Module 2 Exchange and transport Measuring lung capacity
Learning Objectives Success Criteria Understand how to measure lung capacity To be able to label a spirometer trace (PSHE LINK:SMOKING, FITNESS, LUNG CAPACITY) Define the terms tidal volume and vital capacity (Grade E - D) Describe how a spirometer can be used to measure vital capacity, tidal volume, breathing rate and oxygen uptake (Grade C –B) Analyse and interpret data from a spirometer (Grade B – A)
Peak flow meter Measure the peak expiratory flow rate (maximum flow of air that can be forced out of the lungs). This can show if the airway is blocked in any way. Used by asthmatics who can check to see if medication is working. A “normal” value should be between dm 3 min -1 Starter – Measure your peak flow using a peak flow meter
Spirometer and lung volume A spirometer consists of a chamber filled with oxygen that floats on water. A person breathes from a mouthpiece attached to a tube connected to the chamber. Breathing in takes in oxygen from the chamber, which then sinks down Breathing out pushes air into the chamber, which then floats up. These movements are recorded using a data logger, so a trace is recorded. Soda lime – absorbs carbon dioxide exhaled, if the level increases dangerously. So the total volume of gas in the spirometer goes down. The volume of carbon dioxide breathed out is the same as the volume of oxygen breathed in, so this reduction can be measured allowing us to work out the total oxygen. Describe how a spirometer can be used to measure vital capacity, tidal volume, breathing rate and oxygen uptake (Grade C –B)
Spirometry Describe how a spirometer can be used to measure vital capacity, tidal volume, breathing rate and oxygen uptake (Grade C –B)
Spirometer trace – Label your diagram use page 50 Students in pairs to come up to the front to use the spirometer Define the terms tidal volume and vital capacity (Grade E - D)