/ge18_duty_to_ make_reasonable_adjustments_for_people_with_dis abilities.htm w/discrimination_unlawful_conduct_e/ge18_duty_to_ make_reasonable_adjustments_for_people_with_dis abilities.htm SignHealth: Our health in your hands card: Interpreter now: NRCPD interpreter search page